1. == Meeting Sept 29th ==
  2. Sep 29 12:03:37 <karenesq> are we all up for a meeting again? :D
  3. Sep 29 12:07:07 <bryce> hi karenesq
  4. Sep 29 12:08:18 <bryce> karenesq, not sure whether others will be coming... missing it last week may have thrown some folks off
  5. Sep 29 12:08:37 <karenesq> ah that's too bad!
  6. Sep 29 12:09:14 * karenesq hopes she didn't kill the momentum
  7. Sep 29 12:09:51 <Tavmjong> hi bryce and karnesq, I am here.
  8. Sep 29 12:10:00 <bryce> hi Tav
  9. Sep 29 12:10:32 <bryce> I've gotten my action item done to post fundraising policy - http://inkscape.org/ it's under Contribute : Funded Development
  10. Sep 29 12:10:38 <karenesq> hi Tavmjong!
  11. Sep 29 12:10:47 <Tavmjong> Hi y'all.
  12. Sep 29 12:11:16 <Tavmjong> We've discussed having two hacking sessions. The first, a small, invitation only session at RedHat outside of Boston.
  13. Sep 29 12:11:37 <Tavmjong> This would be focused on GTK issues as the RedHat experts can help us there.
  14. Sep 29 12:11:41 <bryce> however in re-reading it I don't think that policy would apply for what we're discussing here.
  15. Sep 29 12:12:23 <Tavmjong> Then we would have the main hacking session at LGM (or Boston proper).
  16. Sep 29 12:12:54 <karenesq> bryce: typo: "ype-We"
  17. Sep 29 12:13:26 <karenesq> bryce: also, you'll probably want to call it the Inkscape fund at Conservancy, rather than Inkscape Foundation, I think that's confusing
  18. Sep 29 12:14:02 <karenesq> col Tavmjong, would the invite only session be scheduled around LGM or at a different time
  19. Sep 29 12:14:03 <karenesq> ?
  20. Sep 29 12:14:17 <bryce> karenesq, thanks
  21. Sep 29 12:14:46 <Tavmjong> In January as RedHat is hosting a Fedora meeting at the same time (and it reduces their organizing overhead).
  22. Sep 29 12:15:01 <LiamW> <unrelated>bryce: in r7336, KK removed too much from the list of static libraries. That's what I referred to by "when did the codebase stop using libraries"</unrelated>
  23. Sep 29 12:15:14 <Tavmjong> Getting a more formal proposal out is on my agenda for tomorrow.
  24. Sep 29 12:16:14 <bryce> Tavmjong, I think it's a great idea; my main question would be the cost, and if we'd be able to cover that with fundraising.
  25. Sep 29 12:17:33 <Tavmjong> Possibly. We need to identify who would go more clearly. Two of our most active developers in the GTK area probably can't make it.
  26. Sep 29 12:18:02 <karenesq> I see there's also reference to the board of directors, bryce. I wonder- is that the term you've been using? I think that's probably confusing too
  27. Sep 29 12:19:01 <karenesq> great if it can be cost effective to do it with the fedora meeting. Would that help cover the costs of a good number of developers?
  28. Sep 29 12:19:57 <Tavmjong> RedHat may be able to contribute more by doing it at the Fedora meeting.
  29. Sep 29 12:20:14 <karenesq> otherwise, bryce it looks good! I wonder if it's more complicated than it needs to be but if that's what folks are comfortable with then...
