1. Oct 08 11:54:47 <Tavmjong> mizmo: Hello, welcome to #inkscape-devel!
  2. Oct 08 11:55:36 <mizmo> hey :)
  3. Oct 08 11:57:02 <LiamW> bbl
  4. Oct 08 12:00:35 <Tavmjong> doctormon: ping
  5. Oct 08 12:01:28 * bryceh_ waves
  6. Oct 08 12:02:10 <Tavmjong> Hi bryceh_
  7. Oct 08 12:04:05 <Tavmjong> mizmo: We've been discussing having two hacking sessions, one in concert with LGM as originally planned and a smaller one at Red Hat, focused on GTK an UX issues.
  8. Oct 08 12:05:09 <bryceh_> I've posted a first cut at a draft of a patch to the hackathon page
  9. Oct 08 12:05:16 <bryceh_> http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2015
  10. Oct 08 12:05:20 <bryceh_> er, s/patch/pitch/
  11. Oct 08 12:05:27 <bryceh_> damn muscle memory ;-)
  12. Oct 08 12:05:50 <Tavmjong> I think the opportunity to interact with Red Hat's GTK experts is too good to pass up but we would probably get a larger turnout at LGM.
  13. Oct 08 12:06:12 <bryceh_> Tavmjong, agreed, but sounds like you're still waiting on answers from some people
  14. Oct 08 12:06:27 <bryceh_> maybe a second followup email would jar them into a response?
  15. Oct 08 12:06:53 <Tavmjong> Jon has already been jarred, he is interested.
  16. Oct 08 12:06:56 <bryceh_> make sure to mention that if we do it, that their travel costs would be reimbursed
  17. Oct 08 12:07:02 * mizmo looks
  18. Oct 08 12:07:04 <Tavmjong> good point
  19. Oct 08 12:07:33 <bryceh_> ScislaC, meeting ping
  20. Oct 08 12:07:49 <ScislaC> I'm here... just poking at stuff :)
  21. Oct 08 12:08:03 <bryceh_> karenesq, meeting ping
  22. Oct 08 12:08:08 <mizmo> so for our event in January, we already had to submit our budget and we got approval, but since we didn't have a firm answer from you guys we didn't have anything for you in the budget
  23. Oct 08 12:08:11 <mizmo> however,
  24. Oct 08 12:08:33 <mizmo> there is definitely interest at RH to support Inkscape, so we dont have to be tied in with the january event
  25. Oct 08 12:08:51 <bryceh_> mizmo, ah
  26. Oct 08 12:08:54 <mizmo> i thoguht it would be a good opportnity for you to work with some UX designers who use inkscape heavily in their daily work, but its okay if another time works better
  27. Oct 08 12:09:12 <mizmo> i think at this point, from my pov in getting budget for the january thing - the train's already left the station
  28. Oct 08 12:09:19 <mizmo> so we could do this as a different event
  29. Oct 08 12:09:27 <mizmo> i might have to look into funding it differently
  30. Oct 08 12:09:56 <mizmo> i dont fully understand what kind of funding you're looking for though. certainly we can provide the facility and our corporate rate for local hotels, and of course our gtk guys are open to working with you whenever
  31. Oct 08 12:10:02 <bryceh_> bummer, well okay... maybe it's better we stay focused on getting the LGM one to be successful first, then try a stab later at other kinds
  32. Oct 08 12:10:12 <Tavmjong> It might be better if it were a bit later...
  33. Oct 08 12:11:40 <ScislaC> mizmo: is the design meeting an annual event?
  34. Oct 08 12:12:39 <Tavmjong> While any funding would be helpful, I don't think we should let that be a barrier to having a small hacking session at Red Hat (three or four people). Getting the GTK help would be worth a lot to us.
