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Selection Plus

من طرف inklinea

A dbus based inkscape selection passback extension

** Appears Under - Extensions>Arrange>Selection Plus **

Gives a few extra selection options:

- Xpath selection

- Path lengths / node count / path area

- Bounding box ( width / height / diagonal / area / width-height ratio / height-width ratio )

- Some selection order sorting for the above

- Colour selection - ( limit / range / distance )

25.03.23 - Correction for typo in combined paths detection
07.04.23 - Now updated to include a simple visual lasso tool (similar to that in photoshop or gimp). Appears under Extensions>Arrange>Ink Lasso
130524 - Should be fixed for Inkscape 1.3 now :)

Inkscape Extensions

39,1 ك.ب
General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
Maren Hachmann wrote :

@inklinea Thanks! This looks fantastic feature-wise. In your package, there are lots of pycache files, though. You probably do not want to include those.

Maren Hachmann wrote :

Also, the gitignore file is probably not needed in the package. When I try it, I get 'ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'py.sp_bbox'' - you need to put an into the subfolder.

Path length calculation doesn't seem to be correct. It always selects all paths... Same for path area.

Ink lasso works great! The help text should say that you need to select every possible object first, and the extension will deselect things for you.

inklinea wrote :

Hello Maren, thanks for the feedback. With the path length/area, there is a 'Path Threshold' checkbox above the length/area settings.If it is not checked, the length/area feature is not applied. Could that be the problem ? I do need to look at those rogue cache files etc. With the lasso there is an error - it does not check if nothing is selected (ie there is no lasso at all ! ). However it should work according to the selection mode setting in the dropdown - clear all / add / subtract. I will have a look at all this - thanks :)

[08.04.23 - I've made a slight update to remove those files and show a message if nothing ( no lasso ) is selected]

Maren Hachmann wrote :

@inklinea Hi! Just testing again. There is still the file missing in the subfolder, which would cause an error for me.

Aside from that, it looks like it works now! I'm not sure what went wrong before.

Btw. do you have a .git repository somewhere? That would make it easier for testers to test, contribute and update.

inklinea wrote :

130524 - Should be fixed for Inkscape 1.3 now :)

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