  30. Sep 29 12:20:55 <Tavmjong> They've also already negotiated things like reduced hotel rates.
  31. Sep 29 12:21:00 <bryce> karenesq, yeah it ended up more complicated than I wanted
  32. Sep 29 12:21:14 <karenesq> that's a good point Tavmjong
  33. Sep 29 12:21:21 <karenesq> when is that fedora meeting?
  34. Sep 29 12:22:31 <Tavmjong> Don't know the exact dates, end of January.
  35. Sep 29 12:22:58 <karenesq> oh ok so that works out well timing wise for having two meetings
  36. Sep 29 12:23:05 <karenesq> how many people wouldn't be covered?
  37. Sep 29 12:23:34 <Tavmjong> We're not that far along in planning.
  38. Sep 29 12:24:18 <karenesq> got it Tavmjong, I'm just wondering about the scope of fundraising
  39. Sep 29 12:26:00 <karenesq> so maybe we find out a little more info? We've got another month before we have to be sure to contact companies for next year's budget
  40. Sep 29 12:27:33 <Tavmjong> The Redhat meeting would be rather small so not too demanding on our budget, especially if Redhat contributes.
  41. Sep 29 12:28:34 <karenesq> ah Tavmjong, I was just wondering the scope of how much we gain from the RH meeting :)
  42. Sep 29 12:28:50 <karenesq> and will there be more people there than say, FOSDEM
  43. Sep 29 12:28:57 <karenesq> and where do most people live?
  44. Sep 29 12:29:32 <Tavmjong> The Redhat meeting has the advantage that their are Redhat GTK experts who can help us with some fundamental issues.
  45. Sep 29 12:29:43 <Tavmjong> s/their/there/
  46. Sep 29 12:29:58 <Tavmjong> They've already volunteered to help us.
  47. Sep 29 12:30:08 <LiamW> we need gtk experts all right
  48. Sep 29 12:30:21 <LiamW> abuse, abuse abuse! abuse of their APIs everywhere
  49. Sep 29 12:30:27 <bryce> and those specific people apparently wouldn't be available to attend LGM
  50. Sep 29 12:31:02 <Tavmjong> The Mac OSX port has some fundamental problems with how GTK is being abused, if I understand LiamW and su_v correctly.
  51. Sep 29 12:31:09 <karenesq> is that the same time as the GNOME GTK+ hackfest?
  52. Sep 29 12:32:25 <Tavmjong> Its a Fedora Design team hackfest.
  53. Sep 29 12:33:15 <karenesq> heh my GNOME cred means I can probably get somebody to help if we need. Some of the GTK+ experts are in SF and London too
  54. Sep 29 12:34:29 <Tavmjong> LiamW, can you put together a list of GTK issues we are having? I know Krzysztof too had some issues.
  55. Sep 29 12:34:45 <LiamW> Tavmjong: will do
  56. Sep 29 12:34:51 <LiamW> it won't be complete, for sure
  57. Sep 29 12:35:09 <Tavmjong> LiamW, but it's a start! Thanks!
  58. Sep 29 12:35:16 <karenesq> ok, well that makes sense anyway, depending on how many people we need to bring to the event
  59. Sep 29 12:35:23 <karenesq> and where they are
  60. Sep 29 12:36:14 <Tavmjong> It also depends on who is available...
  61. Sep 29 12:36:26 <ryanlerch> Tavmjong, have you been talking to Mo Duffy about the Fedora Design / Inkscape hackfest collab?
  62. Sep 29 12:36:46 <Tavmjong> Martin has been.
  63. Sep 29 12:37:06 <bryce> doctormon, (meeting ping if you're around)
  64. Sep 29 12:37:24 <ryanlerch> sorry for jumping in the meeting :/
  65. Sep 29 12:37:34 <bryce> ryanlerch, not at all, welcome!
  66. Sep 29 12:39:14 <karenesq> right Tavmjong
  67. Sep 29 12:39:26 <karenesq> :D
  68. Sep 29 12:39:51 <karenesq> we should do some brainstorming with Mo on funding too, she's pretty amazing
  69. Sep 29 12:41:07 <bryce> karenesq, perhaps you can invite her next week?
  70. Sep 29 12:41:19 <karenesq> oh great idea bryce!
  71. Sep 29 12:41:27 * karenesq goes to do that
  72. Sep 29 12:41:38 <bryce> karenesq, on the topic of general fundraising from the userbase, do you have specific ideas/suggestions? Like, should we use kickstarter, or...?