  35. Oct 08 12:14:22 <mizmo> ScislaC, it's not, it's a one-off thing
  36. Oct 08 12:14:29 <mizmo> (Sorry for disappearing for a sec i had a call)
  37. Oct 08 12:14:36 <bryceh_> Tavmjong, from what I'm hearing so far, I'm not confident we'd actually get that help... sounds like this is more designers
  38. Oct 08 12:14:57 <mizmo> bryceh_, no no mclasen already committed to giving you guys one on one GTK help, he's the upstream maintainer for GTK
  39. Oct 08 12:15:06 <mizmo> bryceh_, he is located in the same office i'm proposing you hack at
  40. Oct 08 12:15:20 <mizmo> bryceh_, he also mentioned having other members of his team come and help, he mentioned owen taylor joining
  41. Oct 08 12:16:13 <mizmo> bryceh_, he also said he'd be open to travelling down to boston or cambridge or wherever if you were looking at alternative venues there
  42. Oct 08 12:17:29 <Tavmjong> It would be really useful, for example, for Krzysztof to be able to bang heads with the GTK guys. We are having Canvas redraw issues that are exposed by the Mac OSX build.
  43. Oct 08 12:17:52 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: and gtk3 builds
  44. Oct 08 12:18:56 <bryceh_> I'm just worried it sounds like we're going to end up footing the bill ourselves here, and it's gonna drain the coffers
  45. Oct 08 12:19:32 <bryceh_> if we can do it as part of the LGM hackfest I think that'd be better, since we'll have fundraising organized so support that (knock on wood).
  46. Oct 08 12:19:42 * ScislaC nods
  47. Oct 08 12:19:43 <Tavmjong> It would be worth to send three people to spend a couple of days there.
  48. Oct 08 12:20:01 <mizmo> if i can understand the financial needs a bit better i can see if red hat can help
  49. Oct 08 12:20:27 <Tavmjong> Maybe we can have the hackfest at LGM and the follow up that by having two or three people head down to Red Hat.
  50. Oct 08 12:20:40 <Tavmjong> s/the/then/
  51. Oct 08 12:20:54 <ScislaC> If KK could physically participate without thinking it might conflict with something (which means it likely will), I'd be more inclined to support it.
  52. Oct 08 12:21:00 <mizmo> i can also ask matthias if hed be willing to go to LGM
  53. Oct 08 12:21:27 <mizmo> i think that is more difficult for him though
  54. Oct 08 12:24:05 <doctormon> ping
  55. Oct 08 12:24:47 <ScislaC> are you pinging everyone?
  56. Oct 08 12:25:04 <bryceh_> mizmo, the financial needs are principally the travel costs for attendees. Except for me I don't think anyone else has employers that would cover it.
  57. Oct 08 12:25:35 <Tavmjong> I agree that getting KK there would be important.
  58. Oct 08 12:27:34 <Tavmjong> We do have some funds and if people see that we are using them productively, they might be inclined to donate more.
  59. Oct 08 12:27:36 <doctormon> ScislaC: It's the new google API for ping, it's alerts everyone and noone.
  60. Oct 08 12:27:48 <ScislaC> :)
  61. Oct 08 12:28:04 <doctormon> bryceh_: I'm my own employer, I'm covering it ;-)
  62. Oct 08 12:28:04 <bryceh_> Tavmjong, conspicuous consumption? ;-)
  63. Oct 08 12:28:39 <ScislaC> doctormon: ask your boss for a raise
  64. Oct 08 12:28:46 <bryceh_> Tavmjong, admittedly yes that would give a good case study to make for future hackfest pitches... if it ends up being successful
  65. Oct 08 12:28:57 <doctormon> It's also a matter of raising morale too. Even for people who are not quite active atm, being able to join us phsyically could spur reinvolvement.
  66. Oct 08 12:29:24 <Tavmjong> We saw that at the last LGM.
  67. Oct 08 12:29:57 <doctormon> The small session at last LGM was quite productive but also very energising. The suggestion from LGM organisers to do more events for inkscape was what brought this hackfest idea to the fore for us.
  68. Oct 08 12:30:16 <Tavmjong> We do need to work on building community.
  69. Oct 08 12:30:22 <ScislaC> I think that once 0.91 is out, it will somewhat stoke the fire... after that it's having things happen "regularly" which will help build it up.
