Seleccionar obxectos (co rato) |
clic | prema nun obxecto non seleccionado para seleccionalo |
Alt+clic | select under |
Alt+roda do rato | cycle z-order |
Maiúsculas+clic | toggle selection |
These work the same as in Selector. The nodes or handles of the single selected object become editable. |
Seleccionar nodos (co rato) |
clic | seleccionar un nodo |
Clicking on a node selects it. |
clic | seleccionar dous nodos adxacentes |
Clicking on a selected path between the nodes selects the two nodes closest to the click point. |
Maiúsculas+clic | toggle selection |
This adds/removes a node (if clicked on node) or two nodes (if clicked on path) to/from the node selection. |
clic | deseleccionar |
Clicking in an empty space deselects all selected nodes. Next click will deselect the object. |
Selección elástica |
mouse drag | seleccionar varios nodos |
Dragging around nodes does "rubberband" selection; previous node selection is deselected. |
Maiúsculas+mouse drag | engadir nodos á selección |
Normally, you need to start from a point not over a path or a node to initiate a rubberband. |
However, if you press Shift before dragging, Inkscape will do rubberband selection even if you start over the path. |
Seleccionar nodos (co teclado) |
Tab | seleccionar o seguinte nodo |
Maiúsculas+Tab | seleccionar o nodo anterior |
These keys select nodes within the selected path. |
Ctrl+A | select all nodes in subpath(s) |
If the path has multiple subpaths and some nodes selected, this selects all only in subpaths with already selected nodes. |
Ctrl+Alt+A | seleccionar todos os nodos dun camiño |
This selects all nodes in the entire path. |
! | invert selection in subpath(s) |
If the path has multiple subpaths and some nodes selected, this inverts selection only in subpaths with already selected nodes. |
Alt+! | invert selection in path |
This inverts selection (deselects what was selected and vice versa) in the entire path. |
Esc | deseleccionar todos os nodos |
Grow/shrink node selection |
Re Páx,
Av Páx | grow/shrink selection (spatial) |
roda do rato | grow/shrink selection (spatial) |
Ctrl+Re Páx,
Ctrl+Av Páx | grow/shrink selection (along path) |
Ctrl+roda do rato | grow/shrink selection (along path) |
Your mouse pointer must be over a node for growing/shrinking. |
Each key press or turn of the mouse wheel selects the nearest unselected node or deselects the farthest selected node. |
Distance to nodes can be calculated directly (spatial mode) or along path. |
Mover os nodos (co rato) |
mouse drag | mover os nodos seleccionados |
Ctrl+mouse drag | restrict movement to horizontal or vertical |
Ctrl+Alt+mouse drag | move along handles |
This restricts movement to the directions of the node's handles, their counter directions and perpendiculars (total 8 snaps). |
If the node has straight lines on one or both sides, this will snap it to these lines' directions and perpendiculars instead. |
Maiúsculas+mouse drag | desactivar temporalmente o axuste |
Maiúsculas+mouse drag | drag out handle |
If a node has a retracted handle, dragging with Shift lets you drag it out of the node. |
mouse drag+Espazo | drop a copy |
When dragging nodes with mouse, each Space leaves a copy of the selected object. |
You can press and hold Space while dragging for a nice "trail." |
Alt+mouse drag | sculpt selected nodes |
Sculpting moves the selected nodes so that the dragged node moves all the way, the farthest selected nodes stay put; all intermediate selected nodes move intermediate distances, governed by a bell-like curve. |
Sculpting is pressure-sensitive with a tablet; press harder for a blunter drag profile, press lightly for a sharper profile. |
To stop sculpting without losing the pressure-sensitive profile, release Alt first and then lift the pen. |
Mover os nodos (co teclado) |
frechas | move selected node(s) by the nudge distance |
Maiúsculas+frechas | move selected node(s) by 10x nudge distance |
The default nudge distance is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels). |
Alt+frechas | move selected node(s) by 1 pixel |
Maiúsculas+Alt+frechas | move selected node(s) by 10 pixels |
The actual distance for pixel movements depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer movement. |
Move node handle (mouse) |
mouse drag | move a node handle |
Ctrl+mouse drag | snap the handle to angle steps |
The default angle step is 15 degrees. This also snaps to the handle's original angle, its counter direction and perpendiculars. |
Maiúsculas+mouse drag | rotate both handles |
Alt+mouse drag | bloquear a lonxitude da asa |
Ctrl, Shift, Alt can be combined when dragging handles. |
Ctrl+clic | retract the handle |
Retracted handle is zero length; use Shift+drag to drag it back out. |
Scale handle (1 node selected) |
> | contract/expand both handles by scale step |
The default scale step is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels). May apply to more than one node. |
Ctrl (da esquerda)+<,
Ctrl (da esquerda)+> | scale left handle by the scale step |
Ctrl (da dereita)+<,
Ctrl (da dereita)+> | scale right handle by the scale step |
Alt (da esquerda)+<,
Alt (da esquerda)+> | scale left handle by 1 pixel |