  73. Sep 29 12:41:54 <karenesq> bryce: we should find out who is using
  74. Sep 29 12:42:05 <bryce> and are there action items we should take this meeting to start organizing getting that stuff set up
  75. Sep 29 12:42:20 <karenesq> like are there companies and institutions who are using inkscape as part of their business/mission?
  76. Sep 29 12:42:48 <karenesq> because any fundraising will need this information to be relevant
  77. Sep 29 12:42:54 <bryce> karenesq, howso?
  78. Sep 29 12:42:56 <karenesq> in addition to contacts for direct fundraising
  79. Sep 29 12:43:17 <karenesq> bryce: because it makes the ask more poignant
  80. Sep 29 12:43:29 <karenesq> bryce: by supporting us you are also supporting X, Y and Z
  81. Sep 29 12:44:13 <bryce> oh, I see. so not that we're looking for deep pockets but rather we're looking for how we fit in the larger social network
  82. Sep 29 12:45:52 <bryce> karenesq, well inkscape is included with most Linux distributions, and is used for a whole mess of different things by end users
  83. Sep 29 12:47:03 <karenesq> bryce: but having a list of where in particular Inkscape is being used... that makes a big difference
  84. Sep 29 12:47:06 <bryce> probably biggest use is by web designers and for printing. There have been a few publishers that used all FOSS tools including inkscape for designing their print materials, but I think they're OOB now.
  85. Sep 29 12:47:26 <karenesq> saying it's packaged with Debian, Fedora, Ubuntu, etc. doesn't actually say much
  86. Sep 29 12:48:19 <ryanlerch> i know the GNOME designers use it heavily -- is that one to add to the list? or looking for something more commercial?
  87. Sep 29 12:48:36 <bryce> ScislaC, ping? you were going to compile a list of companies iirc?
  88. Sep 29 12:49:12 <Tavmjong> bryce, we should announce the funding effort on Inkscape's g+ page... (17,000 followers)
  89. Sep 29 12:49:15 <doctormon> Hi
  90. Sep 29 12:49:52 <bryce> Tavmjong, good idea, we should add that task to the wiki
  91. Sep 29 12:49:59 <karenesq> that's definitely one to add to the list ryanlerch
  92. Sep 29 12:50:14 <Tavmjong> bryce, I can do it.
  93. Sep 29 12:50:18 <doctormon> Sorry I'm late... or rather I was here sitting at my computer completely oblivious to the conversation happening in the background of this window.
  94. Sep 29 12:50:18 <karenesq> public good is great like even knowing that it's used in academic institutions or schools
  95. Sep 29 12:50:24 <bryce> heya doctormon see above for some Q's for you
  96. Sep 29 12:50:42 <karenesq> companies would be good to hit up for direct funding
  97. Sep 29 12:50:58 <karenesq> in addition to drawing attention to how useful inkscape is
  98. Sep 29 12:51:31 <doctormon> karenesq: Is it good to have that sort of sponsorship noted on the website's front page? Or should we hide it on a supporters page?
  99. Sep 29 12:51:34 <bryce> karenesq, there have been a few cutter machines that have asked to ship inkscape with their products (which I told them was fine under the GPL). don't know if they actually did, but that could be checked on I suppose.
  100. Sep 29 12:52:03 <doctormon> bryce: No questions identified in the backlog. There's a sense feedback on the status of RedHat hackfest collab but not sure.
  101. Sep 29 12:52:45 <bryce> doctormon, I was referring to this bit which I think is for you: <ryanlerch> Tavmjong, have you been talking to Mo Duffy about the Fedora Design / Inkscape hackfest collab?
