



Simple Bounding Box Extension

I developed this tool initially for personal use, to quickly set up a white background for selection exports without altering the overall document settings.
- Automatically creates a bounding box around selected objects or the entire page with grow / shrink percentage.
- Optional horizontal and vertical guides for easily finding the bounding box center (for snapping etc.).
- Allows adding the bounding box to a new layer (created at the bottom) or the current one.
- Supports multi-page document.

I thought this might be useful for others, so I'm sharing it with the community.
Feedback and suggestions are welcome!


Update (July 6, 2024)
This now includes options to 1) add separate boxes around selected elements (groups etc.) and individual objects (shapes, paths and texts within groups) 2) retain transformation - checking which will also create a bounding box with the same transformation as the element or object (e.g. box with aligned rotation


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Inkscape Extensions

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Affero General Public License v3 (AGPLv3)


Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

Hi - have you seen the 'Bounding Box' Live Path Effect?

Khemadeva . a écrit le  :

Thanks for pointing that out. The Bounding Box LPE requires grouping the objects. This extension is a simple way to create a background rectangle for selection, without grouping them. It also provides a way to extend the bounding box and make a separate layer containing it. That should help with things like quick export of selected objects.

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

Thanks for explaining the advantages!

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