







Space Inkscape

Simple minimalistic idea. Hope you like it :)

About Screen Contest

126,9 КБ
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Duarte Farrajota Ramos написал :

Cool entry, would make a damn fine Hollywood movie poster

Juan Urquízar написал :

you have my vote Michał Grochoła =) congrats!

Michele Locati написал :

Mine too! Really nice!

Landis написал :

I Like. Very 'inkscape'ish'...

Omar Román написал :

Good work, I like the design and composition.

Michał Grochoła написал :

Thank you Duarte Farrajota Ramos, v2x, Michele Locati, Landis, Omar Román :D

Jean Mendoza написал :

Excelente trabajo... muy elegante para ser la portada de mi programa preferido para diseñar... Mi voto es tuyo... Felicidades... que obtengas el Éxito en este concurso... ya que quisiera ver esta portada en la nueva versión...!!!! :)

Daniel написал :

Very very nice.

The sole idea is excellent but it`s backed up with the same level of excellence in execution. Sincere compliments.

Michał Grochoła написал :

Thanks Jean Mendoza & Daniel :)

Maren Hachmann написал :

@Michał Grochoła: your artwork is in the developer voting round!
See https://sourceforge.net/p/inkscape/mailman/message/35501937/ (you can follow the voting on the developer mailing list)

Ranjith Siji написал :

Very Nice Drawing for an Elegent about screen.

emmaleelovestolaf333@hallo.com написал :

it's a great screen! I like how it has the "sun rising over the Earth" effect.

Eduardo Pelaez написал :

I find it absurd how this did not win!

Maren Hachmann написал :

Hi again, just commenting to tell you that your picture is now on the Inkscape front page: https://inkscape.org/en/ :)

Michał Grochoła написал :

Thank you Maren Hachmann! It is great honor to be part of this project :D

keynes написал :

Really nice !

Diego Loiola написал :

Cara, ficou muito bom!

Man, that's an amazing job!

Das ist sehr schön!

Miguel López Casellas написал :

Cool!! :-)

coffeecrazy2870 написал :

Yes I do like it... how did you get the lighting effects?

Gene7oh написал :

Very nice! The like button is not active so I'm speaking "I like it"

Michał Grochoła написал :

Thank you @Gene7oh :D

cesarino ijak rosa написал :

very nice

puchacz117 написал :

Lo it looks like Interstellar logo XD I even read Interstellar, before I noticed that this is Incscpae :D

MorungAmo написал :

Can i please use this in my project?
I like it very much.

Michał Grochoła написал :

@MorungAmo yeah, sure :) I'm curious how will you transform my project :) Remember that it is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0.

karebear22 написал :

gotta love the destiny intro screen

Jeffrey Esmundo написал :


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