Inkscape Align Handles

من طرف Martin Owens

Shows the online canvas branch and the ideas we could play with here.

UI Mockup

213,4 ك.ب
General Public License v3 (GPLv3)
David wrote :

I think this is a brilliant addition! I use Inkscape for scientific drawings and frequently align objects and elements in graphs such as tick marks, symbols and other elements. I also use it for technical drawings where objects are distributed and aligned. My initial responses/thoughts/fantasies include the following.

(1) Minimize the clicks needed to reach the align handles--keep them at the first level of grouping as in your demo.

(2) Provide a means--perhaps with a modifier key--of performing the distribute function on grouped objects as well as alignment. In some projects I do that more much more than aligning.

(3) Could the align on screen feature apply to nodes as well? I really love the ability to edit nodes across different paths and seem to use the alignment feature on those often as well.

(4) Finally, I would implement the "align to an arbitrary" point by placing a temporary element at that point on the canvas, use the anchored alignment feature to line up the objects, and then remove the temporary element. If the "guide" you drag around from alignment handles could snap to objects on the canvas, sort of in a complementary manner to how objects snap to the traditional guides as they approach the guide, that would be truly awesome!

Lastly, please accept my thanks to all of the developers and contributors to Inkscape. It is terrific!

Thomas Mitterfellner wrote :

David nailed it pretty much – I second his remarks, especially concerning #4 (snapping of the dragged alignment axis), which would boost usability tremendously.
As for #1, I would also prefer it if it was readily accessible (i.e. if I didn't have to cycle to some mode), but I would also be fine if these handles only showed when hitting some modifier key.

Finally, also from my side: thank you for this great upcoming feature!

Ivan Masar wrote :

Cool feature. I came here to say the same thing as David did in (4) and (1). Is the intention that (most of the) the Align and Distribute dialog would be retired in the same version this is added?

elhombretecla wrote :

Hi Martin, I think it is a great feature to include in inkscape. As a daily user of inkscape I use the alignment tool in every design and your idea looks really useful!

I'm agree with David to keep the handles in the first click but my only concern is the number of handles we will have then (transform + alignment), maybe too much. Having a shortcut to "align relative to page" could be perfect.

Thanks for your work!

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