





Sun Wave Rising

Sun Wave Rising is my abstract interpretation of Inkscape's growth. My goal for this design was to create something simple using beginner techniques that new users can learn easily. Full step-by-step tutorial, highlighting the Inkscape features used and showing my workflow coming tomorrow on the IronEcho Design YT channel. With love....Ricky

"Inter" Font: This Font Software is licensed under the SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1.

"Open Sans" Font:

About Screen Contest

225.4 KB
Creative Commons Attribution Share-Alike 4.0 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)
Marcos González wrote :

Really beautiful. Minimalist, but very dynamic. It looks like the typography pushes the shape, which looks like an eye looking at the logo. Thanks for sharing it.

Pacer wrote :

Hello Ricky.

Thank you. This is a stylish entry. A skillful use of Lattice Deformation.

I have looked through your file and there are a couple of things we need you to change:

You have used (MS fonts) Arial and Century Gothic. Could you please change these for fonts which are freely licenced.
(If it helps, Open Sans may be an option in this case?)

Also, once you have selected a font(s), please could you place a link to the licence(s) in the description.

There may be one more minor change, but I need to check on that (I will let you know either way).

Thank you.

Contest Admin

Rick Johanson wrote :

Thank you, Pacer. I'll make the font changes now. Much appreciated........Ricky

* Changes made.  Happy to make additional adjustments if needed. 

Pacer wrote :

Thank you.

I notice a few issues with the file I just downloaded. While I can see your file is different from the previous, these are the issues I see:

- Arial is still present in multiple places throughout the file.
- Some of the text visible in your graphic is live text.

If, looking in a text editor at your file, you can't see Arial, let me know (could be a caching issue in that case).

Contest Admin

Rick Johanson wrote :

Thank you, Pacer! I'll make the changes right now.

Rick Johanson wrote :

Hi Pacer- Live text removed from visible graphic. Changed the fonts late last night while watching Survivor on second screen. My apologies!

As far as any lingering Arial, I do not see it anywhere. There were some issues yesterday while I was trying to change the font as you requested. Specifically, when trying to change the selected text to a different font, Inkscape wouldn't proceed with a change until first selecting a random font from the dropdown menu. Only after the random change, would the selected text be able to be altered to the desired font on a second visit to the dropdown font choices. Full disclosure- the hesitant drop down change is an error I commonly get. It resolves itself on the second try every time, so I live with it.

Happy to make any additional alterations needed. Uploading new file now. Thank you!

Pacer wrote :

Thanks Ricky.

As you have stated, I expect this is caused by a bug.
What version of Inkscape are you currently using (and OS)?

Unfortunately, I am seeing the same issue (regarding Arial) with the file.

See gif here: text-issues


The file downloaded on my side is (...2_27_22.svg)

As an example, In the XML Editor, the text "Inkscape" (id="text1932") has the following styles applied to it:

"font-weight:900;font-size:56.9893px;line-height:1.25;font-family:Arial;-inkscape-font-specification:'Arial Heavy';letter-spacing:-4.27421px;display:inline;fill:none;fill-opacity:1;stroke:#ffffff;stroke-width:1.68416;stroke-miterlimit:4;stroke-dasharray:none;stroke-opacity:1"

If you are seeing something different or you think I have the wrong file, please let me know.

Contest Admin

Rick Johanson wrote :

Hi Pacer- I'm using Inkscape 1.1 on a Windows 10 desktop.

Thanks for sending the GIF with the Arial text example. Not seeing it on my side, so I decided to start over. I've re-made my About Screen Contest entry in a new SVG file. This time, no Arial was used at any point. Can you please let me know if this new svg file has any phantom text?

Pacer wrote :

Hi Ricky,

Regarding (...IronEcho_Design.svg)

Technically, Arial still found its way in to the SVG code (I think it must be a bug). However, it is clear that it wasn't used in any of your text (I can see the text is actually 'Inter').

So we are all good, and I'm going to verify the entry.

I don't know if it will resolve your bug, but If you are feeling adventurous, we released 1.2alpha1 a few days ago and it is claimed to have resolved a lot of issues in 1.2alpha0.

Also, if you fancy another challenge, our March challenge has just gone live on the forum:

Maren Hachmann wrote :

Could you check & fix the license that you set in the file, please?

You've apparently used CC-By-NC-SA, but that is not compatible with the contest.

Tim Jones wrote :

Good catch Maren.

I've temporarily "un-checked" this entry, until the licence has been amended.

Rick, can you let us know when you have done that, thanks! :-)

Rick Johanson wrote :

Thank you Tim and Maren! I changed the file to the correct license. If there's anything I need to do, let me know. - Rick

Maren Hachmann wrote :

Thank you, Rick! (btw. your tutorials are very engaging!)

Tim Jones wrote :

Thanks Rick :-)

Rick Johanson wrote :

Thanks so much Maren and Tim! Here's to more people discovering and loving Inkscape!

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