1. Sep 02 11:01:23 <Tavmjong> ======== Board Meeting in 1 hour ========
  2. Sep 02 11:51:00 <bryce> 10 min warning :-)
  3. Sep 02 11:51:13 <buovjaga> ok now I think I reached my 400 bug goal.. tomorrow I'll do some checking on the reports I replied to
  4. Sep 02 11:58:15 <Tavmjong> 2 minutes!
  5. Sep 02 12:00:14 <bryce> buovjaga, thanks so much for your work on the bugs!
  6. Sep 02 12:00:27 <Tavmjong> ========== Inkscape Board Meeting ===========
  7. Sep 02 12:00:38 <Tavmjong> Who's here?
  8. Sep 02 12:01:19 <Tavmjong> buovjaga: Ditto, thanks for your bug work!
  9. Sep 02 12:01:33 <tedg> Howdy!
  10. Sep 02 12:01:39 <buovjaga> thanks, guys.. I will try to write something for a guest news post
  11. Sep 02 12:01:39 <Tavmjong> Howdy!
  12. Sep 02 12:01:51 <Tavmjong> ScislaC: ?
  13. Sep 02 12:01:57 <Tavmjong> tweenk: ?
  14. Sep 02 12:02:07 <rindolf> Hi all.
  15. Sep 02 12:02:15 <Tavmjong> Hi rindolf !
  16. Sep 02 12:02:25 <rindolf> Tavmjong: hi.
  17. Sep 02 12:03:05 <Tavmjong> bryce: ?
  18. Sep 02 12:03:08 <tweenk> hello
  19. Sep 02 12:03:55 <tedg> Heh, bryce gave the 10 minute warning and then ran off ;-)
  20. Sep 02 12:04:01 <Tavmjong> Hi tweenk!
  21. Sep 02 12:04:05 <tweenk> sorry for missing the last mtg, it's rather crazy at my job right now
  22. Sep 02 12:04:16 <Tavmjong> tweenk: Working you too hard?
  23. Sep 02 12:05:37 <tweenk> Tavmjong: there's a lot of last minute stuff before a launch
  24. Sep 02 12:06:02 <Tavmjong> tweenk: Ah, anything you can share?
  25. Sep 02 12:06:24 <bryce> heya all
  26. Sep 02 12:06:37 <bryce> sorry, was trying to jot down bits about the hackfest proposal
  27. Sep 02 12:06:43 <tweenk> Tavmjong: it's this thing https://vr.google.com/daydream/
  28. Sep 02 12:07:13 <Tavmjong> tweenk: Cool!
  29. Sep 02 12:07:17 <tweenk> Mobile VR is a hard problem :)
  30. Sep 02 12:07:32 <Tavmjong> bryce: I'm really curious about your hackfest proposal.
  31. Sep 02 12:07:36 <bryce> sure
  32. Sep 02 12:08:05 <tedg> I'm concerned about the amount of Karaoke :-)
  33. Sep 02 12:08:11 <bryce> my wife loves looking at properties, so she was gung ho to do some research, and she found kind of a cool option
  34. Sep 02 12:08:52 <Tavmjong> tedg: I don't do Karoke! (Not even when I lived in Japan)
  35. Sep 02 12:09:31 <bryce> the idea we were pursuing is getting an airbnb house to share, figuring it might be a lot cheaper than hotel rooms. And doing a group lodging thing rather than everyone having to sort out their own housing saves some effort there
  36. Sep 02 12:09:57 <Tavmjong> bryce: Sounds like a good idea.
  37. Sep 02 12:10:05 <bryce> turns out there's a number of really good options via airbnb in portland
  38. Sep 02 12:10:13 <bryce> the best one she found, is this:
  39. Sep 02 12:10:20 <bryce> https://www.airbnb.com/rooms/6731334?guests=8&s=CROR3h1X&sug=50
  40. Sep 02 12:10:36 <bryce> it's actually a 2-building unit, and you can rent either the front unit or the back unit, or both
