





(Scala)inkscape About Screen Contest Template V1.4

من طرف tamburrinoroberto

Growth is an uphill ladder, which starts from a small age and gradually grows as you move up it.
Font Liberation Sans (Designer Steve Matteson ,Foundry
Ascender Corporation ) https://fontlibrary.org/en/font/liberation-sans

About Screen Contest

212,0 ك.ب
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Kyle Conway wrote :

tamburrinoroberto, thanks so much for your submission! A couple items before we can accept into the contest are below.

Your font for "v. 1.4" in the bottom right corner needs to:

1) Have an editable copy in the "Text (hidden layer)" (see here for process: https://peertube.linuxrocks.online/w/1GfvdMyxwrbvuQ3iPHjPSm?start=3m37s )
2) Be attributed: Please add a link & attribution to each of the fonts used in this work in "Contributors" in the File > Document Properties > Metadata tab.

Please just make these changes, re-upload, and comment here to let us know changes have been made.

Also, please replace with a new preview PNG image for the website with changes (if visible in artwork)!

Thanks so much!

tamburrinoroberto wrote :

Problem: The only text I put is 1.4 which I took from the "Branding" layer which is already converted from text into objects...I assume it is the Co59 Font, should I replace it?

Maren Hachmann wrote :

@tamburrinoroberto, the font for that version number is Linux Libertine O (see also: https://inkscape.org/about/branding/ ).

As it is only copied, it would be difficult to provide a corresponding original text. It's fine. Let us know when you've re-uploaded the image (in a comment).

tamburrinoroberto wrote :

done, changed font Font Liberation Sans

Maren Hachmann wrote :

Thank you! A font change would not have been necessary, but this works, too.
Your entry for the contest is now checked. Good luck!

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