This illustration of a Ferrari by Gilles Pinard was done by hand without any tracing. Gradients, blurs, and other various other techniques really bring this image to life.
This illustration of a Ferrari by Gilles Pinard was done by hand without any tracing. Gradients, blurs, and other various other techniques really bring this image to life.
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مع فارغ الشكر ل:
The Authors
Hi, this is a great picture, well done. I'm looking into using InkScape. I currently use Photoshop to create my freehand drawings, but have been asked to do some work that will need to be scaled up with no loss. Can you tell me if the Ferrari is a Vector. Again, congrats on the above picture, it's very good.
By Hand! Fantastic work Ujal.
How do you create that??????????????????????????????????????
dope, amazing man!