O que rolou na Inkscape Hackfest Kiel 2018?

A Hackfest desse ano, sediada em Kiel (Alemanha), Kiel foi uma das melhores; graças, em grade medida, à Maren Hachmann, que coordena o time de tradução do website inkscape.org. A seguir um resumo do que aconteceu nessa Hackfest...

Inkscape 2018 Kiel Hackfest Group Photo

Instalações e Facilidades

Sediada no (www.kitz-kiel.de), nosso time foi colocado numa sala de conferências cheia de petiscos, incluindo maçãs colhidas no pé, wifi, e conecções ethernet de alta velocidade, bem como um monte de lojas de alimentação e um serviço de entrega de comida. Isso permitiu aos participantes ajustarem tudo e ir direto ao ponto sem problemas. Máquinas de café e cápsulas recicláveis foram cedidas por C.Rogers como uma fonte importante de combustível na hackfest.


O Que Aconteceu na Hackfest?

O pessoal trabalhou numa série de questões, aqui vai uma lista:

Extra-Hackfest Activities

After hours group activities are key to a successful hackfest. While some of our developers were keen to work into the wee hours of the morning, we were able to get everyone out for a few official, and some unofficial group activities.

That Hackfest Vibe

The entire team gave glowing commendations to the event (and each other), and the vibe was pleasantly motivating with new participants commenting that the event had increased their sense of connection to the project, the community and boosted motivation to work on Inkscape after the event.

Post-Hackfest Activities

Video processing as well as some work started during the hackfest are ongoing even now. Stay tuned for the latest news from our dedicated team, and a possible Inkscape Podcast with interviews and discussions about the project.

Thank you!

We'd like to use the last section of this article to thank the Kitz for hosting us, and so generously sharing their resources with us Inkscapers. And we we want to thank you, our users and supporters, for playing a huge role in making this hackfest possible. Your donations helped get Inkscape developers to Kiel, and to be able to concentrate on working on Inkscape during the hackfest!

If you would like to support us in organizing future Inkscape hackfests, please donate here. So, until the next hackfest! Happy hacking!