  41. Sep 02 12:10:42 <bryce> Location is the Mississippi District in North Portland. It's a short
  42. Sep 02 12:10:42 <bryce> driving distance (under 10 miles) to the Portland International Airport,
  43. Sep 02 12:10:42 <bryce> and walking distance to several local restaraunts and coffee shops. The
  44. Sep 02 12:10:42 <bryce> area is friendly trendy Portland hipster-style -- if you've seen
  45. Sep 02 12:10:42 <bryce> Portlandia, that's the vibe.
  46. Sep 02 12:10:45 <bryce>
  47. Sep 02 12:10:51 <bryce> The rental property is a 1920s house that's been recently renovated, and
  48. Sep 02 12:10:51 <bryce> has an optional (separately rented) second building in the back. Both
  49. Sep 02 12:10:51 <bryce> buildings have bedrooms, a kitchen, and work areas. The front room
  50. Sep 02 12:10:51 <bryce> has 4 bedrooms, 5 beds, and sleeps 9, which is probably adequate for the
  51. Sep 02 12:10:51 <bryce> needs of a smallish hackfest, but adding the rear unit adds 5 bedrooms
  52. Sep 02 12:10:51 <bryce> and increases sleeping capacity to 20.
  53. Sep 02 12:10:52 <bryce>
  54. Sep 02 12:11:35 <bryce> the cost is about $335 for the front unit, and $310 for the back.
  55. Sep 02 12:11:54 <bryce> so that's waaay cheaper than individual hotel rooms + venue rental
  56. Sep 02 12:12:36 <bryce> take a look at the photos, they did a really nice job with the reno and the furnishings look pretty cool.
  57. Sep 02 12:12:42 <tedg> That makes sense to me.
  58. Sep 02 12:12:46 <tweenk> Nice!
  59. Sep 02 12:13:22 <bryce> we can stock the fridge (my wife volunteers), and then have the option of eating in / deliver dish / or strolling out to local places to eat
  60. Sep 02 12:14:02 <bryce> the one down side compared to e.g. a hotel is that we'd need to book fairly far in advance
  61. Sep 02 12:14:12 <bryce> i.e. a couple months at least.
  62. Sep 02 12:15:06 <bryce> I'm figuring with holidays in nov/dec, and with portland weather being crappy jan/feb/mar, that spring would be a more ideal time. But I know that's quite a ways out...
  63. Sep 02 12:15:53 <bryce> anyway, I'll write a more detailed proposal for the vote, but that's the basic gist. Thoughts?
  64. Sep 02 12:16:45 <Tavmjong> Sounds like a good plan. What about mid November before the holidays?
  65. Sep 02 12:16:49 <tedg> So, I like the idea, I'm not sure if we had a reason for Fall other than it seemed like a good time from the last.
  66. Sep 02 12:17:09 <tweenk> So would we hack on the property or go to a library or a similar place?
  67. Sep 02 12:17:26 <tedg> It seems like they have an availability map on their website: http://shiftvacationrentals.com/#//mississippi-street
  68. Sep 02 12:17:38 <tedg> It seems if we just wanted the front we could do beginning of Nov
  69. Sep 02 12:17:57 <bryce> one of the tricks is if we do want both front and rear units, you gotta find a slot where they're both available
  70. Sep 02 12:18:24 <tedg> Yeah, if you click "Book Now" it'll do that for you
  71. Sep 02 12:18:49 <tedg> Guess we could do Oct 22-26
  72. Sep 02 12:20:18 <bryce> yeah for just renting front or rear there's more flexibility as far as times
  73. Sep 02 12:20:18 <Tavmjong> GSoC Mentor's meeting is Oct 28-29
  74. Sep 02 12:21:27 <tedg> Ah, that's right, I had forgotten about trying to get Google to pay for the International tickets :-)