Alt (da dereita)+<,
Alt (da dereita)+> | scale right handle by 1 pixel |
The actual size increment for pixel scaling depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer scaling. |
Instead of the < and > keys, you can use the , (comma) and . (period) keys respectively. |
Rotate handle (1 node selected) |
] | rotate both handles by the angle step |
The default angle step is 15 degrees. ] rotates clockwise, [ rotates counterclockwise. May apply to more than one node. |
Ctrl (da esquerda)+[,
Ctrl (da esquerda)+] | rotate left handle by the angle step |
Ctrl (da dereita)+[,
Ctrl (da dereita)+] | rotate right handle by the angle step |
Alt (da esquerda)+[,
Alt (da esquerda)+] | rotate left handle by 1 pixel |
Alt (da dereita)+[,
Alt (da dereita)+] | rotate right handle by 1 pixel |
Handles visibility |
Ctrl+H | toggle handles |
Scale nodes (>1 nodes selected) |
These commands scale the selected nodes as if they were an "object". |
If mouse is over a node, that node becomes the axis of scaling; otherwise it scales around geometric center of selected nodes. |
> | scale nodes up by the scale step |
< | scale nodes down by the scale step |
The default scale step is 2 px (SVG pixel units, not screen pixels). |
Alt+> | scale nodes up by 1 pixel |
Alt+< | scale nodes down by 1 pixel |
The actual size increment for pixel scaling depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer scaling. |
The default size increment is added to (or subtracted from) either the node selection's height or width, whichever one is larger. Scaling keeps the proportions of the node selection. |
Rotate nodes (>1 nodes selected) |
These commands rotate the selected nodes as if they were an "object". |
If mouse is over a node, that node becomes the axis of rotation; otherwise it rotates around geometric center of selected nodes. |
] | rotate nodes by the angle step |
The default angle step is 15 degrees. ] rotates clockwise, [ rotates counterclockwise. |
Alt+] | rotate nodes by 1 pixel |
The actual angle for pixel rotation depends on zoom level. Zoom in for finer movement. |
Flip nodes (>1 nodes selected) |
These commands flip the selected nodes as if they were an "object", around the center of that object. |
h | flip nodes horizontally |
v | flip nodes vertically |
If mouse is over a node, that node becomes the axis of flipping; otherwise it flips around geometric center of selected nodes |
Cambiar os segmentos |
Maiúsculas+L | converter en recta |
Maiúsculas+U | converter en curva |
These commands require that more than two adjacent nodes be selected. |
Cambiar o tipo de nodo |
Maiúsculas+C | make cusp |
First Shift+C changes type of node; if you do another Shift+C on an already cusp node, it retracts its handles. |
Maiúsculas+S | suavizar |
If a cusp node is adjacent to a line segment, first Shift+S makes it half-smooth with one handle collinear
with the segment; another Shift+S will expand a second handle. |
Maiúsculas+Y | make symmetric |
When making smooth or symmetric, you can lock the position of one of the handles by hovering mouse over it. |
Maiúsculas+A | make auto |
Ctrl+clic | toggle smooth/cusp/symmetric/auto |
Join/break |
Maiúsculas+J | unir os nodos seleccionados |
This requires that exactly two end nodes within the path be selected. |
You can lock the position of one of the two joined nodes by hovering mouse over it. |
Alt+J | join selected end nodes with new segment |
Maiúsculas+B | break selected node(s) |
After break, only one of each two new nodes is selected. May apply to more than one node. |
Eliminar, crear, duplicar |
Supr | eliminar os nodos seleccionados |
Ctrl+Supr | delete without preserving shape |
Deleting without Ctrl adjusts handles on the remaining nodes to preserve the shape of the curve as much as possible. |
Deleting with Ctrl does not touch the remaining nodes. |
Alt+Retroceso | delete segment between pairs of adjacent selected nodes |
Ctrl+Alt+clic | crear/eliminar nodo |
Ctrl+Alt+click on a node deletes it; Ctrl+Alt+click on the path between nodes creates a new node in the click point. |
Deleting nodes this way always tries to preserve the shape of the curve (same as Del/Backspace). |
double-click | crear nodo |
Double clicking on the path between nodes creates a node in the click point. |
Maiúsculas+I | inserir novo(s) nodo(s) |
This adds new node(s) in the middle(s) of selected segment(s), so it requires that more than two adjacent nodes be selected. |
Maiúsculas+D | duplicar os nodos seleccionados |
New nodes are created on the same path; they are placed exactly over the old ones and are selected. |
Inverter |
Maiúsculas+R | reverse path direction |
Editar figuras |
Node tool can also drag the handles of shapes (rectangles, ellipses, stars, spirals). Click on a shape to select it. |
See the corresponding shape tools for their editing shortcuts, all of which also work in node tool. |
Edit fills and path effects |
Node tool can also edit the handles of a pattern fill, gradient fill, and the editable handles of path effects. |
Cancelar |
Esc | cancelar a selección elástica ou o movemento |
Press Esc while mouse button is still down to cancel rubberband selection, node move, or handle move. |