  102. Sep 29 12:52:45 <bryce> <Tavmjong> Martin has been.
  103. Sep 29 12:53:22 <karenesq> doctormon, we can list supporters of inkscape on the main webpage if that sounds good to people
  104. Sep 29 12:53:30 <karenesq> it's a good incentive to donate
  105. Sep 29 12:53:39 <karenesq> but otherwise I would put it on a sponsorship page
  106. Sep 29 12:54:32 <bryce> +1 to a sponsorship page. highlighting them on the donations page might be fine too. But I think we don't want to overclutter the home page
  107. Sep 29 12:56:23 <bryce> karenesq, ScislaC has the task to collect a list of companies but unfortunately appears to not be present for the meeting. So for now assume that list exists. What other tasks would be needed for setting up general fundraising?
  108. Sep 29 12:56:39 <karenesq> ok so we can pick it up for next week.
  109. Sep 29 12:56:50 <karenesq> bryce: we need to right promotional content
  110. Sep 29 12:56:54 <karenesq> s/right/write
  111. Sep 29 12:57:43 <karenesq> and maybe a video if anyone has it in them
  112. Sep 29 12:58:30 <karenesq> but the content is the most important part
  113. Sep 29 12:58:32 <doctormon> bryce: Yourself, tav and Josh have been copied on all information since. No updates afterwards.
  114. Sep 29 12:58:54 <doctormon> I think we should make sure there are people who can interact on a Gtk level for the RedHat hackfest to work.
  115. Sep 29 12:59:24 <Tavmjong> doctormo, that is exactly my concern.
  116. Sep 29 12:59:25 <doctormon> Of course I don't mind talking to the designers about improving design. But I think you have some more technical issues which will need inkscape-side experts on hand.
  117. Sep 29 12:59:29 <bryce> I can draft up some initial promotional stuff so we have something to throw darts at next week.
  118. Sep 29 12:59:44 <Tavmjong> Oooh, I love darts.
  119. Sep 29 12:59:57 <bryce> I bet someone would be up for doing a video, but not I
  120. Sep 29 13:00:29 <doctormon> also: don't post to users about fundraising until we have a campaign. G+ inkscape-users@ twitter dA, the website propper. These should all be activated when we're ready to collect money.
  121. Sep 29 13:01:06 <bryce> doctormon, yeah that's why we're adding as a task to wiki to do at kickoff
  122. Sep 29 13:01:13 <Tavmjong> doctormon, I think we could get some good feedback about what to collect money for from our fans.
  123. Sep 29 13:01:30 <bryce> Tavmjong, wait what?
  124. Sep 29 13:01:43 <karenesq> agree about not posting anything until we launch a campaign
  125. Sep 29 13:01:59 <doctormon> Tavmjong: We don't need fans, we need users ;-) plus we already have a long list of items to do that know will guarentee a better experence for all users.
  126. Sep 29 13:02:51 <doctormon> Proper fanatics are probably subscribed to the devel list and are likely taking part in this chat *right now*
  127. Sep 29 13:02:59 <bryce> heh
  128. Sep 29 13:03:19 <Tavmjong> That would be a bit disappointing if we only have four fanatics.
  129. Sep 29 13:04:10 <doctormon> Tavmjong: We have lots of users but a lot of lack of user engadgement. Making fans out of users is a useful task, but one for after we have their attention.
  130. Sep 29 13:05:14 <bryce> karenesq, oh one thing to consider in doing a campaign is having a new Inkscape release out. I think the release itself will stir up a lot of interest.
  131. Sep 29 13:05:15 <ryanlerch> bryce, i have someone i could ping that might be interested in helping with a video.
  132. Sep 29 13:05:25 <bryce> ryanlerch, excellent
  133. Sep 29 13:05:49 <karenesq> great idea bryce!
  134. Sep 29 13:05:57 <karenesq> cool ryanlerch
  135. Sep 29 13:06:08 <Tavmjong> According to our new "Inkscape Funded Develomemnt Model" anybody can start an official fundraiser. Why not one of our 17,000 g+ followers?
