





Martian City Inkscape Anniversary

The people of Martian City would like to celebrate Inkscape's 20th anniversary. To do so, they took the city into space for a celebration! But not too far...

Some of the buildings have international morse code on them :3 and if you look closely at the darker parts of space, you will se a robot hanging around. Also the font I used is one called "Roboto" which can be found in the link below.

Inkscape has gone far, far into deep space. Let's see where else it will go.

About Screen Contest

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Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
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Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

My morse code app says the dots mean: word girl god jio akiane kramarik alias dsi - @Alias6639, what do those words mean to you?

Alias6639 a écrit le  :

... I was beginning to think no one would bother with that lol. I should've said no apps allowed, just for fun, but it's alright.

Word Girl was one of my fav shows growing up. Even now I adore the art style. Jio, is a friend of mine IRL who is an artist (he mainly uses physical media) Akiane Kramarik is one of my favorite artist, her artwork called "Believe" was inspiration for this art piece. The Nintendo DSI is one of my favorite game consoles; had a lot of fun with that one growing up. Lastly I am a child of God so of course I would put his name in it.

So that's it. Congrats on finding the answers.

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

Thanks for the explanations!

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

(if this gets voted as a winner, changes in wording may be requested by the team, especially as there is a 'no religion' rule - just saying, so you know beforehand)

Alias6639 a écrit le  :

We will see what happens

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