  70. Oct 08 12:30:34 <karenesq> oh! I had this in my calendar for 3:30
  71. Oct 08 12:30:44 <Tavmjong> People seem to think we are as big a group as Gimp or Blender.
  72. Oct 08 12:30:54 <karenesq> sorry, I'm not sure why. Reading now.
  73. Oct 08 12:31:07 <bryceh_> doctormon, Tavmjong along those lines, could you look at what I wrote for the pitch on http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2015 and include some mention of those past experiences maybe?
  74. Oct 08 12:31:23 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: Gimp isn't that big of a group from my understanding... Blender on the other hand...
  75. Oct 08 12:32:29 <bryceh_> it's not the size of the project that matters, it's the quality of the community ;-)
  76. Oct 08 12:32:31 <doctormon> ScislaC: Agreed and fully on board with making regulairty our thing.
  77. Oct 08 12:33:41 <mizmo> bryceh_, forgive me, i'm not sure where everyone is coming from? avg ticket price / number of attendees or just a ballpark / gut estimate on total $?
  78. Oct 08 12:34:19 <bryceh_> hum
  79. Oct 08 12:34:30 <ScislaC> mizmo: most of our devs are overseas... Tavmjong what are ticket prices like for you to the states?
  80. Oct 08 12:34:50 <Tavmjong> For GTK session: guessing: three or four people, two from europe, two from US
  81. Oct 08 12:35:16 <Tavmjong> tickets from Paris roughly $800
  82. Oct 08 12:35:29 <ScislaC> Tavmjong: each way?
  83. Oct 08 12:35:32 <bryceh_> I think we're somewhere in the $1000-2000 range per person, times 3-4 people so I'd guess we'd be looking at ~5k
  84. Oct 08 12:36:02 <mizmo> ok
  85. Oct 08 12:36:11 <mizmo> i can poke around with that # and see whats possible
  86. Oct 08 12:36:19 <Tavmjong> ScislaC; round trip
  87. Oct 08 12:36:24 <ScislaC> nice
  88. Oct 08 12:36:27 <mizmo> <= no promises or anything but i will try
  89. Oct 08 12:36:35 <bryceh_> thanks mizmo
  90. Oct 08 12:36:40 <Tavmjong> mizmo, understood, thanks
  91. Oct 08 12:37:27 <bryceh_> Tavmjong, would you be willing to split out a new page for us for the RedHat hackfest, from http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2015 ?
  92. Oct 08 12:37:35 <Tavmjong> doctormo can take the bus...
  93. Oct 08 12:37:40 <Tavmjong> bryceh_ Yes
  94. Oct 08 12:37:52 <bryceh_> and include the Gtk issues (thanks for assembling that)
  95. Oct 08 12:38:07 <doctormon> Tavmjong: If it comes to it, I'll take my bike, give you the bus fare for the plane ;-)
  96. Oct 08 12:38:11 <karenesq> that's great mizmo
  97. Oct 08 12:38:29 <Tavmjong> LiamW did most of the work on the GTK issues page, thanks LiamW
  98. Oct 08 12:38:45 <mizmo> doctormon, you can take the red hat bus from alewife hehe
  99. Oct 08 12:39:24 <Tavmjong> Maybe we should talk about LGM hackfest. Has there been any response from the LGM organizers?
  100. Oct 08 12:39:34 <karenesq> one tip for the hackfest page we probably should delete the reference to drunk hacking and instead say something about the chance to socialize, hang out and network with each other
  101. Oct 08 12:39:47 <karenesq> :)
  102. Oct 08 12:40:13 <Tavmjong> s/drunk hacking/community building/
  103. Oct 08 12:40:23 <bryceh_> karenesq, I almost put "Settle some of our differences over some beers" in the pitch but opted to leave it out ;-)
  104. Oct 08 12:40:43 <karenesq> haha
  105. Oct 08 12:41:48 <Tavmjong> We had about eight inkscapers at the past LGM. I imagine we could get a somewhat larger group this time as we are starting earlier.
  106. Oct 08 12:42:06 <bryceh_> doctormon, ditto Tav's question. Any word back from LGM recently?
  107. Oct 08 12:43:26 <bryceh_> Tavmjong, want to pick a target number? 12?
  108. Oct 08 12:43:45 <Tavmjong> Sounds good.
  109. Oct 08 12:46:07 <bryceh_> so budget of $9-18k very, very roughly
  110. Oct 08 12:47:12 <Tavmjong> We offered $500 per person last year which limited the range of who could/would come.
  111. Oct 08 12:47:55 * bryceh_ nods
  112. Oct 08 12:48:04 <Tavmjong> Going to Toronto will be more expensive for Europeans who, except for Martin, were the attendees at the last LGM.