  136. Sep 29 13:06:43 <karenesq> Tavmjong, why not do the first one with a bang
  137. Sep 29 13:06:44 <karenesq> ?
  138. Sep 29 13:07:00 <Tavmjong> OK, but then lets get it going.
  139. Sep 29 13:07:02 <bryce> karenesq, ok so we have action items manned for company list, prelim promo content, and pinging video helpers. What other tasks are there?
  140. Sep 29 13:07:49 <doctormon> bryce: I wanted to ask you about putting a way for announcements to be put tastefully into the release such that users could be made aware of our fundraising.
  141. Sep 29 13:08:17 <bryce> karenesq, in particular I'm curious about the donation money collection system itself; where do we direct deposits and is there any technical work we need done to set that up?
  142. Sep 29 13:08:27 <karenesq> I think that's a lot for this week bryce. I still have my action item of pinging RH and Google about event sponsorship ,which I think I'll still wait until there's more info on
  143. Sep 29 13:08:47 <doctormon> (also some debian people I met are unhappy about having such an old release, so from them: please make a new release, whatever you have, release it)
  144. Sep 29 13:09:00 <karenesq> bryce; we can either set up our own hosted donation using paypal the way that pypy is doing no
  145. Sep 29 13:09:17 <karenesq> or we can use a third party like indiegogo and have the funds transfered to Conservancy
  146. Sep 29 13:09:40 <karenesq> also if there's a release at the same time as the fundraiser we can probably generate some press interest
  147. Sep 29 13:09:45 <karenesq> I bet LWN would be interested
  148. Sep 29 13:09:56 <doctormon> Possible interest: http://zipfelchappe.readthedocs.org/en/latest/
  149. Sep 29 13:10:11 <ryanlerch> i can promote on inkscapetuts and fedoramagazine too
  150. Sep 29 13:10:23 <bryce> karenesq, *nod* I think we should be able to handle timing things so they go together.
  151. Sep 29 13:11:07 <karenesq> what do we think the timing is on all of this?
  152. Sep 29 13:12:04 <doctormon> karenesq: We have a history of avoiding deadlines like a new college student who's just discovered quake for the first time.
  153. Sep 29 13:12:19 <karenesq> haha
  154. Sep 29 13:12:26 <bryce> yeah as a project we're quite slow
  155. Sep 29 13:12:30 <karenesq> how about an aspirational goal? :)
  156. Sep 29 13:12:37 <doctormon> And I'm very unsure about the release. It's rolling along, but not firmly deadlined.
  157. Sep 29 13:12:54 <bryce> for the release we still need time for translators to do their work, which puts us out at least a month
  158. Sep 29 13:13:24 <bryce> doctormon, too many release tasks not enough volunteers :-/
  159. Sep 29 13:13:27 <doctormon> But things not dependant on that... can probably go ok. hackfest for Jan in Boston if we can get a confirmed inkscape devel to attend. LGM for everyone else.
  160. Sep 29 13:14:22 <bryce> I'd like to see the release done by Thanksgiving, or prior to Christmas more realistically. Off chance of it being early spring.
  161. Sep 29 13:15:01 <doctormon> bryce: the first task of a big task list is to manage the task list. The second is to hand out tasks so people don't step on each other's toes and are granted veneer permission to do the work. But that's what I would do.
  162. Sep 29 13:15:03 <bryce> anyway, we can talk more about that in a future meeting
  163. Sep 29 13:15:46 <bryce> doctormon, right I think we come from the same school there ;-)
  164. Sep 29 13:15:51 <doctormon> agreed.
  165. Sep 29 13:16:04 <doctormon> So, about putting adverts into inkscape bryce ;-)
  166. Sep 29 13:16:28 <Tavmjong> I've got to go... talk to you all next time.
  167. Sep 29 13:16:32 <bryce> karenesq, ok thanks I think that gives us some good tasks to chew on. We can take reviewing indiegogo as homework.
