





Fly With UFO

This image has the 4 newest features that appeared in Inkscape 1.2. Can be seen on the top plate of the UFO plane

From the left there is a Refactored Color Palette, Multiple Page Documents, New Snapping Guides, and Re-imagined Gradient Panel features.

The position of the UFO plane, which is slightly tilted to the right, symbolizes dynamics, meaning that Inkscape will always advance and keep up with the times.

Why did I choose the UFO plane? because it is mysterious but always a hot topic. Like Inkscape, which seems not widely known, but always brings good features that can compete with other well-known software.

Font Orbitron: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Orbitron?category=Sans+Serif,Display
Font Cabin: https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Cabin?query=cabin#about

About Screen Contest

114,1 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Tim Jones wrote :


Awesome entry, thanks!

I am unable to confirm if the font "Cabin" is free for commercial use?
Dafont indicate the author is responsible for the licence, however, they have not specified this, and their website is unreachable.
Dafont, only imply a free licence, it is not a guarantee.

I would suggest using a different font. ;-)

Contest Admin

Maren Hachmann wrote :

@Tim The Cabin font is OFL licensed, it says so if you download it and check the file.

wahrurrozi wrote :

Hi @Tim Jones, thanks for the suggestion.
Sorry. for the font license "Cabin" is OFL as described on this site https://fonts.google.com/specimen/Cabin?query=cabin#about

wahrurrozi wrote :

Hi @Maren Hachmann,
Thank you very much for the advice, I chose the font "Orbitron"

Tim Jones wrote :

Thanks for the help Maren.

Dafont.com has a very vague licence policy.

Wahrurrozi, I think your new choice of font is much better! :-)

m1981 wrote :

Simple and well composed !

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