  113. Oct 08 12:49:04 <Tavmjong> I think we could use a tiered system like we did for GSoC Mentor's meeting this year.
  114. Oct 08 12:49:29 <Tavmjong> $500 for anybody involved in Inkscape, higher for our top contributors.
  115. Oct 08 12:50:00 <Tavmjong> s/contributors/developers/
  116. Oct 08 12:50:30 <bryceh_> Tavmjong, that's a good idea.
  117. Oct 08 12:54:16 <bryceh_> ok, other topics....
  118. Oct 08 12:55:03 <bryceh_> ScislaC, karenesq, doctormon?
  119. Oct 08 12:55:08 <doctormon> hi
  120. Oct 08 12:55:25 <karenesq> well with mizmo here, I was hopign to do a bit of fundraising brainstorming
  121. Oct 08 12:55:41 <karenesq> how do we connect with users? How do we figure out what companies or institutions are using Inkscape
  122. Oct 08 12:55:42 <karenesq> ?
  123. Oct 08 12:55:56 <doctormon> bryceh_: No outstanding questions to LGM I believe.
  124. Oct 08 12:55:58 <karenesq> and how do we translate that into a compelling call for help :)
  125. Oct 08 12:56:49 <mizmo> eg maybe if we had some kind of form letter folks could give to their employer
  126. Oct 08 12:57:14 <mizmo> i save you this much $$ per year in adobe whatever license fees. would you support my work for this company by contributing some percentage of that back to the inkscape project
  127. Oct 08 12:57:21 <mizmo> ^^ something along those lines
  128. Oct 08 12:57:30 <mizmo> if there was an easy way to arrange for the contribution it might work
  129. Oct 08 12:57:41 <bryceh_> mizmo, that's an interesting idea, I bet that would play well
  130. Oct 08 12:57:44 <mizmo> i know i've broached the subject before, here, but it wasn't clear where to submit the money to and how
  131. Oct 08 12:58:09 <mizmo> in the past red hat has given funding to LGM as a result of that style of asking for funding
  132. Oct 08 12:58:25 <mizmo> but it would be even better to be able to give it directly to you folks
  133. Oct 08 12:58:32 <mizmo> since connecting the line is more clear
  134. Oct 08 12:58:58 <doctormon> Mo had a good idea last year of asking Red Hat (to start with) for equiverlent or % of money that they would have spent on Adobe.
  135. Oct 08 12:59:21 <mizmo> yep, i think i explained this badly, but the response i got was $ for LGM
  136. Oct 08 12:59:37 <doctormon> Certainly a good way to quantify the support a compny large or small is giving to their foss friends.
  137. Oct 08 12:59:43 <ScislaC> bryceh_: I think that's reasonable for funding
  138. Oct 08 13:01:34 * bryceh_ notes down mizmo's idea
  139. Oct 08 13:01:57 <bryceh_> ScislaC, Tavmjong so maybe something like this?
  140. Oct 08 13:02:00 <bryceh_> * Up to $2000 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for 3+ years and > 200 commits
  141. Oct 08 13:02:00 <bryceh_> * Up to $1500 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for 2+ years and > 100 commits
  142. Oct 08 13:02:00 <bryceh_> * Up to $1000 each for Inkscape developers who have contributed for 1+ year and > 50 commits
  143. Oct 08 13:02:00 <bryceh_> * Up to $500 each for any Inkscape contributor listed in AUTHORS file with at least 10 commits by Jan 1, 2015
  144. Oct 08 13:02:17 <ScislaC> I have started a (very incomplete) list of who uses Inkscape, but some of them like educational institutions and small businesses I'm really not inclined to ask for money http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/UsedBy
  145. Oct 08 13:02:34 <bryceh_> ScislaC, nice
  146. Oct 08 13:02:37 <ScislaC> I think some of it would be case by case
  147. Oct 08 13:03:15 <bryceh_> ScislaC, I think the use we have in mind is so we can say, "Look, here's some of the important/cool stuff Inkscape is being used for."
