





Creating Together

Here's grandma and her little grandchild, 'creating together' in Inkscape 1.3. This artwork was inspired by Inkscape's ease of use and accessibility, which this open-source software gives to its users. It also tries to illustrate the limitlessness by which Inkscape has become a great tool in graphics, even for this 15-year-old me! The new shape builder tool has made far easier and quicker boolean operations.

Hearty congratulations to the Inkscape developers and contributors who 'created together' this feat of 20 years, enabling us to draw freely!

Ubuntu font:

Euphoria Script Regular Extended:

About Screen Contest

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Sreya Saju a écrit le  :

Thank You!

Mihaela Jurković a écrit le  :

Many lovely details to discover here, thank you!

The perspective around the boy's position/angles seems a bit off, and conceptually I would love the grandma to be a bit more involved to suggest a stronger "raising generations" with Inkscape.

Sreya Saju a écrit le  :

Thank you for taking the time to review my work and provide feedback.
Yeah, regarding the perspective, I'm sure it requires more work, and I ended up skewing the laptop and the table to make the version and the interface visible as well, along with the child and his grandma.
Moreover, involving the grandma also seems to be a great idea. I'll explore ways to incorporate her more effectively while still maintaining a balanced composition. I'll surely consider these while making my future revisions :)

RobertsDaughter a écrit le  :

Very cute. Love this one.

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