





Inkscape 1.0 | Aziak Yerga


About Screen Contest

244,0 КБ
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 3.0 (CC-BY-SA 3.0)
Tim Jones написал :

Hi Aziak

Thank you for your entry.

The Inkscape Logo (Mountain) is part of our Branding and therefore cannot be altered.
If you want to deform the shape, you must include a version of the Logo that is not deformed.

Please edit your submission and re-upload.

Many Thanks

Aziak Yerga написал :

ok thank you!!

Tim Jones написал :

Hi Aziak,

There seems to be an issue with the rendering of your design.
If I download the svg it has lovely gradients but on the website here they do not appear.

Unfortunately the public will only be able to vote on what they can see...

Perhaps try creating the gradients without the Mesh tool?


Aziak Yerga написал :

sure ! i have changed it ,thank you!!

Maren Hachmann написал :

Mmh. I thought we had that js polyfill in place for the meshes. I'll ask Martin about this.

Martin Owens написал :

The js polyfill requires that the svg be rendered 'inline', no websites allow this because it's a security risk.

I recommend all users who use ANY advanced features upload a Rendering image as a png. That is why that field exists, because several past/previous about screens have used things like multi-line text, gradients and other features not renderable by a browser.

Aziak Yerga написал :

by the way, this meshes problem is a big problem i guess ,since for my self i like to use it for most of my works ...as it provides beautiful designs for me! so without it in this contest is like (very bad to me)

Tim Jones написал :


Duarte Farrajota Ramos написал :

This entry is almos oerfect, except for the "1.0" which is off-centered and looks misplaced.

Aziak Yerga написал :

thanks for the review Duarte Farrajota Ramos !!

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