Vote for your favorite About Screen!
It's time to vote for the About Screen for the upcoming Inkscape version 0.92!
We're very proud to present you with a very diverse gallery with 56 entries, by 43 different Inkscape-using artists. Thank you so much everyone for your entries!
Everybody in the Inkscape Community (that includes you, Dear website visitor!) is invited to cast their vote.
In order to do so, you will need to log in or register an account for this website (if you don't have one yet).
This is how it works:
- Everyone gets 1 vote and all contest entrants may, of course, vote as well.
- To vote, visit the gallery and check out all those amazing works of art.
- Click on one of the thumbnails to see the a larger version of the image and a description. Here, you can also comment on the entry.
- To cast your vote, either click on the check mark below the image here, or hover over the small image in the gallery, to see a circle-shaped checkbox you can click on. When you accidentally voted for the wrong entry, you can correct your vote by just voting for a different one.
- Voting will ONLY be accepted via this website.
- You can vote until November 19th 2016, 23:59h (UTC).
- Once the community voting is done, the 3 top-voted entries will be passed on to the developers who will have the final vote for the winner.
For the contest participants, ANY modifications of the files are prohibited from now on.
Good luck to all who entered!