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Lasercut Jigsaw

por Neon22

An extension for Inkscape that creates jigsaw shaped pieces. Options for back, and single-cut pieces. Creates a jigsaw puzzle for laser cutting.

- set dimensions in various units,
- number of pieces in X,Y,
- randomness and size of tabs,
- rounded corners, and a backing as an option.
- packed neatly for minimal cutting.

Uses minimal lines to optimize for laser cutting (e.g. when using packed backboard).

[Edited to work in Inkscape 1.0+]
[Install from "Manage Extensions" on Extensions Tab for a simpler life]
Review by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 2:05 PM

pytest coverage 0%
pylint score 0.36/10
Working in Inkscape 1.1 - 1.3

Inkscape Extensions

7,1 KB
General Public License v2 (GPLv2)


PBrooks56_Simmer4 escreveu :

Out of 2338 downloads, not one comment or thank you or you rock.....besides other things. well, I do know it is time and effort taken out of your day to create so, I am saying thank you for your time and sharing, even if I haven't found a use for this download...yet. Have a great day, week and month.

PBrooks56_Simmer4 escreveu :

Out of 1000's of downloads, not one comment or thank you or you rock.....besides other things. well, I do know it is time and effort taken out of your day to create so, I am saying thank you for your time and sharing, even if I haven't found a use for this download...yet. Have a great day, week and month.

brianjon88 escreveu :

Just downloaded. I think it's fantastic. Just what I had been looking for!

yaayaarbsb escreveu :

havent downloaded this yet, but plant too first thing am tomorrow.

th7mbs up!! gonna try ut on 2000watt! thanks

jefrank escreveu :

Thanks! Just what I need for my laser cutter.

eper2110 escreveu :

i dowloaded, copied. Opened the Inkscape, selected the plugin, clicked apply and do nothing...

eper2110 escreveu :

Well, if I copy the inkscape/shared/extension/ folder it's work.
But in user's extensions folder like: C:\Users\user\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions

It isn't.

Gary Payne escreveu :

awesome app add in

borvik escreveu :

Does this extension work on MAC OS?

10 escreveu :

Very useful! Thank you for your efforts!!

tjchead1 escreveu :

Was looking for a jigsaw puzzle for Autism Awareness. Thank you

hunter33 escreveu :

Just had a chance to use your creation. I must say, this is nothing short of Genius. Simple to use, works perfectly and can be made easy for the young ones or difficult for adults, amazing. I thank you for using your skill to make a program that is fun and will amaze all users when a picture or photo appears from the puzzle. I know my grand kids will love it when a surprise picture is shown one piece at a time. Again, THANK YOU. Joe

theheightman escreveu :

Hi All. I have downloaded, unzipped and copied the files as directed in the appropriate files but cannot see the addon after opening the program, any help would be greatly appreciated. I have both mac and pc and cannot get it to work in either!
Thanks. Mark

Neon22 escreveu :

@theheihjman Its working in 0.92.4. Look for it under a folder like this one:
C:\Users\<YOURNAME>\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\extensions where <YOURNAME> is your windows user logon name.
You can type %APPDATA% into the address bar of a file browser window to get into the Roaming folder - then navigate into inkscape/extensions.

In that extensions folder you should have the .py and .inx files

Then when you open Inkscape you should see the extension here:
Extensions/Render/Lasercut Jigsaw

theheightman escreveu :

Thanks Neon22 it worked! appreciate your help

micah_gideon escreveu :

Very nice. I particularly like the live preview. Is it possible to provide options for more angular notches? Ideally I'd like to have mostly straight lines if possible.


Neon22 escreveu :

@micah_gideon That'd be an unusual style. Sounds interesting.
I'd suggest just selecting the line of nodes (by using the Edit paths tool) and changing all the curves to straight lines using the "make selected nodes corner" tool. First one in the set of 4 icons.
Its a very quick op to do on all the edges at the same time.

Jonathan Stanton escreveu :

Thanks for the plugin

fadi.riachy.ksa escreveu :

I would like to thank you for your efforts and time. This is the first time for me in using a cnc.

ZarBird escreveu :

You rock!
Thank u so much for this extension

Lars Beck escreveu :

Thank you for this extension, works so well :)

Magdadup escreveu :

Thank you. I appreciate it.

brynn escreveu :

Thank you for providing this extension for Inkscape users!

This is just to let you know that most 3rd party Inkscape extensions, like this one, probably will not work with the upcoming new Inkscape version, the long-awaited version 1.0.