  148. Oct 08 13:03:30 <mizmo> crowd source kind of funding might be good too. just have a button, make it very easy to click on from inkscape.org, for individual users
  149. Oct 08 13:03:42 <mizmo> honestly even with Red Hat contributing i'd be happy to throw $50-100 in the pot
  150. Oct 08 13:03:48 <mizmo> as an individual
  151. Oct 08 13:04:09 <bryceh_> we discussed last week setting up either something on indiegogo or our own paypal donation page
  152. Oct 08 13:04:12 <doctormon> I'm compiling a graph, it's very interesting
  153. Oct 08 13:04:16 <bryceh_> anyone have thoughts one way or the other?
  154. Oct 08 13:04:19 <karenesq> we definitely should track educational institutions to make the personal appeal more compelling
  155. Oct 08 13:04:27 <mizmo> there is a ton of good will amongst inkscape users towards you guys
  156. Oct 08 13:04:41 <doctormon> bryceh_: Do commits to inkscape-web or docs count towards that?
  157. Oct 08 13:04:49 <bryceh_> doctormon, I should think so!
  158. Oct 08 13:04:50 <ScislaC> One example is Punished Props, surprise they makes props... the owner recommends Inkscape in every design tutorial video he puts up. No way I want to ask him given all of the free advertising. Apparently we're big in the prop and cosplay communities because of people like him.
  159. Oct 08 13:05:02 <karenesq> If someone wanted to maintain it you could also do a ruler if the money comes into a regular paypal account
  160. Oct 08 13:05:11 <mizmo> doctormon and i used inkscape in a girl scouts program, i use it in educational outreach programs as well. i'm using it right now for a girls STEM camp we're planning at Red Hat early next year
  161. Oct 08 13:05:15 <karenesq> we could let you know the balance on a regular basis
  162. Oct 08 13:05:16 <ScislaC> bryceh_: I think that funding proposal looks good
  163. Oct 08 13:05:18 <mizmo> we're going to be teaching girls how to use inkscape
  164. Oct 08 13:05:19 <bryceh_> doctormon, translations too, although I *think* those are counted as regular commits
  165. Oct 08 13:05:26 <karenesq> mizmo, that's great!
  166. Oct 08 13:05:45 <mizmo> ScislaC, instead of asking him for money, asking him for a testimonial / quote you can use
  167. Oct 08 13:06:11 <karenesq> mizmo, pictures of kids using Inkscape would be great for using in materials
  168. Oct 08 13:06:11 <ScislaC> mizmo: I like the idea! Thanks for the suggestion!
  169. Oct 08 13:06:21 <bryceh_> mizmo, nice!
  170. Oct 08 13:06:21 <mizmo> im of course being a designer totally biased towards my own designs, but you could do something like this 'your life on fedora' section here - http://fedoraproject.org/en/using/
  171. Oct 08 13:06:25 <Tavmjong> Maybe on our homepage, a place where people can enter how/where they are using Inkscape?
  172. Oct 08 13:06:32 <mizmo> where you ask the folks with interesting usages for a headshot and do a little interview
  173. Oct 08 13:06:37 <bryceh_> mizmo, my 3 yr old daughter loves playing with the star tool with me
  174. Oct 08 13:06:40 <mizmo> i'd be willing to help out with that too
  175. Oct 08 13:06:47 <mizmo> interviewing fokls. if you know who to talk to
  176. Oct 08 13:07:02 <mizmo> i can see if the woman in charge of the STEM camp we're doing here would be willing to do an interview about it
  177. Oct 08 13:07:07 <karenesq> ScislaC, when we do the fundraising campaign we could ask people to do certain things, like asking Punished Props if they'd do something "cool" if people donate a certain amount
  178. Oct 08 13:07:09 <mizmo> and id be happy to do one too
  179. Oct 08 13:07:21 <karenesq> oh great!
  180. Oct 08 13:07:39 <mizmo> karenesq, i do have pictures of kids using it, but i dont have photo release forms so we cant use them :(
  181. Oct 08 13:07:54 <doctormon> Tavmjong: The website could support a CRM piece attached to people. Create a sort of business data addition that people can fill in.