  75. Sep 02 12:21:37 <bryce> end of nov sounds like earliest for both units
  76. Sep 02 12:21:58 <Tavmjong> I actually would prefer end of Nov.
  77. Sep 02 12:22:40 <bryce> so am I hearing that having something before december is the desire?
  78. Sep 02 12:22:47 <tedg> Yeah, we have to watch for ticket prices around Thanksgiving though.
  79. Sep 02 12:23:03 <tedg> I don't have a strong feeling, I think we had seen some alignment there.
  80. Sep 02 12:23:13 <tedg> I was wondering if we were talking Oct if it could be a release sprint.
  81. Sep 02 12:24:15 <bryce> a release sprint would be highly dependent on having certain specific people there
  82. Sep 02 12:24:47 <bryce> mostly for the release at the moment we just need to get a few specific bugs fixed.
  83. Sep 02 12:25:11 <Tavmjong> Who would you want at a release sprint?
  84. Sep 02 12:25:25 <tedg> Yes, so I'd value those people's being available above all else :-)
  85. Sep 02 12:25:29 <tweenk> If it's in the US, I can probably go on company time
  86. Sep 02 12:26:23 <tweenk> Just before or after the mentor meeting sound good
  87. Sep 02 12:26:26 <tweenk> *sounds
  88. Sep 02 12:27:53 <bryce> Tavmjong, folks able to fix the remaining blocker bugs, and people generally involved in the remainder of the process... about screen stuff, translations, website, osx/windows/linux packagers, etc.
  89. Sep 02 12:29:48 <bryce> so, while I do think holding a release sprint would be a humongous help, I'm not confident that the people we would want there would be available to attend
  90. Sep 02 12:31:00 <bryce> that said, aside from the release I know there is also a lot of stuff to be coordinated and done for 0.93, that would involve folks who would be more likely to be available
  91. Sep 02 12:31:27 <bryce> but what do you guys think?
  92. Sep 02 12:31:41 <tedg> Sure, I guess my thoughts were to try for a release sprint, but knowing that a fair number of folks would be focused on 0.93 as well.
  93. Sep 02 12:31:54 <tedg> But, if that's not feasible, I'm happy to ditch that idea.
  94. Sep 02 12:32:22 <bryce> I suppose we don't need to nail down an actual agenda until we know who is available
  95. Sep 02 12:32:26 <Tavmjong> A release sprint sounds like a good idea. I'm a bit worried at how long it's taking to get 0.92 out.
  96. Sep 02 12:33:07 <bryce> Tavmjong, me too. It's the damn blocker bugs.
  97. Sep 02 12:33:19 <bryce> I hate blocker bugs... they block the release. :-/
  98. Sep 02 12:33:56 <bryce> unfortunately we don't have assignees for most of them, so they just kind of sit in limbo indefinitely
  99. Sep 02 12:34:02 <Tavmjong> ... but a quality release is important!
  100. Sep 02 12:34:12 <Tavmjong> I'm working on one at the moment.
  101. Sep 02 12:34:16 <bryce> thanks
  102. Sep 02 12:34:35 <bryce> yeah I made a troll through all of them about a week ago. But most I can do is ask questions really
  103. Sep 02 12:35:19 <bryce> some of the issues are lower priority and I'm tempted to punt them out from blocker status
  104. Sep 02 12:36:13 <tweenk> I guess I should step up my game once I get back from vacation
  105. Sep 02 12:36:18 <tweenk> (Sep 3-Sep 11)
  106. Sep 02 12:36:38 * rindolf hates release blocker bugs too.
  107. Sep 02 12:36:45 <Tavmjong> bryce: I think it might be good to ask people directly to volunteer to take on a bug or two.
  108. Sep 02 12:36:53 <bryce> the about screen contest is also still tbd, and I'm not sure where we are with osx and windows packaging; I'm worried they might have stalled. Potentially just pressing forward will stimulate action, but I'm not sure.
  109. Sep 02 12:37:11 <Tavmjong> Who is handling the screen contest?
  110. Sep 02 12:37:34 <JonCruz> I'll take a peek this weekend. unfortunately I burned all my PTO driving eldest daughter cross country for college
  111. Sep 02 12:37:41 <bryce> ScislaC and doctormo were coordinating use of the new contest support in the inkscape website, but I lost track of where we are there
  112. Sep 02 12:38:30 <bryce> Tavmjong, worst case we can just use the 0.91 about screen and just change the number, but...
  113. Sep 02 12:39:07 <Tavmjong> bryce: I would be against that... I think the screen contest helps build community.
  114. Sep 02 12:39:57 <tweenk> Yeah, I think we should do the about screen, even if it's an additional delay
  115. Sep 02 12:40:01 <JonCruz> ditto
  116. Sep 02 12:40:37 <bryce> anyway, I think you see what I mean, it's not just a manpower issue it's getting manpower from particular people
