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DiacriticCriticize is a text exploration and transformation tool. It operates by changing the selected text letter-by-letter, either by adding random diacritic marks, by pulling random characters from not-so-common alphabets and text encodings, or both.

Inkscape Extensions

14,5 Kio
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General Public License v3 (GPLv3)


Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

That must be similar to the stock extension Alphabet Soup, right?

paulidealiste a écrit le  :

Well only superficially, since the AlphabetSoup extension is way more complex than this one, albeit it was a direct inspiration for DiacriticCriticize. AlphabetSoup relies on the linguistic theory (tree of syntactic rules) and computational references to the letter shape, along with the hand-drawn letters and combing symbols as stated here https://theory.org/artprojects/alphabetsoup/main.html, so it can remain in type. DiacriticCriticize only exploits the UTF-8 symbols (the existing ones) and combines them in random ways, often producing too jumbled-a-result, but, I hope, useful for artistic exploration.

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

Ah, interesting! Thank you for explaining the difference, Paul!

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