





Blue and Yellow

par jifink

A blue and yellow inkscape logo for the 1.2 about screen contest, because there is no room for other colors in my mind right now.

fonts used:
Linux Libertine (
Euphoria Script (


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Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
m1981 a écrit le  :

Minimalist approach > why not !
IMHO this one could be more catchy with some color adjustments :
- Try for example #02A5DD for blue and #FECF6A for yellow
- Inkscape text turned in white should gain in readability and presence.

jifink a écrit le  :

Thank you for the comment! I'll stick to that particular blue and yellow, but tried to improve text integration...

Tim Jones a écrit le  :

Hi jifink

A very nice clean, striking design!

A few changes are needed.

1. Please add, Licence - CC Attribution-Share-alike in Document Properties

2. Add Your name and image title to the metadata tab in Document Properties.

3. Optional - Add your name or online handle to the image.

Contest Admin

jifink a écrit le  :

Thank you.
I did pay attention on that, but I just realize that "save as" discards the license and metadata information!

Licence and name in metadata are fixed now.

Thank you for your time and attention!

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

As our contest rules state that no political content is allowed - Inkscape is non-political - we may need to discuss in the upcoming meeting tonight whether we can admit this item for the contest.

This decision will not be related to any political opinions the project members themselves hold, and also not to the artistic quality of the piece.

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