  117. Sep 02 12:42:11 <Tavmjong> bryce: Don't hesitate to ask people directly for help.
  118. Sep 02 12:42:24 <Tavmjong> Is there a 0.92 release page tracking what needs to be done?
  119. Sep 02 12:43:48 <tweenk> https://inkscape.org/en/develop/next-release/
  120. Sep 02 12:44:13 <bryce> https://inkscape.org/en/develop/next-release/
  121. Sep 02 12:44:17 <bryce> ha yep
  122. Sep 02 12:44:28 <bryce> + the blocker bugs
  123. Sep 02 12:44:52 <bryce> https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape/+bugs?field.tag=blocker
  124. Sep 02 12:45:09 <bryce> ok, so back to the hackfest locale
  125. Sep 02 12:46:09 <bryce> should I work up a proposal for this place in Oct/Nov, for just one building?
  126. Sep 02 12:49:41 <tweenk> Yes :)
  127. Sep 02 12:50:05 <bryce> ok thanks, we'll get something posted hopefully this weekend
  128. Sep 02 12:50:33 <bryce> I'll also sharpen my pencil on people who would be worth having there for accelerating the release
  129. Sep 02 12:51:02 <Tavmjong> I would go for both buildings. The cost isn't very high and if attendance isn't very large, there is advantage in not sharing rooms (e.g. not keeping people awake with my snoring).
  130. Sep 02 12:51:04 <bryce> (although in some cases like the osx and win packagers, I'm not sure who)
  131. Sep 02 12:51:33 <bryce> Tavmjong, I'll have my wife call and find out
  132. Sep 02 12:52:41 <tedg> Uhg, sorry. My computer died...now giving me a TPM error....
  133. Sep 02 12:52:55 <fguimont> Do you need frontend devs for the website?
  134. Sep 02 12:53:32 <bryce> fguimont, at the hackfest? At least one or two website folks would be really nice
  135. Sep 02 12:53:49 <bryce> ok, I know the hour's getting long, but real quick
  136. Sep 02 12:53:59 <bryce> === GNOME Related Event ===
  137. Sep 02 12:54:13 <rindolf> tedg: that sucks.
  138. Sep 02 12:54:15 <bryce> we talked last time about maybe sending folks to a gnome event.
  139. Sep 02 12:54:33 <bryce> we're running out of time to arrange something, this is probably the last time to make a decision on it.
  140. Sep 02 12:54:47 <bryce> do we want to pursue this? And if so, who wants to take care of getting it arranged?
  141. Sep 02 12:55:06 <tedg> I think that the sprint we're talking about in Portland is better.
  142. Sep 02 12:55:24 <tedg> I don't know that we need both, I thought we were mostly talking about that for colocation.
  143. Sep 02 12:57:39 <bryce> alright
  144. Sep 02 12:57:48 <bryce> that's kind of my feeling as well.
  145. Sep 02 12:58:04 <bryce> if anyone wants to pursue it, speak now or ping me asap post-meeting and we'll get it sorted
  146. Sep 02 12:58:24 <bryce> otherwise we can table it, maybe look at it again next year.
  147. Sep 02 12:58:35 <bryce> == Fundraising / Merchandising ==
  148. Sep 02 12:59:09 <bryce> As I mentioned in the meeting announcement, I've set up an account on Spreadshirt for inkscape, but we need to hook up bank and tax info before we can do a storefront
  149. Sep 02 12:59:31 <bryce> I've contacted SFC for guidance on that. Sounds like they want to be involved in that, but are tied up right now.
  150. Sep 02 12:59:48 <bryce> so at least the business end of that is blocked for a bit
  151. Sep 02 13:00:19 <tweenk> Do we have designs?
  152. Sep 02 13:00:20 <bryce> I think if folks are interested in working on designs and such, that could proceed in parallel
  153. Sep 02 13:00:41 <bryce> tweenk, apart from the inkscape logo, nothing pinned down.
  154. Sep 02 13:01:01 <tedg> I'd like to just have another logo shirt :-)
  155. Sep 02 13:01:10 <bryce> :-)
  156. Sep 02 13:01:15 <tedg> But, yes, I think we can grow from that.
  157. Sep 02 13:01:36 <bryce> ok, moving on
  158. Sep 02 13:01:40 <bryce> === Inkscape Forum ===
  159. Sep 02 13:01:44 <Tavmjong> ... got disconnected ...
  160. Sep 02 13:01:53 <tedg> I still have the old logo shirt, but it is... not nice enough to wear in polite places anymore.
