

Icon Export

作者 inklinea

Icon Export

Some Simple Icon Exporting

Appears under Extensions>Export>Icon Export

▶ Batch exporting of .ico and .png
▶ Choice of padding / stretching or not
▶ Inkscape 1.2+

Inkscape Extensions

22.8 KB
General Public License v3 (GPLv3)


Luke ᑎᐱ 寫於

i would love to use this, but "batch selected" option does not work, and only outputs the canvas for each selected object.

inklinea 寫於

Yes, I have made small typo in the code which stopped the batch from working. However whilst fixing it I found a problem if the icons contained 3D box objects. I will probably have them corrected by tomorrow :)

[ Edit - now reuploaded, hopefully fixed :) ]

Luke ᑎᐱ 寫於

it appears to be working now! however now the "batch selected" option seems to output an incorrect render of the selected icons (maybe omitting gradients or something?), though with the "Selected as Group" option it is rendered just fine.

inklinea 寫於

It's interesting to find out all these little odd things that can happen. I excluded the filters from the batch export. However when I reintroduced them, in 1.2.1 command line - "fit-canvas-to-selection" shrinks the canvas to a size smaller than the visual bounding box and changes the filter appearance.
I think I am going to change things to include "selection-make-bitmap-copy" at an earlier stage to get an exact representation of the filter.

Luke ᑎᐱ 寫於

interesting to note. i'll keep testing
by the way... any chance of the png aspect ratio options applying for the .ico file as well?
i believe ico files that aren't a perfect 1:1 square aren't recognized properly for some reason. (i actually didn't even know having non-square ico files was possible... either way, not rendering them properly feels like an oversight from microsoft, unsurprisingly)
