A set of extensions that allows export of paths to PCB layout editors, namely:
1) the pcb-rnd layout editor as a subcircuit in native pcb-rnd lihata file format (.lht)
( http://repo.hu/projects/pcb-rnd/ )
2) the gEDA PCB layout editor as a footprint in native gEDA PCB footprint format (.fp)
( http://pcb.geda-project.org/ )
3) KiCad users, indirectly, who can import gEDA PCB footprints from within KiCad
The export script for pcb-rnd will also export paths as polygons, along with the outlines, provided the paths depict simple, non self-intersecting polygons. The pcb-rnd layout editor has a more capable data model, allowing polygons within footprints, and also load and save in KiCad formats.
The script has been updated and tested with Inkscape 1.1 and the download also includes a zip file with the previous 0.9x compatible version.