





Inkscape1 Splashscreen

من طرف m1981

I tried to represent an artwork switching from draft to finished version.
Draft side uses graph paper-like patterns and clipped scribbled letters.
On the right side, there's a night landscape with a little observatory on the top of a mountain.
The two moons are for the "dot zero" of v.1.0.

About Screen Contest

558,5 ك.ب
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Paolo Gibellini wrote :

I like the composition of the image.

runnicdesign wrote :

I like the random pattern you made on the left side elements (v & 1 etc.). I would love to know how you did it.

Kristijan Žic wrote :

runnicdesign: probably with a graphics tablet.

m1981 wrote :

Thanks to all for your returns !

Sadly, no tablet available to do this.
I used pen tool and a classic mouse. As It's pretty difficult to control target like this, I first deactivated scaling strokes option, then I shrinked the shape to make it straighter. Scaling, rotating, placing on letters, grouping and clipping with text shape and it's done !

It's the magic of Inkscape : combination of simple functions can render so much complexity !

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