1. May 06 12:00:19 <Tavmjong> =================== Board Meeting =====================
  2. May 06 12:00:25 <bryce> hi all, thanks for coming
  3. May 06 12:00:32 <Tavmjong> Hi!
  4. May 06 12:00:33 <bryce> It sounds like the main thing folks want to discuss is the release, which technically isn't a board matter.
  5. May 06 12:00:38 <tweenk> H E L L O
  6. May 06 12:00:39 <bryce> So what I think we'll do is zip through the proper board meeting, close, and then delve into release discussions subsequently.
  7. May 06 12:00:42 <doctormono> Morning
  8. May 06 12:00:52 <bryce> http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Board_Meetings
  9. May 06 12:01:00 <bryce> hi tav, tweenk and doctormono
  10. May 06 12:01:05 <bryce> do we have a ScislaC ?
  11. May 06 12:01:18 * doctormono waves at tweenk, bryce and Tavmjong
  12. May 06 12:01:23 <bryce> right
  13. May 06 12:01:30 <bryce> Luckily there's not anything super urgent right now, but there's a few items that seem worth touching on
  14. May 06 12:01:38 <ScislaC> We do
  15. May 06 12:01:38 <bryce> 0. Debrief Hackfest Leeds 2016
  16. May 06 12:01:38 <bryce> 1. Future hackfests
  17. May 06 12:01:38 <bryce> 2. Followup on past board items
  18. May 06 12:01:38 <bryce> 3. Other business
  19. May 06 12:01:53 <Tavmjong> Looks good...
  20. May 06 12:02:02 <rindolf> bryce: hi.
  21. May 06 12:02:18 <bryce> tav, doctormono, tweenk want to regale me with tales of the hackfest? sounds like it was a lot of fun and big success.
  22. May 06 12:02:35 <Tavmjong> =============== Leeds Hackfest =============
  23. May 06 12:02:39 <bryce> thanks for writing up such a good summary. Are there any items the board needs to follow up on?
  24. May 06 12:02:44 <doctormono> bryce: Did everyone read the news article: https://inkscape.org/en/news/2016/04/16/what-happened-hackfest-2016/
  25. May 06 12:02:46 <Tavmjong> It was fun and quite productive.
  26. May 06 12:03:00 <doctormono> It was fun and it felt like we got a lot done.
  27. May 06 12:03:07 <tweenk> I think it was a lot better than the one in Toronto
  28. May 06 12:03:13 <rindolf> awesome.
  29. May 06 12:03:28 <Tavmjong> Given its success and coming under budget, I think we should be planning another one before next year.
  30. May 06 12:03:29 <Mc-> we talked a bit about spreadshirt/equivalent things in england, is it a board thing ?
  31. May 06 12:03:36 <doctormono> Relationships were built pretty strong too. Big thanks to everyone for being such great co-conspirators.
  32. May 06 12:04:01 <bryce> was that mostly due to experience of being on hackfest #2, or was there something in particular that helped make it better?
  33. May 06 12:04:18 <bryce> Mc-, spreadshirt?
  34. May 06 12:04:31 <tweenk> More focus, more coding, less discussion
  35. May 06 12:04:38 <doctormono> The venue was very relaxing, everything was taken care of, even lunches were easy. Just pop into the other room, eat, talk, laugh, go back to work.
  36. May 06 12:04:39 <Tavmjong> I think the Toronto hackfest was successful for what was needed then... getting lots of discussions going.
  37. May 06 12:04:45 <Tavmjong> But this hackfest was more about coding.
  38. May 06 12:05:15 <Tavmjong> Yes, having the catered lunches turned out to be a good thing.
  39. May 06 12:05:29 <tweenk> bryce: it's a site that allows you to sell your own designs of t-shirts and other gadgets and collect a cut from each sale, basically self-serve merchandise
  40. May 06 12:05:31 <bryce> yeah I appreciated the eyes on the cmake stuff
  41. May 06 12:05:34 <doctormono> I felt the one thing we could work on is getting everyone in the same hotel. This because we ended up being in different places (and I fummbled my housing)
  42. May 06 12:05:34 <Mc-> (bryce: having a sort of "store" for inkscape-related stuff (mugs, shirts, stickers, etc with libre inkscape artwork) )
  43. May 06 12:06:02 <doctormono> We should talk about the store in a minute
  44. May 06 12:06:08 * tedg waves (sorry I'm late)
  45. May 06 12:06:13 <Mc-> doctormono: having the same hotel would be nice yes
  46. May 06 12:06:26 <Lazur> hi
  47. May 06 12:06:33 <rindolf> Lazur: hello.
  48. May 06 12:06:43 <doctormono> Yes, since we're being reimbursed as well. It makes sense I think for that work of searching for a place to be done once.
