1. # Inkscape Office Hours July 16, 2021, 5:00 PM UTC
  2. **Attendees**: Moini, Adam, Lazur, Kirstie, ted, Mc, ollie, ryangorley, scislac
  3. The **meeting log** is available from https://inkscape.org/paste/28194/ .
  4. This is the Community's feedback on the questions that were made available in an Etherpad at https://pad.chaotikum.org/p/Inkscape_Office_Hours_1/ until July 29th:
  5. -----
  6. ## Q1: How would you define an Inkscape Contributor, in the sense that the person should have voting rights for the Inkscape Project Leadership Committee (aka Inkscape Board)?
  7. _If possible, include something measureable in your suggestion._
  8. 1. **Minimum requirement for self-evaluation**: Someone who regularly spent an average of 1 hour per week on work in an official team of the project for at least the last three months before a vote - The problem is the time spent is own meassured with this amount and probably we need a ticketing app to mark times spent on. – Could be used as a self-evaluation measurement, to know if you would qualify, and as an estimation tool for those who decide whether another person should be made an official voting member, so could be combined with the other, most favourited method below.
  9. 2. **Peer confirmation** (suggested twice): Each member could add another user to the project. Also need to provide a way to know who is available for doing the enrolment. / If enough existing members say you're a contributor, then you're a contributor. This type of system would be easier to manage as code rather than a social convention however.
  10. 3. **Activity tracking**: We should create categories/activities of contributions that count. After that, we can count contribution time, even self reported, with others being allowed to question / ask for proof if anybody has a suspicion they are lying (e.g. comitting code, commenting on GitLab issues, contributing designs / ideas to the problems that somebody is working on, user support (chat, forum, Facebook, etc.), Vector team contributions (text, ideas, organization, graphics), documentation, ... could all be tracked (Adam Belis)
  11. 4. **Official team membership**: We could require everyone to add themselves on the website as a member of some team (https://inkscape.org/user/teams/).
  12. 5. **Team decisions**: Define "teams" organized by areas of expertise (ux, code, vectors, forum, etc) and leave to every team to decide what counts as a contribution – Problem is that we don't have teams for everything.
  13. 7. **Free application, then determine membership by meeting certain requirements**: Require knowledge about the project leadership committee and its infrastructure. Someone active on the forum may not know anything about whose are applying or whatever those roles are. Excluding people from voting who don't know what the voting is about. (Lazur) - why not educate and invite them instead if they're regular contributors (Moini)?
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  15. ## Q2: What kind of thing should the Inkscape project spend money on, to make good use of donations?
  16. _Ideally, your idea should benefit the whole project, and not be 'just an Inkscape feature' that you personally need. Remember that we are a charity, so high standards apply to the use of the money. Also note down how you would be able to help with the item you are suggesting._
  17. 1. **Administration**: Hire someone for a few hours per week to adminstrate the project's server infrastructure with updates, backups, emergency restoration preparation, and installation of requested software - I would help with defining what the job comprises (Moini)
  18. 2. **Libre Graphics Community website**: A bigger then Inkscape community website/platform. Like Gimpscape in Indonesia is about other software too. Very inspirational. (Kirstie) – can you check whether one of those listed here is already what you mean? https://floss.social/@ademalsasa/106591072028243154 Thank you for the list! I meant a gallery-like-website with selected artists and works. With interactivity of LGM on a more frequent/permanent basis.
  19. 3. **Boolean Operations code**: Please take a small amount and finish tweenk's code for pathintersection, and if code (time?) remains, maybe it can be extended to flattening pathvectors using fillrules. This would improve all Boolops LPEs by speeding them up, and producing cleaner and more mantainable code. – I would fully support this, but it might be difficult. Path operations aren't always as easy as one thinks they should be. – Totally agree that this is a complex thing, but a lot of work is done already.
  20. 4. **CMYK**: Consider checking if SK1 CMYK code is usable (Python-based as all our file exports), to not duplicate expenditures and hard work. – The developer team has already requested funding for CMYK, data is being gathered about the scope of work.
  21. 5. **Tutorials**: When you think about making tutorials/ materials, it is helpful to have a broad survey on the forum. So many people can say what topics they want to have explained (Kirstie).
