Marching Cats tessellation, tiling the plane by an uniform cat having several patterns by using undefined clones.
You can find cats spreading out of the frame on the file.
Marching Cats tessellation, tiling the plane by an uniform cat having several patterns by using undefined clones.
You can find cats spreading out of the frame on the file.
tesseful Thank you for your entry...
You have 3 changes to make;
1. Remove excess images outside the template area/s.
2. Convert text to a Path. (Text has a Bend LPE applied, select text, use Union, to keep shape, and convert to Path.)
3. Courier New is a Microsoft font. Replace this with an Open Source alternative.
Tim (contest Admin)
Thank you very much for your comment.
Revised file is uploaded.
You have 2 changes remaining;
1. Provide a Link to the font used, also, it's open source licence.
2. Remove the objects outside the template area. (We don't need them)
contest Admin
Thank you for your patience,
1. "Courier Prime" in Google Fonts.
2. I know there are some objects outside the template area, but they are on no-show layer and necessary as original shapes for clones on the template area.

Select ALL the Cats in the Template Area.
Go to EDIT > Clone > Unlink Clones Recursively. You can now remove the Cat objects outside the template area.
Thank you for the update.
Thank you for your suggestion.
FYI, I tried "unlink clones" and "unlink clones recursively", but several elements outside must required to keep my drawing's composition.
I hope clipping main drawings and hiding worktable layers, as shown on uploaded file, fit the regulation of contest.