  49. May 06 12:06:43 <Tavmjong> Yeah, having everyone in the same hotel would be good.
  50. May 06 12:06:48 <bryce> ah yes. excellent idea. Probably makes sense to establish a second or third fund raising strategy
  51. May 06 12:07:14 <tweenk> and we could probably get a discount that way.
  52. May 06 12:07:48 <Tavmjong> Fund raising a hackfest with a release as a goal would probably be quite successful.
  53. May 06 12:08:04 <bryce> house rental might be another option to consider. Sometimes can be cheaper + nicer, but less maid service
  54. May 06 12:08:21 <su_v> re hotel - I wonder whether there are similar venues outside Germany like this one: http://www.linuxhotel.de/community.en.html
  55. May 06 12:08:40 <Tavmjong> I shared an AirBnB for the SVG meeting after LGM and that worked out really well.
  56. May 06 12:08:45 <su_v> (site seems to lack full translation, sorry)
  57. May 06 12:09:09 <bryce> would someone be willing to collect these brainstorming ideas into wiki?
  58. May 06 12:09:19 <doctormono> Yes a shared AirBNB might be a nice idea, maybe cheap for a group of us.
  59. May 06 12:09:41 <doctormono> And probably wouldn't be quite as horrific as the slum CR, me and jabiertxof experienced in leeds
  60. May 06 12:09:44 <bryce> doctormono, agreed, worth looking into for sure
  61. May 06 12:09:56 <bryce> slum CR?
  62. May 06 12:10:09 <doctormono> bryce: The place we stayed in had an indoor waterfall.
  63. May 06 12:10:20 <doctormono> CR is crodgers.
  64. May 06 12:10:33 <bryce> ok
  65. May 06 12:10:35 <tedg> I know that the GTK+ folks rented a house in Berlin for a week, just a holiday rental.
  66. May 06 12:10:38 <Tavmjong> I stayed in a former homeless shelter in Leeds. It was quite clean despite being spartan.
  67. May 06 12:10:59 <tedg> So I think anything like that can work.
  68. May 06 12:11:05 <bryce> well, hmm, yeah sending a scout to scope out lodging might not be a bad idea to avoid bad experiences for participants
  69. May 06 12:11:15 <Tavmjong> The linux hotel looks like a very reasonable place.
  70. May 06 12:11:27 <Tavmjong> ... centrally located for Europeans.
  71. May 06 12:11:30 <tedg> It seems like having a local planner probably also helped this sprint?
  72. May 06 12:12:00 <doctormono> Yes, Alex was a great resource and set everything up like a champ.
  73. May 06 12:12:08 <Lazur> http://kepfeltoltes.hu/160506/ban_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png
  74. May 06 12:12:16 <Tavmjong> Yes, Alex did a great job, especially after the first place fell through.
  75. May 06 12:12:32 <bryce> hi Lazur
  76. May 06 12:12:38 <Lazur> hi
  77. May 06 12:12:47 <crogers> hey folks.
  78. May 06 12:12:53 <doctormono> welcome crogers
  79. May 06 12:13:10 <crogers> thanks doc.
  80. May 06 12:13:20 <doctormono> I would go so far as to say we should prefer locations with local inkscape community on the ground.
  81. May 06 12:13:33 <bryce> so, shifting slightly, there's been some chatting about what to do for future hackfests
  82. May 06 12:13:46 <crogers> Yep, say the email.
  83. May 06 12:13:48 <crogers> saw
  84. May 06 12:14:05 <bryce> doing things tied to release stuff is a brilliant idea
  85. May 06 12:14:25 <crogers> Only problem with the States migh be getting everyone visas to enter.
  86. May 06 12:14:30 <doctormono> I'm putting up Boston/MIT as a location. But I don't think ScislaC is here to defend the SCALE option
  87. May 06 12:14:33 <bryce> I know I sound like a broken record here, but I'm hoping to get 0.92 wrapped up soonish, so maybe too near term to schedule a hackfest for
  88. May 06 12:14:50 <crogers> hehehe
  89. May 06 12:15:12 <bryce> but certainly for 0.93, and maybe 0.92 if it drags
  90. May 06 12:15:18 <Tavmjong> Yeah, I think we should get 0.92 out the door ASAP.
  91. May 06 12:15:22 <tedg> I think it'd be nice, at least for fundraising to target a release with features of some sort. "Release 0.93 based on GTK+3" or some such.
  92. May 06 12:15:24 <doctormono> bryce: I can code a website plugin that sends a message to all developers saying "Bryce is watching you not making a release this week" :-P
  93. May 06 12:15:31 <crogers> we're making jabiertxof finish the eraser stuff. Fueled with coffee bribes. :D
  94. May 06 12:15:42 <tedg> Then it feels like funding a feature (even though it really isn't)
  95. May 06 12:15:52 <Tavmjong> I think a GTK3 would be a great hackfest topic, focusing on 0.93
  96. May 06 12:15:56 <JonCruz> Hi all
  97. May 06 12:15:57 <bryce> there was also talk of a gtk3 focused hackfest, and I definitely think object-focused hackfests are smart and probably would be way more productive than general ones
  98. May 06 12:16:05 <doctormono> I agree regarding gtk3 and 0.93
  99. May 06 12:16:06 <ScislaC> Sorry, stepped away for a few. I need to catch back up.
  100. May 06 12:16:25 <crogers> third for the gtk3 stuff
  101. May 06 12:16:31 <doctormono> Although maybe 0.94 can be 1.0.... speculation.
  102. May 06 12:16:36 <bryce> any other hackfest ideas we should capture with those?
  103. May 06 12:17:03 <tedg> Do we need a process of some sort to decide the location?
  104. May 06 12:17:11 <doctormono> Would an autumn event be a good time for a hackfest?
  105. May 06 12:17:13 <bryce> fundraising was brought up earlier, and it's true that funding is going to be the key element to doing these
  106. May 06 12:17:51 <Tavmjong> We've still got $4000 in the hackfest pool, and I would argue that hackfests are the best use of our other funds.
