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Inkscape 0.92 Beta está disponível para testadores!

O tão aguardado próximo lançamento do Inkscape está chegando! Hoje, o código-fonte para Inkscape-0.92pre2 (beta) foi disponibilizado para testadores e empacotadores em nosso site. Há muitas novas características para se descobrir e muitos problemas foram corrigidos.

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Fóruns Inkscape

O projeto Inkscape está cogitando criar um projeto de gerenciamento de fórum para o Inkscape. Para esta finalidade, o Conselho do Inkscape decidiu pela criação de um Comitê do Fórum, que irá explorar as opções disponíveis.

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Inkscape Website Privacy Policy

As the Inkscape website collects user data to be able to provide services like email notification, contests and display of user profiles and user galleries to you, the Inkscape Project has published a privacy policy for this website. The document explains how your user data will be handled. Please review the policy before you continue to use the website.

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O que aconteceu na Maratona de Programação 2016

A Maratona de Programação do Inkscape este ano realizou-se no Devonshire Hall, na Universidade de Leeds, no Reino Unido. O espaço de reunião foi um grande e antigo conjunto de edifícios, que acabou se tornando um belo cenário para melhorias do Inkscape.

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Inkscape Maratona de Programação 2016 em Leeds, Reino Unido

Os desenvolvedores do Inkscape se reunirão em abril de 2016 para uma maratona de programação em Leeds, Reino Unido, para discutir e trabalhar em pessoa no Inkscape. Para isso, precisamos de sua ajuda - por favor, apoiem os nossos esforços fazendo uma doação.

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Concurso de Design de Camiseta Openclipart e FOSSASIA

FOSSASIA e Openclipart estão lançando um concurso internacional para estudantes, artistas e designers criarem um gráfico para camiseta que representa “A Internet das coisas para mim.” O vencedor no 1º lugar do concurso ganhará um lápis FiftyThree e colocação de projeto final na camiseta oficial FOSSASIA 2016. Os gráficos dos segundo e terceiro colocados serão usados como elementos de design na festa principal da conferência no segundo dia do evento.

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New Website Features to bring the Community together

The software of the Inkscape website was recently updated to version 1.4 with a host of new features and critical updates for the website framework itself.

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Inkscape 2016 Executive Report

The Inkscape board met and decided on some key areas for the project's 2016 goals: a budget for expenditures and W3C participation, the hackfest organisation in Leeds, UK, and the confirmation of the licensing intent.

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Conservancy Supporter Fundraiser

The non-profit home of Inkscape, Software Freedom Conservancy, is in urgent need of your immediate support! Conservancy must move to a Supporter-driven organization so it can focus on critical free software issues that nobody else is tackling. Inkscape relies on Conservancy and we ask you to donate today: https://sfconservancy.org/supporter/

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Support our work on SVG standardization!

Did you know the Inkscape project is also involved in the W3C's (World Wide Web Consortium) work on standardization of the SVG file format? This important work does not only benefit you as an Inkscape user, but also everyone who is using SVG graphics on their website. Getting to in-person W3C meetups is costly, though - so we need your help to continue our work!

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New FSA with Software Freedom Conservancy

The Inkscape Board and the Software Freedom Conservancy (SFC) have agreed on a new Fiscal Sponsorship Agreement, which governs the management of Inkscape's funds and assets by the SFC.

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Two new members on the Inkscape Board

The Inkscape Project welcomes two new Board members! Krzysztof Kosiński and Martin Owens have been elected by the project's contributors to serve on the Inkscape Board. Their new duties are mainly of legal and financial nature - technical and social/community issues are currently handled by the contributor community as a whole.

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Inkscape Hackfest 2015

The inaugural Inkscape Hackfest was a resounding success! Besides loads of code, written both during the hackfest and what flowed in afterwards, on a wave of inspiration and motivation, the Roadmap was extended through the future, and long awaited, version 1.0, and even a little beyond.

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Inkscape Hackfest in Toronto underway

Inkscape developers are meeting in Toronto ahead of LGM for three days of intense coding and discussion.

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Inkscape developers need your help

Inkscape developers will meet in April 2015 for a hackfest in Toronto to discuss and work on Inkscape in person. For this, we need your help - please support our efforts by making a donation.

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