  161. Sep 02 13:02:35 <bryce> big news here is that the inkscapeforum.com domain name has now officially been transferred to us
  162. Sep 02 13:02:56 <tweenk> Great! :)
  163. Sep 02 13:02:58 <Tavmjong> Yeah!
  164. Sep 02 13:03:06 <bryce> like with inkscape.org, it is owned by SFC (they're the billing and administration contacts), with me as the technical contact
  165. Sep 02 13:03:39 <bryce> is anyone else from the forum here today?
  166. Sep 02 13:03:57 <bryce> I am not sure where we are as far as the software / database is.
  167. Sep 02 13:04:22 <bryce> I believe the plan is to rehost it onto the OSUOSL servers, but I'm not sure of the status on that.
  168. Sep 02 13:04:24 <tedg> Are we gonna host it with the same folks as the website?
  169. Sep 02 13:04:38 <tedg> Okay, makes sense.
  170. Sep 02 13:05:05 <tedg> Not sure on the amount of traffic, but guessing OSUOSL is okay with it?
  171. Sep 02 13:05:28 <Tavmjong> I'm going to need to go.
  172. Sep 02 13:05:34 <bryce> I'd assume so
  173. Sep 02 13:05:41 <rindolf> Tavmjong: bye
  174. Sep 02 13:05:52 <bryce> alright
  175. Sep 02 13:05:57 <bryce> === Other Business ===
  176. Sep 02 13:06:02 <bryce> anyone have anything else?
  177. Sep 02 13:07:50 <tedg> Nothing except thanks to bryce and Terri for doing the leg work there!
  178. Sep 02 13:10:49 <rindolf> bryce: well...
  179. Sep 02 13:10:50 <tweenk> Yes! Big thank you for doing the hardest part :)
  180. Sep 02 13:11:17 <rindolf> bryce: there is some code I'd like to clean up/refactor in the bzr trunk.
  181. Sep 02 13:11:26 <rindolf> bryce: of inkscape.
  182. Sep 02 13:11:57 <rindolf> bryce: but I'm wondering if I should wait for the transition to git.
  183. Sep 02 13:12:40 <rindolf> and Can I use C++11 or C++14?
  184. Sep 02 13:14:05 <tedg> We're using C++11 generally, but that's not really a board thing.
  185. Sep 02 13:14:09 <bryce> rindolf, I'm not sure when the git transition is going to be scheduled but it's not a near term thing
  186. Sep 02 13:14:26 <tedg> I'd recommend putting stuff in a branch, even if it's bazaar, you can transition it.
  187. Sep 02 13:14:51 <bryce> switching to C++11 is ongoing now, so you should be ok to use that, but check the C++11 page in wiki for specific language elements we're allowing currently, and check with Alex for questions beyond that
  188. Sep 02 13:14:54 <rindolf> tedg: OK, thanks.
  189. Sep 02 13:15:06 <bryce> ok, if no other board business, EOM. thanks all
  190. Sep 02 13:15:10 <bryce> == End of Meeting ==
  191. Sep 02 13:32:39 <rindolf> How can I create a new branch under my user based on the main branch? https://code.launchpad.net/inkscape
  192. Sep 02 13:33:41 <doctormon> bryce: What time is the meeting today?
  193. Sep 02 13:35:45 <rindolf> doctormon: it already took place.
  194. Sep 02 13:36:15 <doctormon> Oh drat, I hate that 12 noon at WST
  195. Sep 02 13:36:30 <doctormon> What time was it? 4pm EST?
  196. Sep 02 13:40:45 <doctormon> Sorry board, hope everything went ok.
  197. Sep 02 14:17:31 <tweenk> 12pm PST = 3pm EST, I think
  198. Sep 02 14:18:45 <tweenk> rindolf: about Git, now that we are branched, we can do that any time. I can do it in 2 weeks.
  199. Sep 02 14:19:04 <tweenk> 0.92 will stay in Bazaar until release, though.
  200. Sep 02 14:21:29 <doctormon> tweenk: What's the situation with git? I raised it on the mailing list, but didn't get a response.
