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Here are the 5 finalists for the Inkscape 1.4 About Screen Contest!
If you are an Inkscape Contributor, you are eligible to vote.
To learn how to gain your voting rights, please read the blog article about it.
When you have applied for a membership, let others know in the Inkscape chat so those who can confirm that you are a contributor can approve your join request!
Note that if your name is already in the AUTHORS file, it is possible that there has already a membership been created for you. To claim it, please contact the website team in the website chat channel.
When voting, click on the little circles below the images.
Click on the circle below the image you like most first!
Then select the one you like next best and so on, for as many as you like.
We use ranked choice voting to select the winners.
Read more about the contest.
Thank you for your vote!
No Submissions Yet