








par Seyhan

I’ve been designing with Inkscape since 4 years now. It helped me to create a lot of creative stuff that I could earn money to create more.

I guess It’s the time to pay my duties back :)

Here, I present you one of the best of my works, “Simona”.

If you look her from distance, you will see the beauty and the simplicity of the Inkscape. If you look close enough, you will notice the complexity that creates the beauty of Simona is same as the work done by the developers that created the Inkscape.

I hope Simona will inspire the developers and the users for creating more and better.


Roboto, used for “Inkscape”, “0.92” and “drac”.

Atatürk, used for “Draw Freely.”

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Luis Uz a écrit le  :

Great job! By the way, how did you achieve the shadows in the individual triangles? I was trying to recreate it by duplicating a triangle and putting its blurred version behind it but I couldn't get the same effect you got!

Seyhan a écrit le  :

Thank you @Niarbypeels. In Inkscape, if you apply Drop Shadow filter for more than one object (grouped or ungrouped) that are separated (have distance to each other), they will have shadows individually.

But if there is no distance between those objects and they are grouped, they will act like a big single object and get shadowed as a whole.

In my case, I have very tiny distances between triangles, so they can have shadows individually.

Lazur a écrit le  :

To be fair the mentioned "shadows" at the edges of the rectangles are the result of a rendering issue -the alpha compositing and the anti-aliasing together produces semi-transparent subpixels and the background (dropshadow filter applied on the group) is showing through.

Can be avoided by overlapping the shapes; by switching off anti-aliasing or using a pixellize filter, or by a different compositing mode.
Never thought someone tried to produce the default -faulty- behave on purpose.

Seyhan a écrit le  :

Well, sometimes it's not a bug it's a feature. :)

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