Design a logo with a pencil icons in it. Want to learn more about how Inkscape works? Check out the Inkscape Master Class - a comprehensive series of over 50 videos where I go over every tool, feature and function in Inkscape and explain what it is, how it works, and why it's useful: Need a logo made? Request a design at: Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles
A simple, vector flat style mobile device. This tutorial is for Inkscape version 0.48 and is intended to teach you how to use the software. Need a logo made? Request a design at: Ready to make some money with your design skills? Check out my freelancing guide: Facebook: Instagram: @itslogosbynick Twitter: @logosbynick Want to support my channel? I don't accept donations, but if you feel compelled to support my work here on Youtube in any way then a one-time purchase of my $17 online course outlining how to design a logo from start to finish would be greatly appreciated, and you may learn a thing or two about logo design as well. You can check it out here: Want to make Inkscape appear dark? Here's how: Intro song: Syntact, Shallow; via NCS
„...A filter effect consists of a series of graphics operations that are applied to a given source graphic to produce a modified graphical result. The result of the filter effect is rendered to the target device instead of the original source graphic. ...” -as written in the svg standard. Design-wise it means endless possibilities to alter the graphical appearance of parts of our images. Some important points come from that describing: · they require a graphical element to start with · they rely great on the renderer, and the rendering capabilities of the target device · filters are procedural. You can select any object in your document and add a filter to it. In svg that means every graphical element that can be selected in the xml tree can be filtered -the brave ones can add a filter to a layer (group) in inkscape, save it as a default template and prank other users by a totally unexpected behave…
This video will show you how to create a beautiful and modern logo in Inskcape featuring two interlocking letters. Download Free SVG Files: #inkscape #logo #interlockingletters
Design simple letter logo designs using Inkscape. Want to learn more about how Inkscape works? Check out the Inkscape Master Class - a comprehensive series of over 50 videos where I go over every tool, feature and function in Inkscape and explain what it is, how it works, and why it's useful: Need a logo made? Request a design at: Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles, used with written permission
Today I'll be demonstrating how to create a vector heartbeat logo that can be compatible with any other sort of theme. I often see people selling t shirts on Facebook using this sort of concept - depicting dogs, cats, instruments, skylines, etc. - and advertising them against those audiences. The goal of this tutorial is to teach you how to create these designs yourself. Dog vectors: This tutorial is for Inkscape version 0.48 and is intended to teach beginners how to use the software. Inkscape is a great free alternative to Illustrator and Corel Draw. Need a logo made? Request a design at: Ready to make some money with your design skills? Check out my freelancing guide: Facebook: Twitter: @logosbynick Want to support my channel? I don't accept donations, but if you feel compelled to support my work here on Youtube in any way then a one-time purchase of my $17 online course outlining how to design a logo from start to finish would be greatly appreciated, and you may learn a thing or two about logo design as well. You can check it out here: Want to make Inkscape appear dark? Here's how: Here's all of the software and hardware I use to make these videos: Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles, used with written permission
"New Inkscape users are sometimes frustrated when they search the manual (or forums) for how to draw a line, and can't find instructions. That's because "line" is a bit of a nebulous term, at least in Inkscape....although in some ways it can be confusing in any vector graphics program. What we generally think of as a line, is called a path, in Inkscape. But it's not just a matter of terminology." Read on to learn the basics!
Mind map of the Inkscape features. Graphical representation of information from this page:
Inkscape is professional, free, open source Vector Graphics software.
For adding a filter to a selected object, the most straightforward way is going by the filters menu on top. That is containing quite a lot of filters built in to choose from. However, due to its regular menu item limitations, it's not a very helpful for choosing. There is no visual indication built in of the filters affecting a preview object's appearance, nor there is an option to go through all like when previewing a font and styling on a text object. It's all pure luck to find a suiting filter by first pick. Either it takes applying the filters one after another on the object selected and undoing every time the outcome is not right, or having a sneak peek on a guide image where all the filters are displayed in action. The current (not yet up to date) manual is taking 19 pages to showcase them all. If inkscape was installed with the example files, check the filters.svg located in inkscape/share/examples to see an all-in-one action shot.
