DiacriticCriticize is a text exploration and transformation tool. It operates by changing the selected text letter-by-letter, either by adding random diacritic marks, by pulling random characters from not-so-common alphabets and text encodings, or both.
That must be similar to the stock extension Alphabet Soup, right?
Well only superficially, since the AlphabetSoup extension is way more complex than this one, albeit it was a direct inspiration for DiacriticCriticize. AlphabetSoup relies on the linguistic theory (tree of syntactic rules) and computational references to the letter shape, along with the hand-drawn letters and combing symbols as stated here https://theory.org/artprojects/alphabetsoup/main.html, so it can remain in type. DiacriticCriticize only exploits the UTF-8 symbols (the existing ones) and combines them in random ways, often producing too jumbled-a-result, but, I hope, useful for artistic exploration.
Ah, interesting! Thank you for explaining the difference, Paul!