  201. Sep 02 14:22:39 <tweenk> doctormon: I have a script on my machine that fixes up contributor e-mails, I have a slightly outdated version of the result on my github
  202. Sep 02 14:22:58 <tweenk> In general, the transition is pretty smooth. I already moved lib2geom over.
  203. Sep 02 14:23:27 <tweenk> https://github.com/tweenk/inkscape
  204. Sep 02 14:24:17 <tweenk> I know that you have some misgivings about using github... but the hosted GitLab CI is not usable for us, it doesn't support C++ or installing arbitrary packages on the buildhosts
  205. Sep 02 14:24:46 <tweenk> so if we wanted to use it, we would have to figure out our own CI, whereas on github we can use Travis CI, which is literally effortless
  206. Sep 02 14:25:09 <tweenk> I do wish Travis integrated with GitLab...
  207. Sep 02 14:25:28 <tweenk> because the GitLab issue tracker is better, and we could have everything in one placwe
  208. Sep 02 14:26:48 <doctormon> tweenk: Is Travis CI open source?
  209. Sep 02 14:27:05 <doctormon> Because part of the issue is locking ourselves into platforms that end up like Sourceforge.
  210. Sep 02 14:28:03 <tweenk> they are open source, but the hard is putting this stuff together
  211. Sep 02 14:28:12 <tweenk> *the hard part
  212. Sep 02 14:28:38 <tweenk> as in, getting the infrastructure set up and running. Launchpad is open source but we would be utterly unable to run it on our own
  213. Sep 02 14:29:45 <tweenk> So to me it makes no pragmatic difference that github is not open source, at least for code hosting and CI. I would be wary of putting our bug database there, since I'm not sure they allow you to export issues easily.
  214. Sep 02 14:30:51 <doctormon> tweenk: The bug/issue is pretty settled, github is a no from a functionality standpoint.
  215. Sep 02 14:31:07 <doctormon> Which is a shame. But it does mean we'll have an issue tracker that people WILL try and use.
  216. Sep 02 14:31:17 <tweenk> You can disable the issue tracker
  217. Sep 02 14:31:26 <doctormon> Also the project trademark issues specified before.
  218. Sep 02 14:32:02 <tweenk> What were those?
  219. Sep 02 14:32:05 <doctormon> https://github.com/tweenk/inkscape <- looks like it might be the legit canonical home for contributions.
  220. Sep 02 14:32:29 <tweenk> Oh, we own github.com/inkscape/inkscape
  221. Sep 02 14:32:59 <doctormon> Yes, but there's no great difference between your fork, other people's forks and our canonical site.
  222. Sep 02 14:33:02 <tweenk> I think everyone who uses github realizes that github.com/randomperson/famousproject are not the official sources for famousproject
  223. Sep 02 14:33:31 <tweenk> For that, you go to github.com/famousproject/famousproject, and we do own that repo
  224. Sep 02 14:33:32 <doctormon> That's a cultural function that's been added because of the weak project management
  225. Sep 02 14:34:09 <doctormon> It'd just be nice if there was a giant banner that said "This is not the canonical project repository, merge requests to here will be a pointless waste of everyone's time"
  226. Sep 02 14:34:34 <tweenk> Yeah, that's a concern
  227. Sep 02 14:34:53 <tweenk> but I recall that there's a "forked from" somewhere at the top
  228. Sep 02 14:35:22 <tweenk> Ah, it is under the repo name, but in awfully small font
  229. Sep 02 14:35:22 <tweenk> https://github.com/tweenk/ceph
  230. Sep 02 14:36:10 <tweenk> I guess we can avoid this problem by specifying the official location at the top of README.md
  231. Sep 02 14:36:30 <doctormon> That'll help, yes.
  232. Sep 02 14:36:50 <doctormon> Do we want to grab all our merge requests on launchpad before we move to github?
  233. Sep 02 14:36:54 <tweenk> A fork also has a different icon, but it's small and low contrast.
  234. Sep 02 14:37:24 <tweenk> I guess so. But I won't be able to do the transition for the next 2 weeks.
  235. Sep 02 14:39:01 <doctormon> ok. We should perhaps do a merge requests sprint, get everyone on the same page.
  236. Sep 02 14:39:26 <doctormon> let me know! I have to go the coffee shop is kicking me out
  237. Sep 02 15:43:17 <jabiertxof> any one have the log of september 2 meeteeng? thanks in advance
  238. Sep 02 15:47:49 <jabiertxof> forget me, need to go, read it later in wiki. Good night!




Board Meeting - September 2, 2016



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