  107. May 06 12:17:58 <bryce> tedg, good question. I suspect we can mostly do as we've done before, just have folks propose options and then we trade off cost projections and so on
  108. May 06 12:18:19 <bryce> and evidently having boots on the ground at a locale should be a heavy weighting in that decision
  109. May 06 12:18:22 <doctormono> Tavmjong: Agreed, it blunts to sharp end of our personal investment into inkscape.
  110. May 06 12:18:40 <tedg> Yeah, I agree. I just want to be transparent where we choose. I don't want to generate hard feelings.
  111. May 06 12:18:54 <doctormono> With the way the ideas are going here, we might be able to do both anyway
  112. May 06 12:19:51 <tedg> The GNOME folks have a hackfest over Columbus day at MIT. Might be something to align with.
  113. May 06 12:19:52 <JonCruz> that matches my impressions
  114. May 06 12:20:02 <Tavmjong> US in fall, Europe in Spring (unless we want to try for Brazil... which I am a bit doubtful of).
  115. May 06 12:20:10 <Tavmjong> JonCruz!!!
  116. May 06 12:20:18 <JonCruz> Tavmjong!!!!!!!
  117. May 06 12:20:29 <doctormono> October 10th 2016
  118. May 06 12:20:40 <bryce> autumn seems reasonable to shoot for. Probably not necessary to nail things down too specifically just yet
  119. May 06 12:20:52 <Tavmjong> Hackfest with Gnome, hmmm GTK3 experts near by.
  120. May 06 12:21:08 <doctormono> We should check gnome is still doing events, they've been quiet on the local calendars.
  121. May 06 12:21:21 <tedg> Yes, though there are a lot of GTK/GNOME folks in Boston. Even without aligning we could probably get them to come for a day.
  122. May 06 12:21:30 <crogers> I need to get you guys the presentations featuring inkscape mods.
  123. May 06 12:21:37 <crogers> from this year's LGM
  124. May 06 12:21:41 <bryce> shall we set some action items to do some research, and plan to dig in more next meeting?
  125. May 06 12:21:57 * crogers makes mental note
  126. May 06 12:22:20 <JonCruz> btw, east coats college my daughter is transferring to has midterms Oct 12
  127. May 06 12:22:42 <JonCruz> 13th-16th as a recess. We might want to check to see what others there are doing schedule-wise
  128. May 06 12:22:51 <su_v> jfyi - the folks on #gtk+ are monitoring the gtk3 page in the Inkscape wiki:
  129. May 06 12:22:53 <bryce> tedg, can you gather some details on the GNOME option?
  130. May 06 12:22:54 <su_v> 2016-05-05.log:21:46 mclasen@: this may be of wider interest: http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Gtk_issues
  131. May 06 12:23:07 <tedg> bryce: Sure, I'll ask what they're thinking
  132. May 06 12:23:09 <doctormono> RedHat might be able to spring for some costs too, since they're near and gnomey
  133. May 06 12:23:13 <ScislaC> su_v!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  134. May 06 12:23:34 * su_v waves
  135. May 06 12:23:34 <JonCruz> su_v!!!!!!!!!!!!1
  136. May 06 12:23:41 <bryce> Tavmjong, maybe you could brainstorm a bit in wiki for some initial 0.93 hackfest ideas?
  137. May 06 12:24:13 <tweenk> doctormono: 1.0 needs to fix non-SVG flowed text and coordinate inversion
  138. May 06 12:24:35 <Tavmjong> bryce: Sure.
  139. May 06 12:24:37 <doctormono> tweenk: Eeek, ok a good 0.94/1.0 target hackfest :-D
  140. May 06 12:24:48 <bryce> I'd also like it if ScislaC could draft up some initial thinking on a SCALE-related option
  141. May 06 12:25:14 <JonCruz> bryce, that could include a 'class' on contributing/hacking inkscape
  142. May 06 12:25:16 <Tavmjong> tweenk: Trunk already renders SVG 2 flowed text but there is quite a bit of work to be done.
  143. May 06 12:25:28 <FailBit> su_v: listening to users?
  144. May 06 12:25:29 <bryce> so going back to the earlier mention of fundraising
  145. May 06 12:25:32 <FailBit> impossble
  146. May 06 12:25:33 <ScislaC> bryce: will do
  147. May 06 12:25:34 <tweenk> Tavmjong: cool! so at least part of the problem is fixed.
  148. May 06 12:25:57 <su_v> FailBit: on GIMPNet
  149. May 06 12:26:06 <FailBit> I just joined
  150. May 06 12:26:09 <Tavmjong> tweenk: Got to get the SVG 1.1 fallback in place as well as fix some line-height bugs.
  151. May 06 12:26:22 <bryce> "spreadshirt"
  152. May 06 12:26:32 <FailBit> >implying
  153. May 06 12:26:41 <tweenk> >memeing in public
  154. May 06 12:26:59 <bryce> we've brought up the idea of merchandise-relating fundraising in the past, I know there's a few other options too like cafepress, that we've discussed
