





Inkscape 1.0 About Screen by Rania Amina

Just try to give another option for Inkscape v1.0 about screen, hope you like it.
Btw, thanks to all Inkscape developers, we love your hard hardwork :")

-Inkscape brand font: Linux Libertine & Euphoria Script Regular Extended

Thank you.

About Screen Contest

1,7 MB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)


Tim Jones wrote :

If the image is traced from a Photo, please link the original image to show it has a Free licence.


Rania Amina wrote :

Hi Tim, Actually those are compilation from my own artwork that i created before.

Tim Jones wrote :

Hi Rania, thank you for the confirmation :-)

Paolo Gibellini wrote :

A very nice composition!

Rania Amina wrote :

Thank you, Paolo :")

Miguelito Colmenares wrote :

Un arte minimalista pero que captura perfectamente la atención y dice mucho no sólo sobre el poder de Inkscape, sino el concepto de la libertad, la creatividad y la naturaleza.

Al mirarlo siento la naturaleza digital, recordándome lo afortunado que soy de poder vivir en ella y gozar de todo lo que tenemos en la actualidad.

La paleta de colores genial, fuera de lo tradicional, pero genera buena armonía y contrasta perfecto.

Las tipografías son buenas opciones, aunque siento le diste mayor importancia al "DRAW FREELY", que al propio nombre de Inkscape, no digo que esté mal, sin embargo para los nuevos que desconocen el software sería mejor saber primero el nombre del programa antes que el eslogan o tag line de su marca.

En líneas generales lo trabajaste bastante bien, entre tantas obras enviadas al concurso puedo decirte que estás entre las 20 mejores según lo que he evaluado a mi ojo personal.

Rania Amina wrote :

Wow, thank you Miguelito.
I'm very happy to hear that.
I think other participant do better than me, the reason i participate this contest is to say thank you to all inkscape developer, if everyone love this artwork that's plus point for me :")

Daryl Layton wrote :

I've stopped scrolling the entries at this point. This is perfect

Rania Amina wrote :

thank you Daryl Layton, it's not perfect at all but of course i did as best as i can :")

Tim Jones wrote :

CONGRATULATIONS upon reaching the final 5 finalists :-)

Matic Smerdu wrote :

There in finale is no more my favorite picture, but that's the life. But this is still good picture. In fact, there is no bad pictures. All are good. Very good. Hard to find the best, because all pictures are sooo good.

Thank you to all maestros.

Tim Jones wrote :

CONGRATULATIONS on being RUNNER UP in the 1.0 About Screen Contest. :-)

Rania Amina wrote :

Thank you everyone :")
Still speachless😭

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