  168. Sep 29 13:16:36 <doctormon> Thanks for the email Tav
  169. Sep 29 13:16:47 <bryce> next week maybe we can talk more about it vs. raw paypal.
  170. Sep 29 13:17:12 <karenesq> ok on ntiming, just keep me posted
  171. Sep 29 13:17:13 <bryce> doctormon, right, so what's your thinking?
  172. Sep 29 13:17:23 <karenesq> we can update next week :)
  173. Sep 29 13:17:38 <karenesq> I also need to go, I had a supposed hard stop 2 minutes ago ;)
  174. Sep 29 13:17:45 <bryce> karenesq, yep thanks!
  175. Sep 29 13:17:46 <karenesq> I'll stay logged on here to read what I've missed
  176. Sep 29 13:17:49 <karenesq> ok
  177. Sep 29 13:17:50 <doctormon> Thanks karenesq!
  178. Sep 29 13:17:56 <karenesq> :D
  179. == Post-Meeting ==
  180. Sep 29 13:21:39 <bryce> doctormon, I like your idea on the list of passing the hat around with the downloads
  181. Sep 29 13:21:58 <doctormon> bryce: Generating screenshot. standby
  182. Sep 29 13:22:43 <doctormon> bryce: http://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/704/
  183. Sep 29 13:23:08 <LiamW> <unrelated>does anyone have any comments about my source reorganization proposal? http://paste.debian.net/plain/123671</unrelated>
  184. Sep 29 13:23:24 <ryanlerch> doctormon, can we have a cartoon paperclip asking for donations? ;)
  185. Sep 29 13:23:44 <doctormon> ryanlerch: Sure, I'll add a build flag and you can add it for fedora ;-)
  186. Sep 29 13:23:54 <ryanlerch> \o/
  187. Sep 29 13:24:25 <ryanlerch> doctormon, do you know about the GNOME Boston summit next month?
  188. Sep 29 13:24:43 <doctormon> ryanlerch: Yes, it'll be at MIT again right? Will you be there?
  189. Sep 29 13:24:56 <ryanlerch> yeah, hopefully :)
  190. Sep 29 13:25:10 <ryanlerch> depends on baby behaving herself :)
  191. Sep 29 13:26:28 <doctormon> bryce: So the idea of the idea in the screenshot is that we'll have notifications we can show to users. Sometimes we might say "Inkscape is looking for programmers", other times for translators (detect language?) I'm curious about how intrustive and useful this kind of thing could be to us to increase post-download and re-distribution participation.
  192. Sep 29 13:26:47 <doctormon> ryanlerch: If you make it, you are invited to my house for drinks, food and bring some friends.
  193. Sep 29 13:27:09 <LiamW> > the idea of the idea
  194. Sep 29 13:27:11 <LiamW> the department of redundancy department sends warm regards
  195. Sep 29 13:27:40 <bryce> doctormon, yeah live notifications to users is a pretty sweet idea
  196. Sep 29 13:28:22 <bryce> obviously it'd need to be easily toggled on or off. Might even want to do something at first-use to let them choose to opt-in / opt-out of that
  197. Sep 29 13:28:24 <doctormon> LiamW: I didn't want to say 'inkling' of the idea
  198. Sep 29 13:29:04 <bryce> doctormon, you're right we'd need to be *very* careful of the messaging to avoid being too intrusive
  199. Sep 29 13:29:05 <doctormon> bryce: A first start "Welcome to inkscape" could be a useful way to prompt users to turn it off or visit the website for tutorials.
  200. Sep 29 13:29:54 <doctormon> So a question is: How should notifications be downloaded?
  201. Sep 29 13:30:01 <bryce> doctormon, like with wikipedia's fundraising banners, it really gives me a poor taste in my mouth to see the project constantly panhandling
  202. Sep 29 13:30:06 <doctormon> The website side is trivial from inkscape.org
  203. Sep 29 13:31:01 <doctormon> bryce: I agree, the tastefulness and I think the amount of positivity that can be incorperated into the message is important. Wikipedia goes with the: "Donate OR ELSE" message, which isn't that positive and doesn't say much about what it wants to do going forward.
