





idea explosion

idea explosion By @elnido_estudio on instagram at:

This illustration represents the moment when ideas come true thanks to inkscape, I also highlight the new features that I liked the most in version 1.3, Happy Birthday Inkscape

Used Font:

About Screen Contest

1,2 MB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Maren Hachmann wrote :

Hi El nido,

thank you for your entry for the About Screen contest.

For your image to take part in the contest, there are a few small things that still need to be fixed:

* please use the unaltered branding layer from the template (you moved and resized it a bit)
* please swap the hidden text paths with the visible ones (this makes it possible for everyone who votes to see the image as it was intended, even if they do not have the font installed)
* please run a document cleanup before resubmitting

Maren Hachmann wrote :

Hi again,

this is just a reminder to fix your About Screen Contest entry before the contest starts in a few days!

El nido Estudio wrote :

hi thanks, i think i did all the corrections, I don't understand the second correction very well

Pacer wrote :

Regarding the text:

Where you have used text in your artwork, we require you to keep live text (in place) as a hidden layer or group, so that it can be edited where needed in the future.

Your paths should be visible, while your original (live) text should be hidden.

Let us know if you need any further clarification.

Contest Admin

El nido Estudio wrote :

perfect, thanks, the changes are ready

Maren Hachmann wrote :

@el nido: Not yet, unfortunately.

Instructions to fix:

* Hide and lock the 'Text' layer.
* unlock and make visible the layer 'Editable Text', which contains lots of uneditable paths, and the editable texts for the Welcome screen, but none for the About Screen.
* remove the paths from that layer, they are duplicates. You could ungroup everything in that layer, then select all texts by object type and invert the selection, for example, to get the paths in that layer selected quickly.
* add the corresponding texts as text elements, at least for the About Screen graphic, and if you like, for the Website download splash graphic, too.

El nido Estudio wrote :

I'm done, now the paths are in the ¨text¨ layer and the editable text in ¨editable text¨ (locked and hidden) sorry for the inconvenience

Maren Hachmann wrote :

Thank you! Looks good now. Your entry is now checked!

El nido Estudio wrote :

thank you so much

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