





Shapes creator

Shapes is an extension for Inkscape written in python that creates shapes from the bounding boxes of selected objects.
The available shapes are:
Shapes based from the bounding box corners: Chamfer, Chamfer inverse, Rect inside, Round inside, Round inside inverse, Cross, Star from center, Star from corners
Triangles: Isosceles, Equilateral, Rectangle bottom left, Rectangle bottom right, Rectangle top left, Rectangle top right
Arrows: Filled, Stick
Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 2:38 PM

Code is not uploaded to website so no review was possible.
License is bad (all rights reserved)
Code quality is also very poor and pre-1.0 inkex use

Problematic or Old Extensions

23,5 KB
All Rights Reserved ((C))


Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz ha scritto il :

No download extension?

Paco Garcia ha scritto il :

Hi Jabiertxo, you have the link to the page with more details of the extension and download at the right of this page, or you can go to the url

lancasp ha scritto il :

No download link?

Jabiertxo Arraiza Cenoz ha scritto il :

Hi Paco i see it. thanks. works very well, thanks for share, I like it on inkscape but, whith this license never be included :(

Martin Owens ha scritto il :

The extension is GPL in the source code. It would be good to have it here under the correct license.

betty123 ha scritto il :

Hallo Wie mus ich die Erweiterung hinzufügen? Habe inkscape_arakne_shapes_2017_08_10 und Shapes.rar heruntergeladen.

Was muss ich jetzt tun?

lifeisblue ha scritto il :

After download it, you extract it and copy "shapes.inx" and "" into folder at /home/username/.config/inkscape/extensions. Then, go to Inkscape, click menubar Extensions/ Generate from Path/ Shapes... You can watch this video to know. (Sorry my English so bad)

davmillar ha scritto il :

@paco is there any chance you can update it to work with Inkscape 1.0? I appreciate your creation so far, but I'm not familiar enough with Python and Inkscape extensions to update my copy myself.

Mario Voigt ha scritto il :

tried myself to upgrade it to Python 3 too but i failed :/

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