  204. Sep 29 13:31:16 <bryce> doctormon, well best performance comes from static files so could it be just a JSON file that apache can easily cache and serve?
  205. Sep 29 13:31:41 <doctormon> We could test it in an RC before release. Run some tests on resonses.
  206. Sep 29 13:31:48 <doctormon> responses*
  207. Sep 29 13:32:43 <bryce> doctormon, my rule of thumb with political donation requesters is: Are they giving me actual useful information and treating me like a voter that makes informed decisions, or are they trying to scare monger me and treating me like a sheep to be herded and fleeced?
  208. Sep 29 13:33:13 <doctormon> bryce: nginx is our http server. apache was junked because it's bad wsgi and mod_python support.
  209. Sep 29 13:33:27 <bryce> I'll give attention to the former, but the latter goes in the recycling bin directly. The former is pretty rare though so hasn't made much of a dent on my bank account. ;-)
  210. Sep 29 13:33:53 <bryce> doctormon, oh. I'm not at all familiar with nginx
  211. Sep 29 13:34:19 <doctormon> Perhaps the website could require 3 board members to approve the message and must be submitted 2 weeks or more before the date of show. the json file could just sit there and wait for the right time to show?
  212. Sep 29 13:35:11 <doctormon> We could do that mechanically if it sounds good. No need for a policy or anything.
  213. Sep 29 13:35:14 <bryce> doctormon, so in this line of thinking, I would actually say we should *never* directly fundraise through this in-app notifier. Just focus on giving the user the best possible information, and treat them like a good user who will go find the donation link themselves when they feel we've earned their money.
  214. Sep 29 13:35:32 <bryce> doctormon, sounds good
  215. Sep 29 13:35:49 <bryce> doctormon, I'd go with a board majority (which is 4 members) just to keep it logical
  216. Sep 29 13:36:28 <doctormon> bryce: So you might say: "Help inkscape" rather that "Give inkscape money" or, "Contribute to Inkscape" and have fundraising links have contribution information too, (because all fundraising is going to need people doing things)
  217. Sep 29 13:37:14 <doctormon> Well the direct wording is something we don't have to ponder today, that'll be for the board to mull over when the time is right.
  218. Sep 29 13:37:20 <bryce> doctormon, right
  219. Sep 29 13:37:21 <doctormon> For now, a capability is needed.
  220. Sep 29 13:38:58 <doctormon> Does anyone know any good C++ programmers for hire? I'm seriously thinking about funding this myself.
  221. Sep 29 13:39:02 <bryce> doctormon, in general we will want to "hide" our asks inside offers to show them how to get stuff done. So instead of "Please do this for us" we'd want to phrase it as "Here's how you can improve Inkscape"
  222. Sep 29 13:39:50 <bryce> doctormon, we need that funded development infrastructure ;-)
  223. Sep 29 13:40:48 <bryce> doctormon, on second thought instead of JSON might be better to do XML. inkscape already includes a good XML parser. No need to shoehorn in a JSON library too
  224. Sep 29 13:41:27 <doctormon> bryce: Deliver it in an svg file complete with little graphics of a guy with a begging bowl ;-)
  225. Sep 29 13:41:37 <bryce> doctormon, :-D
  226. Sep 29 13:45:48 <bryce> doctormon, perhaps the xml file could be stored in the user's ~/.local/share/inkscape (or whereever we store user-local palettes and so on), and load it from there. Maybe with some separate wget process to update the file once and a while. That might be more implementationally flexible than having a network operation being done by inkscape itself. Not sure.
  227. Sep 29 13:46:47 <doctormon> One of the targets is windows and mac users, such a thing would have to work on those platforms too.
