





Animation Inkscape. Koi carp

от Unknown author

Animation does not work in Internet Explorer.
Use to view: Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera.

Hold down Ctrl, press +, - to scale the image.


137,0 КБ
All Rights Reserved ((C))
Eder Benedetti написал :

Woooooow!!! *-*

Maren Hachmann написал :

Relaxing :)

Maren Hachmann написал :

What a pity - google plans to remove their browser support for SMIL animations...!


Igor Ka написал :

Hopefully, this will not happen.

ksarmedina написал :


Charles Hipa написал :

so awesome how do you do it - charles hipa

Charles Hipa написал :

so awesome how you do it -charles dainiel hipa

Charles Hipa написал :


Charles Hipa написал :


Grace Zingaro написал :

Wow, so much detail! The carp is very soothing to watch.

Grace Zingaro написал :

Sorry, I meant Koi.

Igor Ka написал :

Unfortunately the animation must be written by hand, for example in the editor Notepad ++.

Victor Westmann написал :

How was this done? Anyone has an idea? We really need to fight for users to adopt SMIL animation so web browsers will not drop it!

Maren Hachmann написал :

@Victor: it was written by hand, in a text editor.

SaiLao написал :


Tran Hai написал :

I just used it on my home page, see here https://www.thietkeweb.tech

How to add two more small Kois into the image, look like a family :)


brynn написал :

Unfortunately, you will need to ask for permission, to use it on your webpage. It is a full copyrighted image - not public domain!

Paolo Gibellini написал :


PEPSYduvar написал :

waouh and i ve got some carps koï in my garden...



Angelo Marcon написал :

Muito maneiro.

helham31 написал :

super! je découvre le logiciel qui semble vraiment complet!!

Brett Walker написал :

it's tuesday my dudes

hsen2012 написал :

That's wonderful

D.A.Jeremy написал :

Is this possible?

Igor Ka написал :

This is a regular svg file. It can be opened in Inkscape. Three animation commands are added manually and objects are moved to these commands.

Faizal написал :

just registered.. already gazed. great work!!

[Halle Curry] написал :

THIS IS BOOIFUL!!! I love the animation!

Sindhi Wikipedia написал :

Hi, its awesome, how to make this type of image?

Igor Ka написал :

In a nutshell, do not explain. I would do a lesson, but I do not know where to place it.

Yendri Ikhlas Fernando написал :

Awesome.. How to animate it?

Yendri Ikhlas Fernando написал :

how to write it in notepad++? Can you show the example?

Igor Ka написал :

I will try to write a lesson.

Deepak Mathur написал :

How can I create graphics like this? Any tutorial? Please do let me know.

Kennady Wilson написал :

let me know how you did that!!!!!

Igor Ka написал :

Here is a very good textbook, but in Russian. Use google translator:
Or look here:

Bezerra A. написал :

eheh foi só falar do livro e todo mundo calou..

shyam varma написал :

I hair certify that the particular given hearing are true correct tu best of my knowledge and belief

Vanessa Griffith написал :

This is so cool! It's so relaxing, and the animation is outstanding!
One question tho: How can I make it my wallpaper for my laptop?

eqtech написал :

mind blowing. I love it

Creardon59 написал :

How do I get permission to use this?. It is so calming and I would like to use it in my classroom for my students.

Igor Ka написал :

I have no objection to using it in any form, with a link to the author.

taataa написал :

This is incredible! Thank you for sharing!

Shelby Carlton написал :

this is so cool how do you do that

Nazla Riyani написал :

this is so cool


Excellent job

darrycastro написал :

Excellent job, como lo haces la animation?

Amarie Nolan написал :


Martiniano Ernesto Fuentes написал :

Very nice job!

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