  182. Oct 08 13:07:54 <mizmo> but i can see if we can do photo release forms for this thing coming up next year
  183. Oct 08 13:08:06 <karenesq> so those small business and other users can contribute by offering goals. I've been impressed with what TAI is doing with their fundingn campaign
  184. Oct 08 13:08:23 <doctormon> mizmo: Which group are you doing this with this year? GG?
  185. Oct 08 13:08:28 <karenesq> ah mizmo that's too bad, but maybe next time?
  186. Oct 08 13:08:35 <bryceh_> karenesq, TAI?
  187. Oct 08 13:08:43 <karenesq> TAI = The Ada Initiative, sorry!
  188. Oct 08 13:08:47 <bryceh_> aha!
  189. Oct 08 13:08:58 <karenesq> They're having a massively successful fundraising campaign right now
  190. Oct 08 13:09:10 <bryceh_> good!
  191. Oct 08 13:09:48 <karenesq> btw all this reminds me we haven't gotten the fiscal sponsorship agreement signed up
  192. Oct 08 13:09:51 <bryceh_> karenesq, having goals is not a bad idea. we could be more explicit about the # of folks it allows us to send.
  193. Oct 08 13:10:18 <mizmo> doctormon, theres a non profit called flyingbridges (flyingbirdges.org i think) organizing it, it's called the all girls STEM challenge or something like that
  194. Oct 08 13:10:34 <karenesq> right bryceh_! but also, say that if we reach a certain amount, we'll implement some feature... or somebody using inkscape will make something that people will care about...
  195. Oct 08 13:10:42 <mizmo> karenesq, one of the things i think that helps TAI's campaigns too is all the high quality photos they use in their appeals
  196. Oct 08 13:10:58 <karenesq> mizmo: definitely
  197. Oct 08 13:11:11 <Tavmjong> karenesq, we are planning on discussing the fsa at GSoC Mentor's meeting (three board members will be there)
  198. Oct 08 13:11:30 <mizmo> one thing that would be a huge boon to individual inkscape users that might be a nice 'reward' for meeting a funding goal is high quality screencasts of how to use some of the newer features that aren't so well documented
  199. Oct 08 13:11:39 <karenesq> oh right! I'll be there too :) We should set a time to meet up
  200. Oct 08 13:11:51 <karenesq> maybe sunday afternoon?
  201. Oct 08 13:11:57 <mizmo> i rely on folks like ryanlerch and andyfitz who keep up with devel builds to grok how the newest features work
  202. Oct 08 13:12:32 <bryceh_> sounds doable
  203. Oct 08 13:12:52 <karenesq> Tavmjong, or we can meet up during a meal too
  204. Oct 08 13:13:08 * bryceh_ jots notes about goals
  205. Oct 08 13:13:14 <ryanlerch> i have done similar screencasts in the past trying to cover the new features
  206. Oct 08 13:13:24 <Tavmjong> karenesq, Doesn't matter to me.
  207. Oct 08 13:13:55 <karenesq> ok Tavmjong, why don't we meet for lunch on sunday :)
  208. Oct 08 13:14:25 <karenesq> that's really the perfect kind of "reward"
  209. Oct 08 13:14:36 <Tavmjong> ryanlerch, What features of 0.91 are you must excited about? What should we be promoting when we release it (finallly)?
  210. Oct 08 13:15:10 <karenesq> but you can also get users to get their people to care by producing somethign within their own communities
  211. Oct 08 13:15:12 <Tavmjong> karenesq, Sunday lunch sounds fine.
  212. Oct 08 13:15:18 <mizmo> i gotta run for a sec, i may be back (need to cahse someone down before they leave the office)
