
Make the Inkscape community your own by participating - there are many ways to join in. We are social!

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User Support and Discussion

International Communities

Mailing Lists

There are several mailing lists serving the Inkscape user community. In addition to English, there are also Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese. And there are more lists which Inkscape users might be interested in joining, such as tester, translator, or other. Those can be found on this page.

IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Inkscape users are welcome to ask for assistance or discuss issues on the #inkscape IRC channel on freenode (irc://, which can conveniently be accessed on the Chat Now page. Please have a look at the guidelines, which appear just above the chat window. While both users and developers use this channel, the developers have other places to communicate among only themselves (see below).


Our own Gallery features artists who use Inkscape to create compelling and distinctive art. There are also many other Exhibitions of Inkscape Work Around the Internet.

Development Discussion

Traditionally developers communicate on the inkscape-devel mailing list. There are more lists which developers might be interested in joining, such as tester, cvs, or other. You can find those listed on this page.

Developers can chat live via IRC.

While it's not strictly for discussion, developers also communicate in the Inkscape Wiki. Occasionally development info can be found on the Inkscape Google Plus page.