Here is the info you need to update this extension, so that it will work with 1.0 and future versions.

If you have further questions, you can contact Inkscape developers via mailing lists (https://lists.inkscape.org/postorius/lists/?all-lists), forum (https://inkscape.org/forums/extensions/), or the chatroom (https://chat.inkscape.org/channel/team_devel)

If you have already updated it, please disregard this message.

All best,

sunny214 escreveu :

I really appreciate when someone takes the time and freely gives their creation to the community. I have downloaded it, but have not used it yet. I am new to Inkscape, so it may take me a little while to get to use it. Thank you again for your work and generosity.


Cole Hawkins escreveu :

This worked perfectly. Thank you!!!

lllarry escreveu :

Thank you it work great once I learned how to open it.

Then when you open Inkscape you should see the extension here:
Extensions/Render/Lasercut Jigsaw

lugdunoob escreveu :

Thanks for the work. tried to use it but I have below error:
File "Lasercut-jigsaw.py", line 43
def randomize((x, y), radius, norm=True, absolute=False):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax

how can I solve it?

tobias johansson escreveu :

Really love this extension! Thanks. But after upgrading to 1.0 it no longer works, sadly. I get
"File "Lasercut-jigsaw.py", line 43
def randomize((x, y), radius, norm=True, absolute=False):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax"

Can't seem to figure out whats wrong here..

alex2 escreveu :

Same problem here, worked with previous versions of inkcape

Neon22 escreveu :

working on updating for 1.0. sorry about delay.

tobias johansson escreveu :

That is VERY much appreciated, thank you! You make some excellent extensions.

chuck350 escreveu :

I see Like what i'm experiencing the fault....File "Lasercut-jigsaw.py", line 43
def randomize((x, y), radius, norm=True, absolute=False):
SyntaxError: invalid syntax


tobias johansson escreveu :

chuck350: Your comment can be interpreted as rude with the yelling and all. This is content shared, for free, by the developer. He has already answered and is working on an update. Scroll up and read previous comments and make sure to show your appreciation of the devs work.

Neon22 escreveu :

Its all cool peeps, I'm working on it but got 10 extensions to fix.. sorry about the delay.

eeyore124 escreveu :

This extension sounds fantastic. Looking forward to trying it out. Thanks :D

Neon22 escreveu :

Please note that this is finally updated for Inkscape 1.0
(Sorry about the delay)

tobias johansson escreveu :

Thanks a bunch!

LSKInkUser escreveu :

Using Inkscape 0.92.4.
Downloaded the files.
Copied to the directory.
Extension appears under Extensions, Render, Lasercut Jigsaw... Nothing happens when I click on it. Other extensions are working fine.

Neon22 escreveu :

That is correct. There were big changes to get to inkscape 1.0. Old extensions no longer work. (same for 0.48 to 0.91 update several years ago)

There is no internal api allowing me to find out which version of inkscape is running so we have all moved to 1.0.

Older versions of inkscape will need to be upgraded. Its better so probably a good idea.

LSKInkUser escreveu :

Thanks I'll go read up on upgrading!

Marmiedawg escreveu :

Just signed up. This looks like fun for my grandkids. Thanks!

gasby1974 escreveu :

Listo, bajado. Gracias

Sara G escreveu :

Thank you for making this and keeping it updated!!

I make puzzles with small pieces (0.6" to 1" average side length) and I keep wishing I could tweak the "notch relative size" to 0.45... 0.4 is a little small and 0.5 is just a little big.

My dream though is circular puzzles. My business has a budget for this! I'm not sure how to contact you directly, but I'm at inaflashlaser.com

Marco Riva escreveu :

Great Extension, thank you so much!

Neon22 escreveu :

In 1.3 this is reporting as limited to 1.2
But its works in 1.3 - so look for it under Extensions/Render menu.
If you don;t already have it - upload the inx and py files (in the zip) to your
%appdata%\inkscape\extensions folder.

Working on how to get it labelled as ok for 1.3

thorongil escreveu :

Thanks for the awesome extension!! Grateful. Is there any way to make the inner edges straight instead of curved?

Neon22 escreveu :

@thorongil Easiest way is to simply select those points in inkscape and hit the curve node icon that turns them into straight segments. Its a feature I have not added.

DeanoTheDeano escreveu :

Just got to say, I have downloaded and installed this extension and it is brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing :)

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