  213. Oct 08 13:15:24 <ScislaC> A wild ryanlerch appears...
  214. Oct 08 13:15:31 <mizmo> but ive had poor luck so i will probably be right back lol
  215. Oct 08 13:15:34 <karenesq> cool mizmo, it's been really awesome having your input
  216. Oct 08 13:16:01 <karenesq> perhaps we should move the meeting to wednesday as a regular matter just in case mizmo can participate in future :)
  217. Oct 08 13:16:18 <ryanlerch> Tavmjong, it's hard to choose (or realise at this point, as i have been using +devel for so long now)
  218. Oct 08 13:16:28 <ryanlerch> here is my list that i blogged about -- http://inkscapetutorials.wordpress.com/category/0-91-new-features/
  219. Oct 08 13:16:38 <Tavmjong> karenesq: That works for me.
  220. Oct 08 13:16:51 <ScislaC> that can work for me too
  221. Oct 08 13:17:53 <Tavmjong> ryanlerch, Great blog. Maybe we should link to that on our home page?
  222. Oct 08 13:18:07 <ryanlerch> Tavmjong, it was previously...
  223. Oct 08 13:18:11 <ryanlerch> on the old site
  224. Oct 08 13:20:23 <su_v> still is, http://inkscape.org/en/learn/tutorials/ (External Tutorials)
  225. Oct 08 13:21:04 <bryceh_> karenesq, I think that would be ok. Can anyone not do Wednesdays regularly?
  226. Oct 08 13:21:20 <doctormon> OK, bryceh_We keep saying that blender is bigger, now I have a graph to show it: http://inkscape.org/en/gallery/item/944/
  227. Oct 08 13:21:23 <Tavmjong> ryanlerch: Here's another question, what bugs do you really want to see squashed before release?
  228. Oct 08 13:21:38 <doctormon> Wednesdays is ok for me
  229. Oct 08 13:21:42 <karenesq> I guess this may be a good time to say that all next week, I'll be at LinuxCon EU, so will miss the meetng :)
  230. Oct 08 13:21:51 <mizmo> i can do this next week too if needed
  231. Oct 08 13:21:55 <bryceh_> doctormon, kewl
  232. Oct 08 13:22:02 <mizmo> i do need to go now though, cuz the person im looking for is available hehe
  233. Oct 08 13:22:08 <doctormon> Tavmjong: Maybe we should just copy and paste it into the website ;-)
  234. Oct 08 13:22:26 <Tavmjong> mizmo: Thanks for your input!
  235. Oct 08 13:22:37 <bryceh_> doctormon, how do you calculate community size?
  236. Oct 08 13:23:08 <doctormon> See legends. Number of committers in the last 12 months.
  237. Oct 08 13:23:14 <karenesq> nice mizmo thanks for coming!
  238. Oct 08 13:23:29 <doctormon> Always great to see you online mizmo
  239. Oct 08 13:23:29 <ryanlerch> Tavmjong, can i get back to you on that? it needs some thought.
  240. Oct 08 13:23:38 <Tavmjong> ryanlerch: Sure!
  241. Oct 08 13:24:28 <bryceh_> thanks all. I'll get the irc log up shortly. Meantime no one be shy about updating http://wiki.inkscape.org/wiki/index.php/Hackfest2015
  242. Oct 08 13:24:33 <ScislaC> thank you mizmo!
  243. Oct 08 13:25:37 <karenesq> I actually have to go now too
  244. Oct 08 13:25:48 <bryceh_> thanks karenesq
  245. Oct 08 13:25:49 <ScislaC> thank you karenesq
  246. Oct 08 13:25:50 <karenesq> but this is great stuff!
  247. Oct 08 13:25:52 <karenesq> :)
  248. Oct 08 13:25:58 <karenesq> I'll idle so I can catch up later
  249. Oct 08 13:32:57 <Tavmjong> I need to go too. See you all.
  250. Oct 08 13:33:08 <bryceh_> yep I need to get back to work. more later. cya.
  251. Oct 08 13:33:25 <doctormon> Thanks Tav, have a good evening
  252. Oct 08 13:33:40 <doctormon> bye bryceh_, back tot he grind stone for me too.
  253. Oct 08 13:33:49 <ScislaC> thank Tavmjong
  254. Oct 08 13:33:52 <ScislaC> thanks even
  255. Oct 08 13:34:23 <ScislaC> thanks bryceh_ and doctormon
  1. More ...




Board Meeting - October 08, 2014



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