







About 0.92 1[1]

ink drop dynamic diffusion in water and color dispersion, abstract.
- Edited thanks to Maren Hachmann.

About Screen Contest

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Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

Can you convert the text to path here, too? It looks broken for me, as I don't have the fonts installed.

artelnjeru01 a écrit le  :

Cool, let me do that and repost...

artelnjeru01 a écrit le  :

i hope that is better? :)

artelnjeru01 a écrit le  :

does this work? :)

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

Yes! Thank you! (I like the lense effects :) )

artelnjeru01 a écrit le  :

😊 perfect...what lens effects

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

Mmh ;-) I interpreted the white lighting effect on the Inkscape Logo, the bright circle in the top right corner and the bright spot on the dark aubergine part of the 'mesh' as lens effects... Maybe not, then ;-)

artelnjeru01 a écrit le  :

hahaha... i think you just gave it a cool name... dark aubergine lens effect :))

Mike Thomas-Faria a écrit le  :

Lovely abstract. Well done.

artelnjeru01 a écrit le  :

@Mike Thomas-Faria thankyou :)

Duarte Farrajota Ramos a écrit le  :

Really like both these entries, big a fan of abstract art

artelnjeru01 a écrit le  :

Thankyou Duarte

Caffenicotiak a écrit le  :

I really like this one. It's aesthetically very appealing, looks clean and professional and showcases the essence of what inkscape is about. Great work. Thank you!

artelnjeru01 a écrit le  :

Thankyou very much @Caffenicotiak :)

Landis a écrit le  :

very nice looking, but too 'mac' looking to be 'about inkscape', i think.

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

@artelnjeru01: both your works are in the developer voting round :)
See (you can follow the voting on the developer mailing list)

tygrum a écrit le  :

This logo what i want see!

artelnjeru01 a écrit le  :

😊 thankyou @Maren for the heads up...thankyou @tygrum!

keynes a écrit le  :

Love it !

HORVEY GUTIERREZ a écrit le  :

awesome dude!

JadziaDax a écrit le  :

This is an awesome graphic. Is there a tutorial on how to make this kind of 3D meshes with inkscape?

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

@JadziaDax Short desktop recording of how it works:

Claus a écrit le  :

How do you make those grids? The desktop recording only covers how to make parallel paths.

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

Claus, that's the same thing. Just make the paths a bit more convoluted to make them cross each other.

Sreekar Guddeti a écrit le  :

This drawing is very pleasing. Thanks @Maren Hachmann for referring the video tutorial :)

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