

Modern Inkscape

da PG

This is my proposal for the cover of Inkscape version 1.2, vote to see it soon


Century Gothic

Beach Bar Script Semibold
Curated by Maren Hachmann on December 11 2021 1:12 AM
Curated by Maren Hachmann on December 14 2021 1:48 AM


165,4 KB
All Rights Reserved ((C))
Maren Hachmann ha scritto il :

Hi - sorry to disappoint you, but there's not going to be an about screen contest for 1.1.2.
There will be one for 1.2.

As this is not a custom marker, I'm going to set its category to private, you can adjust it from there.

Maren Hachmann ha scritto il :

Also, note that on a real About screen contest, you'd not be allowed to use non-free fonts like Product sans (and publishing art with it under GPLv3 probably violates that font's license). - the other font doesn't even seem to have a license at all.

PG ha scritto il :

Hello, thanks for the corrections, I already read the Wikipedia document, in that case I must put the project with copyrights Apache 2.0 (ASL) or with Public Domain

Maren Hachmann ha scritto il :

@PG - As for Google Sans, the Wikipedia article means that you're not supposed to use that font at all, it's limited to be used by Google only as one of their brand fonts, or if you're working with Google and make design that has to integrate with their brand identity. See

If a font does not have any license, you're basically not allowed to use it at all. It's just 'there', but nobody gave you permission to use it, so you can't. This is the case for the other font, as far as I was able to figure out.

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