@echo get inkscape from scratch, assuming you have inkscape sources
echo >> %~dp0\build.log
echo %time% start preparing >> %~dp0\build.log
cd \inkscape
rmdir /s /q \devlibs64
rmdir /s /q inkscape_trunk64
bzr checkout --lightweight lp:inkscape-devlibs64 \devlibs64
bzr checkout --lightweight lp:inkscape/0.92.x inkscape_trunk64
rem copy c:\inkscape\build-x64.xml c:\inkscape\inkscape_trunk64
echo %time% start building btool >> %~dp0\build.log
set DEVLIBS_PATH=C:\devlibs64
cd inkscape_trunk64
call mingwenv64.bat
rem g++ buildtool.cpp -O3 -g0 -o btool -fopenmp
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" ..
echo %time% start building inkscape >> %~dp0\build.log
rem btool -file build-x64.xml -j
mingw32-make -j 4
echo %time% finish building >> %~dp0\build.log
echo pause fertig, press any key to start pack msi
echo %time% start create dist >> %~dp0\build.log
mingw32-make install
echo %time% finish create dist >> %~dp0\build.log
echo pause fertig, press any key to start pack msi
echo %time% start installer >> %~dp0\build.log
echo create wix installer
cd ..
cd packaging
cd wix
call wixenv.bat
call install.bat
echo %time% finish installer >> %~dp0\build.log
echo create NSIS installer now
cd ..
cd win32
"c:\Program Files (x86)\NSIS\makensis" inkscape.nsi
inkscape from scratch win64
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