  155. May 06 12:27:04 <FailBit> >not using fabulous meme arrows
  156. May 06 12:27:05 <Tavmjong> ================== Fund Raising ===============
  157. May 06 12:27:09 <Lazur> just have reached 20150 logged moderation action at inkscapeforum
  158. May 06 12:27:41 <bryce> it definitely sounds like we should start scoping it out
  159. May 06 12:27:50 <Lazur> in Apr 12, 2016
  160. May 06 12:27:58 <Tavmjong> Let who ever is motivated choose the appropriate option.
  161. May 06 12:28:06 <bryce> who can tell me more about spreadshirt?
  162. May 06 12:28:11 <Lazur> there was only 16225 of them
  163. May 06 12:28:20 <doctormono> Link, Gnome Boston events https://wiki.gnome.org/action/show/Events/Summit
  164. May 06 12:28:27 <doctormono> Sorry got in late with that
  165. May 06 12:29:00 <Lazur> in a month time, 4000 necessary actions it takes to remove the spam
  166. May 06 12:29:04 <crogers> I've seen people do pretty well selling tutorial series.
  167. May 06 12:29:06 <Lazur> now
  168. May 06 12:29:16 <Lazur> started it two years ago
  169. May 06 12:29:18 <crogers> Maybe we could do a series for inkscape to raise money.
  170. May 06 12:29:20 <FailBit> Lazur, here's an idea
  171. May 06 12:29:24 <Lazur> so that means an exponent level
  172. May 06 12:29:30 <FailBit> use a simple captcha that the spammers wouldn't know about
  173. May 06 12:29:37 <Lazur> no
  174. May 06 12:29:39 <FailBit> like "what is the first tool that is open when inkscape starts"
  175. May 06 12:29:40 <tweenk> bryce: there are several services to which you can basically outsource fulfillment of merchandise orders, they do literally everything for you - you only upload your designs, set a price and convince people to buy them and the money starts flowing
  176. May 06 12:29:40 <Lazur> the problem is
  177. May 06 12:29:48 <Lazur> I can ONLY moderate
  178. May 06 12:29:51 <doctormono> FailBit: We don't have control over the website there.
  179. May 06 12:29:53 <Lazur> can delete and ban
  180. May 06 12:29:55 <FailBit> suggest it to the moderators
  181. May 06 12:30:07 <Mc-> bryce: also you can setup a "shop" specifically for your brand, iirc
  182. May 06 12:30:11 <Lazur> it is ONLY microUgly who can set up capcha
  183. May 06 12:30:19 <Lazur> or the old approval system
  184. May 06 12:30:30 <Lazur> who haven't responded to my ask for that
  185. May 06 12:30:33 <Lazur> since january
  186. May 06 12:30:36 <bryce> tweenk, Mc- cool, sounds like exactly what we want. What would be the first steps necessary to start getting that organized?
  187. May 06 12:30:41 <tweenk> So the forum basically succumbed to the bus factor...
  188. May 06 12:30:42 <doctormono> I did talk with Golden Ribbon and with Think Penguin; I was hoping Think Penguin could be the open source/Linux fulfilment house. But they just don't seem to have that idea yet.
  189. May 06 12:30:57 <Lazur> yet in the mailing list another month is requested?
  190. May 06 12:31:00 <Lazur> on what end?
  191. May 06 12:31:13 <Mc-> bryce: registering there, uploading a few designs, investigating how you setup where your money goes
  192. May 06 12:31:30 <Tavmjong> spreadshirt supports SVG
  193. May 06 12:31:34 <Mc-> or what can be customized
  194. May 06 12:31:39 <Lazur> there is already a "capcha question"
  195. May 06 12:31:39 <bryce> Mc-, is this something you might be interested in helping us work on getting set up?
  196. May 06 12:31:52 <Lazur> you need to answer the number of position of the tweak tool
  197. May 06 12:31:56 <bryce> I suppose we'll need some process for selecting a design
  198. May 06 12:32:01 <Mc-> bryce: sure
  199. May 06 12:32:31 <Lazur> I am the only active moderator
  200. May 06 12:32:31 <bryce> Mc-, great, thanks
  201. May 06 12:32:37 <su_v> Lazur: could this be pleased discussed under its own topic? (current topic is 'Fund Raising')
  202. May 06 12:32:40 <su_v> ¨
  203. May 06 12:32:42 <Lazur> and just the admin can set up the approval system
  204. May 06 12:32:42 <su_v> oops
  205. May 06 12:32:43 <tweenk> Lazur: no known way of reaching microUgly?
  206. May 06 12:32:45 <crogers> How about this:
  207. May 06 12:32:58 <bryce> thanks su_v, yeah we can make forum the next discussion topic
  208. May 06 12:32:59 <crogers> We make a mosiac of entries
  209. May 06 12:33:07 <crogers> that forms the shape of the inkscape logo.
  210. May 06 12:33:07 <Mc-> For now, I think it would be a good start to do just the official inkscape stuff, not contributed (official "about" images, inkscape logo, for a start)
  211. May 06 12:33:18 <doctormono> They have a rest api too (spreadshirt)
  212. May 06 12:33:32 <crogers> it's donation based, so to get a spot in the mosaic, you spend $5
  213. May 06 12:33:38 <bryce> Mc-, would you like to have a more detailed discussion on this next meeting, and take time in the meanwhile to investigate/experiment?
  214. May 06 12:33:52 <crogers> then we sell the shirts after the mosaic is complete.
  215. May 06 12:34:02 <Mc-> I'll experiment and send an email
  216. May 06 12:34:06 <bryce> great
  217. May 06 12:34:11 <doctormono> I agree, we have permission to, but we should ask and be clear if we want to make merch from about screen contests.
