





About Screen Contest - Drawbot (WIP name)

por nahCyzar0520

Hi, I made this entry for the About Screen Contest for Inkscape 1.2. I am a teen who has gained an interest in vectors starting with Adobe Illustrator. I was shown to Illustrator by my visual design teacher and I have been in love with vector graphic editors ever since. A few months later I looked into Inkscape because I know I can't pay for Illustrator. And I was amazed at how well features were implemented. So, I wish more great features will get implemented as well as all the contributors to have good luck and a bunch of fun (and more work done on this).

(also the Bot's name is a WIP but for now, I call him Draw bot or Drawbe)

About Screen Contest

167,4 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Tim Jones wrote :

Hi nahCyzar0520

Thank you for entering, awesome Robot!

A few changes are needed.

1. Microsoft fonts, are NOT allowed. Please choose some Open Fonts, to replace them.

2. Please change the Licence to CC Attribution-Share-Alike.

3. Add your name/handle and image title to the metadata tab in Document Properties.

4. Add a FONT Layer. Include the original Text Objects (not converted to Paths) then turn off visibility of that layer using the eye icon.

See Rules:

Contest Admin

Maren Hachmann wrote :

You can find fonts that match the spirit of Inkscape (open, freely accessible, usable for any purpose) at and at - any font from those pages is okay to use.

Thanks for participating and for sharing your story!

nahCyzar0520 wrote :

Thanks for telling me I will go ahead and modify the SVG right now.

nahCyzar0520 wrote :

It appears that I'm having technical problems with editing this post.

Tim Jones wrote :

You should be able to "update" the entry. which will allow you to re-upload. Try changing the name of the file slightly, if you are having problems.

nahCyzar0520 wrote :

Just done it didn't work and after a while I got it to work but the tags got removed for some reason. Anyway, the files should be replaced.

Tim Jones wrote :

Your image is still using Rockwell and Arial fonts.

Please select different fonts from the links Maren supplied above^^ ;-)

nahCyzar0520 wrote :

Okay, it should be updated now using different fonts.

Tim Jones wrote :

Excellent, Thank you! ;-)

nahCyzar0520 wrote :

Also, just updated it because I realized some text on the path text layer was not a path.

Tim Jones wrote :

Thanks for your continued perseverance to get this right, much appreciated. ;-)

nahCyzar0520 wrote :

You're Welcome.

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