File Icon


Shadow Free Cursors (Inkscape 1.1.x)

da Inkscape Contributors

This is a set of cursors for Inkscape 1.1.x that do not feature the new shadows and appear a bit less bulky.

In addition to removing the shadows, I've also made some other small tweaks, like decreasing the contour width and adding back some holes.

You only need this for Inkscape 1.1, later versions will include an option to remove the shadow (in the preferences, but this will not reduce the bulkiness, of course).

How to use:

* Download the zip file
* Unzip it with an unarchiver tool
* Open Inkscape
* Go to Edit > Preferences > User interface > Theme > Icons
* Note the name of the currently selected icon set (e.g. 'hicolor')
* Click on 'Browse' behind the line which lists the directory for the user defined icon sets
* Create a folder with the name of the currently selected icon set (e.g. 'hicolor')
* Move the folder 'cursors' from the downloaded archive into this new folder.
* Switch to another tool in Inkscape to see whether it worked.

Inkscape GUI Icon/Cursor Set

34,0 KB
General Public License v2 (GPLv2)
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