  218. May 06 12:34:11 <tweenk> crogers: that's a pretty cool idea
  219. May 06 12:34:25 <crogers> tweenk, thanks. :)
  220. May 06 12:34:27 <Mc-> doctormono: of course
  221. May 06 12:34:34 <bryce> last bit on fundraising, I'll just note we brainstormed a bunch of ideas at hackfest #1 - http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Fundraising_Ideas
  222. May 06 12:34:39 <JonCruz> nice. Like doing a phantasmagoria would be for blender supporters
  223. May 06 12:35:06 <tweenk> Mc-: I agree that contrib stuff should wait, and if we do end up selling about screen images on T-shirts it would be nice to give something back to the authors
  224. May 06 12:35:10 <FailBit> Lazur: the way we had to stem our spam problems was (1) akismet automatically flags questionable posts (2) require an account made to post topics (3) automatically ban accounts that post 5 or more spam topics in a row
  225. May 06 12:35:12 <bryce> if anyone feels inspired for fundraising, take a look at the ideas. the more we raise, the more hackfests we can entertain
  226. May 06 12:35:18 <FailBit> we rarely see spam nowadays
  227. May 06 12:35:36 <bryce> ok, moving on to forum
  228. May 06 12:36:01 <Tavmjong> ================== Forum ======================
  229. May 06 12:36:03 <bryce> Lazur, are there particular items you'd like to raise for the board to look into?
  230. May 06 12:36:40 <tweenk> bryce: there are 2 ways to proceed. Either there is some way to contact microUgly, or we have to move the forum
  231. May 06 12:36:53 <bryce> ok, straightforward enough
  232. May 06 12:36:58 <Lazur> it's not really my board
  233. May 06 12:37:08 <Lazur> just a semi-captain by choice
  234. May 06 12:37:11 <Lazur> http://www.inkscapeforum.com/viewtopic.php?f=30&p=86379#p84569
  235. May 06 12:37:12 <ScislaC> I can email him
  236. May 06 12:37:13 <bryce> Lazur, I mean the Inkscape board ;-)
  237. May 06 12:37:17 <bryce> ScislaC, thanks
  238. May 06 12:37:20 <Lazur> here was a brief explanation
  239. May 06 12:37:28 <doctormono> Lazur: This is going to sound like a mad idea, but... create a new non-moderator account for yourself and change your current account into a moderators group account (change the profile details to reflect that) and invite other members of the forum to help you by giving out your password to this moderators account.
  240. May 06 12:37:31 <bryce> let's set a deadline of maybe by next meeting? Or sooner?
  241. May 06 12:37:37 <doctormono> It's a bit of a hack, but it should release some pressure
  242. May 06 12:37:47 <Lazur> cannot do that
  243. May 06 12:37:58 <Lazur> cannot add other users to be moderators
  244. May 06 12:38:16 <Lazur> nor is that a solution to change back to the first post approval system
  245. May 06 12:38:18 <doctormono> Lazur: You don't need to, just use your existing account.
  246. May 06 12:38:41 <doctormono> Give everyone your password to your existing account (or change it to something to share)
  247. May 06 12:38:43 <Lazur> so that multiple users would use the same account?
  248. May 06 12:38:47 <doctormono> yes
  249. May 06 12:39:00 <Lazur> well...
  250. May 06 12:39:10 <Lazur> then who would know who is who
  251. May 06 12:39:14 <doctormono> at least for moderation. They'd need to have their own accounts for normal chat
  252. May 06 12:39:19 <JonCruz> that is a consideration
  253. May 06 12:39:50 <Lazur> for that I would need to reassign my old posts to the new account
  254. May 06 12:40:10 <doctormono> Lazur: Depends, if we lose the forum, you'll lose the posts anyway
  255. May 06 12:40:12 <Lazur> there was 3727
  256. May 06 12:40:13 <ScislaC> Lazur: Are you Lazur on the forums?
  257. May 06 12:40:21 <Lazur> yes
  258. May 06 12:40:23 <FailBit> well actually
  259. May 06 12:40:25 <ScislaC> Thanks
  260. May 06 12:40:26 <bryce> from Brynn's email it sounds like the most alternative path would be for inkscape to establish a new forum and maintain it in-house. Sounds like Brynn would be willing to lead
  261. May 06 12:40:32 <FailBit> the board is written in php
  262. May 06 12:40:34 <Lazur> and at ocal btw
  263. May 06 12:40:43 <FailBit> so someone could haxxor their way in and take over
  264. May 06 12:40:46 <FailBit> :p
  265. May 06 12:41:07 <doctormono> FailBit: We should consider domain name despute take over before out and out computer crime.
  266. May 06 12:41:24 <FailBit> well then we lose the forum content
  267. May 06 12:41:26 <FailBit> entirely
  268. May 06 12:41:27 <Lazur> there is a 50:1 spam:not spam ratio
  269. May 06 12:41:36 <Lazur> it's quite dead
  270. May 06 12:41:53 <doctormono> So the activity of the forum is very low?
  271. May 06 12:42:03 <Lazur> considering deleting all my posts and moving that content somewhere else
  272. May 06 12:42:04 <bryce> since I know there's going to be tons and tons of details to discuss on establishing a forum, what I'd like to do is designate a Forum committee, like we did for the vote, and recruit 3-5 folks for it
  273. May 06 12:42:29 <Tavmjong> bryce: Good idea.
  274. May 06 12:42:38 <su_v> doctormono: AFAICT not really low (compared to past years), just that the daily spam is interfering ...
