
This set of python modules aims to extend Aaron Spike's inkex.py module, adding functions to help the development of new extensions for inkscape.

Here you will find methods and classes to deal with drawing elements, line and text styles, line markers, texts, cartesian and polar plots, etc.

This project is not intended to provide an end-user inkscape extension by itself but to provide easier backstage functions and classes to facilitate the development of inkscape extensions.

It is a work-in-progress project and new features will be added in the future.

Inkscape Extensions

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General Public License v3 (GPLv3)


Maren Hachmann wrote :

Would this be something that one day could be merged into the program? It sounds like a useful module.

fsmMLK wrote :

sure! I think this could help people to develop new extensions. I will upload more extensions that employ these modules in the near future.

Maren Hachmann wrote :

Whenever you like, you could ask for suggestions in a bug report / feature request over at launchpad where Inkscape development (currently still, soon on github, probably) happens. (don't forget to mention what other kinds of extensions you are planning ;-) ).

That way, the developers could take a look, and tell you if the extension would fit into Inkscape at all (I'm not a dev, just someone who sometimes writes/updates extensions).

Or you could come to IRC dev chat and ask (might need to be tried repeatedly, until the right people are there).

https://bugs.launchpad.net/inkscape / https://inkscape.org/en/community/discussion/

brynn wrote :

I would suggest a more specific title for this. "inkscapeMadeEasy" sounds like something for beginner users, not beginner programmers.

Suggestions: "InkscapeExtensionsHelper" "ExtensionsMadeEasy"

Daniel La Valle wrote :

I cannot make this work on Windows

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