








Forged with community feedback.

About Screen Contest

429,1 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz escreveu :

Cool Idea, Cool Name. Maybe you can improve it using clones. Also a smooth icons could be great. You can improve it till the selection start. Also a good noise filter could made it more real.
Good work!

Peter Mil escreveu :

Unfortunately every key is slightly different due to perspective so it's much easier to work with duplicates rather than clones without access to individual nodes.
I tried to keep it as simple as possible. Noise would be great. I thought about applying a depth-of-field effect with focus on the logo and writings but I've seen there were no about screens that complex yet. I'm afraid of using too many filters. These look nice but extend the render time by quite a bit and the contest rules state it has to be light-weight.

I have no idea what do you mean by "a smooth icons". I'm just a hobbyist learning and having fun in the process.

brynn escreveu :

Amazing! At first I thought was a photo!

brynn escreveu :

(Hhm, my comment disappeared....)

Amazing! At first I thought was a photo! Really nice concept!

I would only suggest moving the "Draw" key over to the blank one on the right, next to "Freely", and put the Inkscape logo on its place. Or maybe leave it alone, and put the logo on the blank key between "Draw" and "Freely"? Just a thought :-)

Peter Mil escreveu :

There is no blank key. The Inkscape logo is located where the win key would be. It sometimes does not appear on the preview for some reason. It's definitely there in the svg and can be clearly seen on the thumbnail.

Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz escreveu :

OK In my first look some keys are too similar! Forget me. About the smooth, you have in the SVG some "shape-rendering:crispEdges" that broke the final smooth look,

Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz escreveu :

About the inkscape logo, you have applied a filter "#filter6017-3" to it and this filter is not defined on document, maybe is the problem.

Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz escreveu :

About the noise, you can create a pattern of noise and put it covering the whole picture. this is faster than a filter I think. You also can add a mask to it do simulate distance.

brynn escreveu :

Strange that the logo doesn't show up on the website..... I don't see any reason for it. It's just a simple path.

Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz escreveu :

brynn, it has a filter applied not defined in "defs"

Peter Mil escreveu :

I've removed the fantom filter off the logo (should be visible on the site) and got rid of the crispEdges.
Additionally there's a subtle noise now through a simple overlay.

Daniel escreveu :

Excellent job done. I like the idea and it`s very well executed.

My remark would go for positioning of the web address. Seems unnatural to me / perhaps to line it up with the left edge of the keys? Or perhaps to put it on "front" (not the top side but the other) side of the space bar?

Also, it would be VERY cool if you could match actual shortcuts and tools. In that case I`ll even step aside of this contest and simply vote for this one. Now, if you might also consider using a few drops of color on this one - I`ll just have to ask what`s your favorite refreshment and how to make it available to you afterwards ,)))

Peter Mil escreveu :

I have indeed been thinking on putting the icons on corresponding buttons however there are buttons with no functions assigned (Y, F, G, H...), functions with no icon (Q - quick zoom) or multiple buttons assigned to the same function (F1 or S for select tool). Becouse of that I tried to group them somewhat thematically. Relocating them is not an issue at all. Just takes some time to redo the perspective. Tho I have no idea how to deal with mentioned inconsistencies.

As for the web adress the side of the keyboard may be more suitable. In fact on the keyboard this was modeled after the branding was on the left side.

Regarding color I've been thinking on switching the hue of the win key to make the logo stand out. That is the key that could benefit from attracting the eye. This would also put some contrast into the picture.

Peter Mil escreveu :

Web adress has been relocated.
The Ink key is now red.

I'm out of ideas for the icons tho.

Daniel escreveu :

Looks very nice.

You got me surprised with the choice of color, but it does look smooth. I can`t be sure but I think Inkscape (a general) goes for the orange as a secondary color / perhaps that would be a better match, to stay within the "brand"?

Regarding the web address...
What I called unnatural is just the matter of alignment. It could easily stay where it was, but I think the more proper alignment would be to follow left edge of keys, and centered along the horizontal axis of the remaining space at the bottom. As is, looks just fine. Still, after all these lines - have you tried to put it horizontally, in that same upper right corner? Again, the branding thing...

About keys and shortcuts....
I think leaving the unassigned keys as letters would also look nice. I think it would be even more convincing to the viewer as a proper reference to shortcuts where it also implies "professional" approach to working in Inkscape.

Kudos for excellent work!

Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz escreveu :

Great work!

Peter Mil escreveu :

Ink key is now orange.

Icons now represent shortcuts (F, Y, J, 7, 8 and 9 left unassigned).

You can now chose one of three locations for the adress A, B or C. I'm confused a bit about this one.

Daniel escreveu :

I took a liberty to play with your file and here`s a screenshot.

To me, your orange looks more like gold. I took a reference from this page, in the upper right corner, you may find "support us" button with the orange lettering. As for the three position - I took the lower one with the slightly different approach (two shapes, tight mismatch).

Now, there`s a saying: no arguing about the taste and fonts, but perhaps some simpler linear font is more common on keyboards? Care to add a little bump on the "f" key as well? ,)

There was one thing I`m quite curious about - how did you change labels/names of gradients? I`m using 48.5 if that might be a part of an explanation.

Peter Mil escreveu :

Orange is the new gold (if it's a part of the brand there should really be a sample somewhere).

Adress corrected, logo painted black and bumps dropped on K n J.

Fiddled with a few aesthetics and reapplied grain.

I scape in 0.91 and it's as simple as double clicking the name of the gradient but one can do that in any version via xml editor.

Maren Hachmann escreveu :

The color is part of the website design, made by Hinerangi a couple of years ago. There's nothing brand-related about that orange.

Maren Hachmann escreveu :

@Piotr: you should probably also update the thumbnail image - there, the key is still black. The thumbnail is what most 'voters' will see first, before they get to this page here.

Jorge Toledo escreveu :

Cool idea!

Maybe I would remove the signature from the cable (were it doesn't integrate well) and put it boldly over the background in one corner of the image. The tone of the background could be nicer too, looks a bit 'dirty' to me. Either make it full greyscale or a brighter/cleaner color to give some contrast.

Beyond those small details, I think this is one of the best entries, congrats!

Peter Mil escreveu :

There's been a few amazing vectors uploaded recently. The competition is very strong. We got some really incredible designs. Frankly I lost some of my confidence (The support is great though. I appreciate that.)

As for mine there's still some cleanup to be done.

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