  275. May 06 12:42:44 <ScislaC> alright, emailed microUgly
  276. May 06 12:42:48 <Lazur> 90-95% of the non-spam activity is like helpdesk
  277. May 06 12:43:02 <bryce> so we'll have Scislac taking the lead on the effort to contact inkscapeforum, and maybe try and at least get a dump of the database
  278. May 06 12:43:08 <tweenk> Sounds similar to doctormono's experience with website chat...
  279. May 06 12:43:10 <doctormono> ScislaC: Did you CC anyone? I'd be interested in being nosy.
  280. May 06 12:43:18 <bryce> and then second a committee to look into a new forum effort
  281. May 06 12:43:20 <su_v> Lazur: it was never different since I know the forum (~ 2009)
  282. May 06 12:43:37 <su_v> (re "helpdesk")
  283. May 06 12:43:52 <ScislaC> doctormono: I did not CC anyone, I can do so depending on his response.
  284. May 06 12:43:53 <bryce> I'll take the action to follow up with Brynn and get that committee established, if no one objects?
  285. May 06 12:44:04 <doctormono> bryce: sounds good
  286. May 06 12:44:43 <bryce> ok, any other tasks related to forums?
  287. May 06 12:45:17 <bryce> right then, moving on.
  288. May 06 12:45:22 <bryce> Follow up to other board items
  289. May 06 12:45:30 <bryce> http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Board_Meetings
  290. May 06 12:45:35 <tweenk> bryce: do we want transplanted phpBB under new administration or do we want sometinh integrated into the website?
  291. May 06 12:45:45 <Lazur> other than building a new one/mirroring current/helping Brynn's inkscapecommunity?
  292. May 06 12:45:52 <tweenk> Django plugin or some such?
  293. May 06 12:46:12 <Mc-> are there django forums plugins as functional as phpbb ?
  294. May 06 12:46:16 <Lazur> no I think there is not much more
  295. May 06 12:46:31 <bryce> tweenk, if we get a dump of the database then a transplant might make the most sense. Otherwise I think it's pretty open what we should consider. I know software selection can get religious so would prefer to just delegate the decision to the committee.
  296. May 06 12:46:53 <bryce> but yeah, integration with the website seems like an important thing to consider, though.
  297. May 06 12:46:58 <doctormono> tweenk: For the committee
  298. May 06 12:47:24 <JonCruz> we might want them to define and then sandbox "integration"
  299. May 06 12:47:40 <Mc-> (I found https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/ForumAppsComparison )
  300. May 06 12:47:43 <tweenk> https://code.djangoproject.com/wiki/ForumAppsComparison
  301. May 06 12:47:44 <JonCruz> since it can mean many things to many different people
  302. May 06 12:48:08 <Mc-> tweenk: :)
  303. May 06 12:48:12 <bryce> ================== Followups ==================
  304. May 06 12:48:18 <JonCruz> Personally I'd consider a 'true' forum just an alternate web-view on a nice newsgroup server
  305. May 06 12:48:36 <bryce> so on to followups...
  306. May 06 12:48:42 <bryce> I'm going to machine gun some questions for some of these items
  307. May 06 12:48:48 <bryce> if you have status to update, just shoot back
  308. May 06 12:48:52 <bryce> I figure we can dig into them more next meeting, I just want to know where we're at for now.
  309. May 06 12:49:03 <bryce> Followup to GPLv2+ licensing [tweenk]
  310. May 06 12:49:03 <bryce> Followup to CoC work
  311. May 06 12:49:03 <bryce> Followup to sponsorship level [tweenk]
  312. May 06 12:49:14 <bryce> Credentials management for board members and administrators
  313. May 06 12:49:17 <su_v> what is used on https://discuss.pixls.us/? AFAIK there was a talk about that at LGM ... (sorry, late --> for last topic)
  314. May 06 12:49:25 <bryce> Contact GIMP developers about licensing of GPLv3+ code included in Inkscape [tweenk]
  315. May 06 12:49:41 <bryce> Check that our credentials escrow includes √twitter, facebook, Inkscape forum admin, and IRC moderation keys [bryce]
  316. May 06 12:49:53 <bryce> Privacy Policy [drmo]
  317. May 06 12:49:54 <doctormono> CoC is done: https://inkscape.org/en/community/coc/
  318. May 06 12:49:56 <FailBit> re code of conduct: I was not aware we had conduct issues
  319. May 06 12:49:59 <bryce> GSoC 2016 [scislac]
  320. May 06 12:50:06 <bryce> doctormono, great thanks
  321. May 06 12:50:29 <FailBit> good to know I guess
  322. May 06 12:50:35 <tweenk> bryce: no response from 2 people who contributed to 2 LPE-related files, but I'm tempted to just go ahead and change the license
  323. May 06 12:50:59 <bryce> for the credentials, basically I just need to strong arm gpg keys from everyone. Some day I'll get around to emailing each of you for them.
  324. May 06 12:51:31 <doctormono> Privacy Policy needs SFC, and they've been really busy. We might want to use a stock one for now.