  22. 6. **User support hours**: We can do scheduled remote desktop support sessions for users with a mix of user payment/donation. Intially, the project could pay someone for it if there's no volunteer. Support for charitable or educational entities could be free (e.g. students and teachers or fablabs).
  23. 7. **Live Drawing Video Contest**: We could make a speedup (speed drawing? Timelapse?) video contest, with freely licensed results where the "n" best artists get a prize.
  24. Each painter must provide their unique nick name to avoid double presentation, and to allow him vote for "n" videos in the voting period. Voting period is open and moderated to avoid fake drawings to get voting rights.
  25. 8. **Prizes for About Screen Contest**: we could give a present to all people who submit a piece to the Inkscape About Screen Contest.
  26. 9. **Professionally made tutorial comics**: We could hire an artist with high reputation in FLOSS to make a webcomic for learning Inkscape and to launch it once a week.
  27. 10. **Hire professional designer for graphics design education videos**: We could hire a front man like Krita does with Ramon Miranda to make similar things for Inkscape.
  28. 11. **Contribution counting bot**: We could create a bot to measure user interactions in forums, Gitlab, admininstration, Rocketchat, Facebook, Instagram with the goal of determining the value the people add to the community [for example voting double on new users reply....]. With this data, we could give them gifts, money, dedicated work or just a BIG Thanks.
  29. 12. **Hire professional designer for explaining about graphic design**: +1 on educating users, hire graphic designers to share an insight on the field. Inkscape is considered a hobbyist's choice. While the tools are improving, the audience gains the mindset of "I can use the tools, why should I hire a graphic designer to do this small design task of making a logo", which is toxic for the project's reputation. Someone who breaks down what happens if you finish studies in a related university level; what difference education and experience makes and what directions to take if people are still into self improvement. (Lazur)
  30. 13. **Funded Projects**: Maintain a list of tasks that the project wants to commission: do XYZ, get paid $NNN. We can define what we want to be done (say, specific tasks for Gtk4 migration, or multipage support sub-tasks, or icon pack designs) and put a price on it. After the task is delivered, we check if it meets acceptance criteria and a check is sent to whoever fulfilled it. (MikeK & Adam)
  31. -----
  32. ## Q3: Which other topic would you like to discuss with the wider community? How can you help the project move forwards?
  33. 1. **LTS version**: Is there or could there be a kind of Long Term Support version of Inkscape? It would help with making documentation/ lessons. Also: for small companies and schools stability is very important (Kirstie) – this is more of a question for the development team, it would need some volunteer to backport fixes and make sure the old Inkscape still works on newer operating systems. As for the documentation, maybe it's best to work on that as a team? Sneaky thought: changes in Inkscape are also what keeps you in business if your book is a paid thing. – I think this is bigger than development only. Inkscape is very driven by developers, but it would benefit from more user friendly features. This is one of them. I would like to discuss these features with the Vectors team too. But to have a good stable version of Inkscape without bugs would take some 'boring' developer's work and could be something to spend money on too.
  34. 2. **Work towards increasing FLOSS usage**: We could create in change.org, avazz.... campaigns to increment the use of FLOSS in public orgs.
  35. 3. **NFT**: We must investigate about how Inkscape could have an affect on Cryptoart. Is there a way to investigate this?
  36. ------------------


Pasted Text #16707

These are the community's suggestions for the questions asked during the Inkscape Office Hours on July 16th 2021.

I've styled them to Markdown, and clarified them, added easy-to-grasp summaries, and cleaned typos and grammar.


Original text was:

Welcome to the Inkscape Office Hours!

The meeting will last for about one hour, starting on Jul 16, 2021, 5:00 PM UTC.

Attendees: Moini, Adam, Lazur, Kirstie, ted, Mc, ollie, ryangorley, scislac

The meeting log is available from https://inkscape.org/paste/28194/

1. How would you define an Inkscape Contributor, in the sense that the person should have voting rights for the Inkscape Project Leadership Committee (aka Inkscape Board)? If possible, include something measureable in your suggestion.

Your ideas here:

1. Example: Someone who regularly spent an average of 1 hour per week on work in an official team of the project for at least the last three months before a vote - The problem is the time spen


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