  228. Sep 29 13:46:56 <doctormon> Is there any network activity from inkscape currently?
  229. Sep 29 13:47:04 <bryce> doctormon, right.
  230. Sep 29 13:47:28 <bryce> doctormon, we did some of that with inkboard, so the code might exist somewhere.
  231. Sep 29 13:47:57 <bryce> but I think the only network activity it causes is the hyperlinks in the help menu, and those just handoff to the external web browser
  232. Sep 29 13:48:21 <bryce> oh wait, duh, there's also the openclipart library thingee
  233. Sep 29 13:48:36 <doctormon> bryce: good idea! Mutating C++ into a hideious monster I can do. It'll certainly help knowing it's been done before.
  234. Sep 29 13:48:53 <su_v> gvfs ...
  235. Sep 29 13:49:07 <su_v> (+ session dbus)
  236. Sep 29 13:49:11 <doctormon> gnome virtual file system?
  237. Sep 29 13:49:21 <su_v> yes (openclipart in trunk)
  238. Sep 29 13:49:33 <su_v> a real pain to package on OS X
  239. Sep 29 13:49:35 <doctormon> su_v: Does it work on all platforms?
  240. Sep 29 13:49:58 <su_v> needs multiple daemons running just for Inkscape (on a non-linux desktop and non-Windows OS)
  241. Sep 29 13:50:08 <bryce> doctormon, yeah so nevermind my concern there, just piggyback off the import clipart stuff
  242. Sep 29 13:50:24 <su_v> doctormon: apparently it works on Windows (I do not know - I don't have Windows to test)
  243. Sep 29 13:51:15 <bryce> doctormon, just make sure to not block startup on the network update. startup is slow enough as it is. :-)
  244. Sep 29 13:51:47 <doctormon> bryce: I'm already thinking about ways to make it not happen at startup.
  245. Sep 29 13:52:19 <bryce> doctormon, yeah gtk has some stuff for setting up idle tasks
  246. Sep 30 19:39:08 <karen> ryanlerch: I finally got to reading the backlog. I should have mentioned that if you get someone to do a video I could probably do a voiceover for it, if you wanted. I did the GNOME release videos recently and they've gotten great feedback (also my husband's a recording engineer so we've got fancy microphones)
  247. Oct 01 06:37:40 <ryanlerch> karen, for the video, we are just thinking a promo video for inkscape in general, not specific to the new release?
  248. Oct 01 06:37:56 <karen> ryanlerch: I don't know actually
  249. Oct 01 06:38:12 <karen> ryanlerch: if we're timing it to the new release, then that's not a bad way to go
  250. Oct 01 12:54:02 <karen> hey can we change our monday meeting to wednesday next week so mo can participate?
  251. Oct 01 14:23:04 <ScislaC> karen: I'd be fine with that, I can send a message to the devel list asking others if you'd like.
  252. Oct 01 14:24:32 <karen> thanks ScislaC :)
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Board Meeting - September 29, 2014

== Meeting Sept 29th ==

Sep 29 12:03:37 <karenesq> are we all up for a meeting again? :D
Sep 29 12:07:07 <bryce> hi karenesq
Sep 29 12:08:18 <bryce> karenesq, not sure whether others will be coming... missing it last week may have thrown some folks off
Sep 29 12:08:37 <karenesq> ah that's too bad!
Sep 29 12:09:14 * karenesq hopes she didn't kill the momentum
Sep 29 12:09:51 <Tavmjong> hi bryce and karnesq, I am here.
Sep 29 12:10:00 <bryce> hi Tav
Sep 29 12:10:32 <bryce> I've gotten my action item done to post fundraising policy - http://inkscape.org/ it's under Contribute : Funded Development
Sep 29 12:10:38 <karenesq> hi Tavmjong!
Sep 29 12:10:47 <Tavmjong> Hi y'all.
Sep 29 12:11:16 <Tavmjong> We've discussed having two hacking sessions. The first, a small, invitation only session at RedHat outside of Boston.
Sep 29 12:11:37 <Tavmjong> This would be focused on GTK issues as the RedHat experts can help us there.
Sep 29 12:11:41 <bryce> however in re-reading it I don't


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