  325. May 06 12:51:34 <Mc-> doctormono: is the coc advertized somewhere on the website ? (is there a link to it ?)
  326. May 06 12:51:58 <bryce> we just have a few services hooked up so far, but there's others on the todo list to add. basically we need to have an "Inkscape Admin" account registered with the service so we can share the keys
  327. May 06 12:52:17 <ScislaC> GSoC 2016 looks to be good to be on track, at this point Tavmjong & tweenk are better positioned to update us at this point.
  328. May 06 12:52:26 <tweenk> bryce: The unresponded people are Ben Scholzen aka Dasprid and Eric Greveson
  329. May 06 12:52:34 <bryce> doctormono, ok, can you snag a stock one and bring it to next month's meeting for us to look at?
  330. May 06 12:52:43 <doctormono> Linked from comment posting, moderator pages.
  331. May 06 12:52:48 <doctormono> bryce: will do
  332. May 06 12:52:57 <bryce> tweenk, ok, how do you think we should proceed on that?
  333. May 06 12:52:58 <Lazur> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzWuctAII8Q
  334. May 06 12:52:58 <Mc-> DASPRiD is on this channel
  335. May 06 12:52:59 <InkBot> [00:04:46] Cirith Ungol - Better Off Dead
  336. May 06 12:53:02 <tweenk> I have an idea: I'll check whether those two authored GPL v2+ code, and if they did, I'll just go ahead and slap a modified header on the offending files
  337. May 06 12:53:22 <doctormono> I'm switching on the coc's visibility in the community menu
  338. May 06 12:53:28 <bryce> tweenk, can we drop/rewrite those files? Should we ask SFC for advice on JFDI with the license?
  339. May 06 12:53:56 <bryce> ScislaC, great thanks. Sounds like no issues on GSoC front for us to track then?
  340. May 06 12:54:14 <tweenk> bryce: one is main-cmdlineact.h/.cpp and this is used in the command line interface so it would be annoying
  341. May 06 12:54:17 <crogers> re GSoC 2016, how long do we have to get a UI roned out for the students?
  342. May 06 12:54:25 <tweenk> bryce: the other files are LPEs which could be disabled
  343. May 06 12:54:26 <crogers> *ironed
  344. May 06 12:54:40 <Tavmjong> GSoC: We have two great looking projects. My student looks quite good and has been quite responsive.
  345. May 06 12:55:01 <bryce> crogers, UI? You mean the web tools I've been poking around with? I'm going to try and work on it more this weekend, but no promises.
  346. May 06 12:55:21 <Tavmjong> crogers: A few weeks probably. It would be good to produce something that can be worked on incrementally.
  347. May 06 12:55:42 <bryce> tweenk, ok those sound easy. Send them a note and just disable them. The command line bits sound like something that could be reimplemented if necessary
  348. May 06 12:55:47 <crogers> bryce, no, there was an email sent to our new Inkscape UI team about the Style and CSS dialogs
  349. May 06 12:55:52 <ScislaC> bryce: not atm, it starts on 5/23, so hopefully we will have a couple weeks of work to report on next meeting
  350. May 06 12:56:02 <bryce> crogers, ah right. Sorry haven't been following that discussion closely
  351. May 06 12:56:08 <tweenk> actually it's only 1 LPE, lpe-jointype.cpp
  352. May 06 12:56:09 <bryce> ScislaC, great thanks.
  353. May 06 12:56:31 <bryce> tweenk, ok sounds good thanks. We'll follow up with you again in a future meeting. Meanwhile let me know if you need help.
  354. May 06 12:56:37 <FailBit> jointype was mine iirc
  355. May 06 12:56:47 <crogers> bryce, no problem. What you're doing sounds interesting. Could be useful to us in the near future, so we should talk about that sometime.
  356. May 06 12:56:50 <tweenk> is jointype enabled in 0.91 or is it an experimental LPE?
  357. May 06 12:56:53 <FailBit> and idgaf what the license is
  358. May 06 12:57:04 <FailBit> just change it
  359. May 06 12:57:07 <bryce> tweenk, where are we at on sponsorship levels? Last I recall we were close on that?
  360. May 06 12:57:26 <tweenk> FailBit: sure but someone else changed it since then so it's polluted by their non-GPLv2+ contribs
  361. May 06 12:57:39 <FailBit> ugh
  362. May 06 12:57:40 <bryce> ScislaC, also you were chasing down a sponsor, did that all get settled or is there further work we need to do there?
  363. May 06 12:57:48 <crogers> Tavmjong, thanks. We should discuss more about it soon.
  364. May 06 12:57:57 <ScislaC> crogers: work begins on the 23rd, but I would be surprised if they started working on UI before functionality... so I would say a month is very likely safe.
  365. May 06 12:57:57 <tweenk> FaillBit: we could also fix this by removing that person's contribs only
  366. May 06 12:58:22 <ScislaC> bryce: afaik they mailed the check
  367. May 06 12:58:25 <tweenk> FailBit: or maybe their contribs are trivial
  368. May 06 12:58:37 <Tavmjong> I've contributed code to jointype.cpp but definitely didn't change the license.
  369. May 06 12:58:55 <tweenk> ugh can't check out Inkscape from Launchpad at work for some reason
  370. May 06 12:59:02 <bryce> ScislaC, ok great. I'll verify it landed. Did we do what we needed to for getting them recognition and etc.?
