Download AppImage

In case of a 'Page not found' error: 

This happens sometimes when the latest Inkscape build has failed. In that case, you can either wait until someone has fixed the build, or find the latest successful build following these instructions:

  1. To find an AppImage file for the latest code contributions to the Inkscape development branch, visit the 'Jobs' section on gitlab.
  2. There, look for the topmost job where it says 'appimage:linux' in the 'Name' column, 'master' in the 'Job' column and 'passed' in the 'Status' column. This is the last job where an AppImage file for the development (master) branch was created.
  3. In the 'Job' column, click on the first link (the job number).
  4. On the page that opens, look into the section on the right, and select 'Browse' under the 'Job artifacts' header.
  5. Download the AppImage zip file.

How to use the AppImage file

  • Unzip the archived file
  • Right-click on it and select to edit its properties, or use a terminal to make it executable with
    chmod u+x <AppImage File>
  • 2. To start the AppImage, double-click on the file or use a terminal:
    cd <directory with AppImage File>
    ./<AppImage File>
  • 3. (optional) To use inkview, type:
    ./<AppImage File> inkview
  • Or create a symbolic link with:
    ln -s <AppImage File> inkview
  • 4. (optional) Then run inkview with: