

TGS/Lottie Import/Export

Adds extensions to open and save Telegram Animated Stickers and Lottie files.

Note that the lottie python module needs to be installed https://pypi.org/project/lottie/
and it requires Python 3

Inkscape Extensions

4.0 KB
Affero General Public License v3 (AGPLv3)


Rania Amina 发表了 :

Is there a video tutorial how to use this extension?

Mattia Basaglia 发表了 :

No, sorry. There isn't a video tutorial.

cosmobird 发表了 :

Hi, by what does Lottie files exactly mean here ?

Mattia Basaglia 发表了 :

Lottie is a set of libraries to embed animations in various places, most notably web pages.
There's a plugin for after effects that writes in the format used by those libraries.
This extension writes files in the same format so you don't have to use after effects.


Mattia, thank you so much for this great work you did. I can try to do a small tutorial with images and link to your code, profile and websites if you want : ) By the way, I'm trying to Lottie Export a SVG image but I'm getting the following error. I created a circle and then saved it as lottie but then I got this issue:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "tgs_output.py", line 53, in <module>
animation = tgs.parsers.svg.importer.parse_svg_file(ns.infile, ns.layer_frames, ns.frames, ns.fps)
AttributeError: module 'tgs' has no attribute 'parsers'

tgs and python3 are installed

pip install tgs
Requirement already satisfied: tgs in /home/user/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (0.1.1)

python3 --version
Python 3.7.5

sudo find / -type d -name tgs

Mattia Basaglia 发表了 :

looks like tgs is installed for python2.7

Victor Westmann 发表了 :

Ok. We are now in 2022 and this plugin has a huge potential... however... how should we use it?
How can we install it?
How do we know it is working correctly?

Mattia Basaglia 发表了 :

You should install it like any other extension. Main issue is I haven't been able to update the files here so you're better off downloading it from the project website: https://mattbas.gitlab.io/python-lottie/downloads.html

If it's installed correctly, you can just save as lottie like you would for any other file format