  371. May 06 12:59:31 <ScislaC> bryce: we have not, once we have confirmation we can do that piece.
  372. May 06 12:59:50 <Mc-> tweenk: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/trunk/changes?filter_file_id=lpejointype.cpp-20140302013756-hdihcv8lkp8yfddt-7 ?
  373. May 06 12:59:51 <bryce> ScislaC, ok cool. I'll take the next action there to verify, and follow up with you on email.
  374. May 06 12:59:55 <doctormono> Our contrib policy on the website required dual By-sa and gpl2+ on all content.
  375. May 06 13:00:03 <ScislaC> bryce: thanks!
  376. May 06 13:00:11 <crogers> ScislaC, okay. This weekend I'll help martin with the UI team web gallery issues, then next week I'll come back to the CSS and Style dialogs. doctormono and I have talked about that a bit as well.
  377. May 06 13:00:12 <doctormono> Maybe we should have a statement of such a policy for our code.
  378. May 06 13:00:17 <tweenk> Mc-: huh
  379. May 06 13:01:22 <tweenk> Mc-: looks like I misread bzr blame or it produced wrong output
  380. May 06 13:01:30 <JonCruz> crogers, as an asside be sure to ping me on that. I think we're way past due on an "asset manager" to enable proper usage
  381. May 06 13:01:36 <bryce> doctormono, we do have the gplv2+ vote we did that can be pointed to
  382. May 06 13:01:53 <doctormono> maybe a text file in the trunk?
  383. May 06 13:01:57 <bryce> doctormono, by-sa for content-ish stuff, and gpl2+ for code makes sense
  384. May 06 13:02:00 <tedg> Seems like a Contributing file or something in the source should point to it.
  385. May 06 13:02:14 <bryce> yeah something like that. Or just a note in the README
  386. May 06 13:02:28 <Mc-> tweenk: you're right, there is a line by dasprid
  387. May 06 13:02:29 <Mc-> http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~inkscape.dev/inkscape/trunk/revision/14178.1.1
  388. May 06 13:02:35 <Mc-> in a merged thing
  389. May 06 13:02:43 <Mc-> just one line
  390. May 06 13:02:53 <bryce> alright I guess we can investigate sponsorship level stuff another day
  391. May 06 13:03:13 <bryce> any other followup stuff or status on past tasks to report?
  392. May 06 13:03:21 <crogers> JonCruz, that would be spectacular. thanks.
  393. May 06 13:03:30 <Tavmjong> Mc-: If that is the only line, it didn't change the license.
  394. May 06 13:03:48 <bryce> this meeting has turned out to be way more productive than I'd anticipated, we're already at the hour!
  395. May 06 13:04:01 <doctormono> Well we're all here. :-)
  396. May 06 13:04:15 <tweenk> Tavmjong: the problem is more that the license was wrong at the beginning, but I think we can safely assume that one contrib is trivial
  397. May 06 13:04:24 <bryce> ================== Other business ==================
  398. May 06 13:04:41 <bryce> Moving on to last agenda item - anyone got any new things we need to discuss?
  399. May 06 13:04:51 <bryce> If not, we'll close and move on to release stuff.
  400. May 06 13:04:54 <Tavmjong> tweenk: Ah, your right.
  401. May 06 13:05:18 <su_v> Mc-: all commits authored by Ben AFAICT: r14173, r14174, r14180, r14185 - AFAICT none has license-related changes.
  402. May 06 13:06:27 <tweenk> now wrt main-cmdlineact.cpp, it turns out that the unresponded person's change was reverted
  403. May 06 13:06:37 <tweenk> so we are good to go
  404. May 06 13:07:02 <bryce> doctormono, one question I had - last time when I posted the meeting minutes I couldn't figure out how to get the irc log style format as I'd done in the past. Something seems to have changed with the inkspace pasting
  405. May 06 13:07:07 <tweenk> bryce: I will change the license on those two files during the weekend, and disambiguate the license headers
  406. May 06 13:07:27 <Tavmjong> tweenk: Excellent!
  407. May 06 13:07:27 <bryce> doctormono, also the link it provided is more verbose now http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Board_Meetings
  408. May 06 13:07:30 <tweenk> bryce: so that they explicitly say GPLv2+
  409. May 06 13:07:34 <bryce> tweenk, excellent, thanks.
  410. May 06 13:07:44 <doctormono> bryce: Should be able to go to top right corner, new gallery icon and New Paste in that menu.
  411. May 06 13:09:18 <bryce> doctormono, ah great, will give that a go.
  412. May 06 13:09:38 <doctormono> bryce: It looks like you've been adding items as Inkscape Branding category items.
  413. May 06 13:09:56 <bryce> doctormono, hmm, not intentionally
  414. May 06 13:09:57 <doctormono> bryce: https://inkscape.org/en/paste/9472/
  415. May 06 13:10:11 <doctormono> I administratored it for you into the PasteBin category
  416. May 06 13:10:16 <bryce> ok thanks
  417. May 06 13:10:34 <bryce> I may have you doublecheck when I post today's minutes that they're correctly placed
  418. May 06 13:10:53 <bryce> alright, if there's nothing else Board-related, then....
  419. May 06 13:11:06 <bryce> ================== End of Meeting ==================
  420. May 06 13:11:10 <bryce> thanks all!
  421. May 06 13:11:20 <Mc-> now, release meeting ? ^^
  422. May 06 13:11:27 <tweenk> Thanks everyone!
  1. More ...




Board Meeting - May 6, 2016



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