





Unleash Your Creativity

Hi everyone !
Here's my submission personifying creativity as a cosmic deity bringing ideas to life with Inkscape tools. The goal was to showcase the limitless creative potential of the software, from hand lettering to 3D-like volumes.
Reality is made from multiple layers and you can always create your own :)

Font used : Roboto (Google Fonts)
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Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Tim Jones a écrit le  :

@Fabian Mosakowski

Please upload your SVG with ALL layers intact and visible.

There is no need to hide layers from us... We know how to find them... ;-) LOL

(contest Admin)

Fabian Mosakowski a écrit le  :

@Tim Jones

Oh sorry for that ^^ I tried to reupload the SVG with all layers visible but the preview seems to hide a few layers. Do you know how I can fix that ?


Tim Jones a écrit le  :

@Fabian Mosakowski

In the XML editor, make sure that all the sub-layers in your SVG, have an attribute called, "inkscape:groupmode" with a value set to "layer"
You might have to click the "+" icon (Top left of editor") to create the attribute if it is not there.

Let me know if you still have problems... ;-)

(contest Admin)

Martin Owens a écrit le  :

I actually had to edit the svg in the object's dialog Tim. Pressing the group mode button to switch it.

I notice it still includes the sketch too, which makes the svg bigger.

Tim Jones a écrit le  :

@Martin Owens

I did it manually in the XML editor... 100+ layers!

Is there a way for us to send the "un-hidden" SVG to Fabien?

Tim Jones a écrit le  :

@Fabian Mosakowski

Just to let you know....
Martin has uploaded a un-hidden version of your SVG. So no need to to do anything your end. ;-)


Tim Jones a écrit le  :

Note: Text is Roboto - Google fonts

Fabian Mosakowski a écrit le  :

@Tim Jones @Martin Owens

Thanks a lot to both of you for your answers and your time :)

Maren Hachmann a écrit le  :

"but the preview seems to hide a few layers" - maybe the preview image hasn't been automatically updated when you uploaded a new version of the picture. In such a case, you could delete the old preview image, and upload your own PNG instead, into the correct slot in the upload form.

Fabian Mosakowski a écrit le  :

@Maren Hachmann

Thanks for the tip ! I'll give it a try to see if it solves the issue :)

Chameleon Scales a écrit le  :

Oh my, it's so hard to vote this time. I love your submission but the brown rocks feel a little unfitting to me. If it were more detailed or perhaps more like a Saturn disc with some shiny rocks writing "Freely" you'd probably get my vote. I assume there's no chance of any update at this point?

Fabian Mosakowski a écrit le  :

@Chameleon Scales

That's indeed a good suggestion, I hadn't thought doing that way:)
Yes, update was prohibited during voting time but thanks for you comment ;)

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