Inkscape to povray

svg2pov is a script for inkscape developed in python that exports svg paths to povray, the paths with stroke are exported as a series of cylinders and spheres with a radius equal to that established in the svg, the paths filled are exported as prisms objects. The border and fill color the are established in the svg file, including those with linear or radial gradients.

Inkscape Extensions

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All Rights Reserved ((C))


Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz escreveu :

Also no download

Torvalaar escreveu :

There seems to be an error on saving as "Povray Output" at least using latest Inkscape version,

"Traceback (most recent call last):
File "svg2pov.py", line 247, in <module>
File "C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions\inkex.py", line 268, in affect
File "svg2pov.py", line 138, in effect
h = inkex.unittouu(docRoot.xpath('@height',namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0])
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'unittouu'

When using "Only paths and shapes" it seems to work right.

brynn escreveu :

Jabiertxo, assuming you're looking to download the extension... Follow the outlink ("Link") (under copyright icon). Download ZIP file is near the bottom, between the video and comment form.

Maren Hachmann escreveu :

If anyone needs this:
Try if it works when you replace

h = inkex.unittouu(docRoot.xpath('@height',namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0])


h = self.unittouu(docRoot.xpath('@height',namespaces=inkex.NSS)[0])

see http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Release_notes/0.91#Units:_Breaking_change for more info.

Nishandh Mayiladan escreveu :

Found these downloadable versions here, from the author (I am yet to use ) :


There are download links for version 1 and 2 also, but all these appears to be first published in year 2016

Thanks to the author for the efforts !

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