20 years of Inkscape is not the end of the journey but a huge milestone. The new version is built on the foundations of the previous versions and is becoming better with each iteration. It's a shining example of what is possible in open source software when a great team of dedicated developers gets together and works their magic.
I tried to showcase what can be done in Inkscape with simple shapes and without fancy drawing skills. Using only a limited set of tools to create a consistent yet rich look. The piece relies heavily on gradients, tapered and power stroke path effects on simple lines and basic shapes [circles and rectangles were the starting point for most elements].
Organizing a design of this complexity was key. The improved layers and objects panel was a huge help in keeping the 2500+ objects that make this scene under control.
Bebas Font:
Barlow Condensed
Hello Chris,
Thank you for your entry.
Just a couple of points to fix in order to put your artwork through:
- The branding layer must be unedited (see rule 7).
- Please add a link to the download page for any font you use to the description of your uploaded art (see rule 11).
Contest Admin
Hi Pacer,
I will be fixing it now... The links are in the metadata already. I will move them from contributor to the description now.
Thank you. Putting you through now.
Thanks! I just re-uploaded the PNG - the dimensions were off and are now 750x625px at 96dpi. Sorry!
Wow excellent! Love the concept and the details. Inkscape milestone, banners, tool icons, and where can I get me some paintbrush staff?
Thanks, Mihaela. I am glad you like the design... I tried to put some thought into the concept/ design hence the little details hidden in the illustration... I wish I had one of those myself. A staff like that would be SOOOOO cool!
This is stunning! Good luck in the voting.
Congratulations, Chris - your image is in the next round of voting!
Note that the contributor voting needed to be delayed a bit, so the final results will be available a few days later than announced before!