Transferência Iniciada

Obrigado por transferir o Inkscape.

Your download should start in 2 seconds. If not, please click here to start.

Important Notes

If your Ubuntu version or derivative has not packaged the latest Inkscape, you can install the current version from our own Personal Package Archive (PPA).

Not all Ubuntu versions will be available, depending on how old your version of Ubuntu is. For older versions, please try the AppImage version or consider upgrading your system.

Desktop Instructions

  1. Start the application "Software and updates"
  2. Select the tab "Other Software"
  3. Click the button "Add..."
  4. Enter the following text
  5. Click the button "Add Source"
  6. Click on the button "Close"
  7. When the pop up warns "The information about available software is out-of-date" click the button "Reload"
  8. The latest stable version of Inkscape is now avaialble to be installed from the software center.

Command Line

sudo add-apt-repository
sudo apt update
sudo apt install inkscape

Instruções de Instalação

Esta versão tem instruções de instalação adicionais. É altamente recomendado que leia as instruções para se certificar que a sua instalação funcionará bem no seu computador.

Página de Instruções