Simple guide to make inkscape work on windows. Worked for me at least!
Hello, For some mechanical drawings, such as in patents, hatch patterns must be used. In the attached tutorial I describe how to create neat patterns, and I also include a pattern file with 39 standard hatch patterns to be used in Inkscape. The last section in the tutorial describes how to use these patterns in two different ways. For folks who want to modify these patterns or create their own, a description is added with how they were made using Python. The Python script is also included. Hope this is useful, have fun. HenkJan van der Pol.
Download instructions and template:
A tutorial for beginners, teaching how to use clones to draw unique snowflakes, which are perfectly symmetrical. The tutorial is copyrighted, but the snowflake image (sf1.png) is CC-BY-NC-SA.;sa=view;article=27
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HTML version of Mark Crutch's FullCircleMagazine Inkscape tutorial series. (Sep 2024) - add Part 148/update Parts31/32, (Oct) - add Part 149 and 150, (Dec 2024) - add Part 151, (Jan 2025) - add Part 152, (Feb) - add Part 153, (Mar) - add Part 154. Images have been updated to reflect v1.2/1.3 layout. This zip file (45.3MB) now contains all tutorial Parts 0-154. (Total 74.0MB, 1,719 files in 5 folders, includes 156+ HTML files plus embedded animated/interactive svg files and exercise svg files). Early Parts are more tutorial like (how to do something) while later Parts are more a reference/critique of new features and feature changes. [Topics covered include: BasicTools, Clip/Mask, Tracing, Clones, LPEs, Filters, Extensions, JessyInk Slideshows, Animation, JS interactivity, and much more] Intended to be run from a folder of your choice on a local hard drive or USB flash drive. Load FullCircle-InkIndex.htm in your browser to start.
Create an inner shadow effect that gives the appearance as if the subject is carved into the surface. This tutorial is for Inkscape version 0.92 and is intended to teach beginners how to use the software. Inkscape is a great free alternative to Illustrator and Corel Draw. Need a logo made? Request a design at: Ready to monetize your design skills? Check out my free guide on landing freelancing gigs: If you feel compelled to support my work here on Youtube in any way, a one-time purchase of my $17 online course outlining how to design a logo from start to finish would be greatly appreciated, and you may learn a thing or two about logo design as well. You can check it out here: Want to make Inkscape appear dark? Here's how: Dark theme & updated icon for GIMP: Facebook: Twitter: @logosbynick Instagram: @itslogosbynick My design setup: Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles, used with written permission
Video showing some of the new shapes in the python extension Shapes, more info and download in
This svg-file contains the first part of an inkscape workshop I conducted at the Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage in September 2014. Full tutorial with text in German and English can be found at my website: Part I: Theory: English: German:
This video will show you to easily create a six pointed star seamless Islamic pattern in Inkscape with the p6m wallpaper group. Free Patterns: #inkscape #islamicpattern
Design a vector infinite loop logo using Inkscape. This tutorial is for Inkscape version 0.92 and is intended to teach beginners how to use the software. Inkscape is a great free alternative to Illustrator and Corel Draw. Need a logo made? Request a design at: Facebook: Twitter: @logosbynick Instagram: @itslogosbynick If you feel compelled to support my work here on Youtube in any way, a one-time purchase of my $17 online course outlining how to design a logo from start to finish would be greatly appreciated, and you may learn a thing or two about logo design as well. You can check it out here: Want to make Inkscape appear dark? Here's how: Dark theme & updated icon for GIMP: My design setup: Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles, used with written permission
In today’s tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating how to create a challenging shape with Inkscape 1.1. I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
I enjoyed this youtube video where Kevin Arne, the makerspace manager at Decatur Makers ( walks us through a design process for making .svg files to use on the laser cutter. I like the clear style and, honestly, the use of different colors. It's a nice forum with a good Q&A. With the video you can follow along, start/stop/speed up as necessary. Just sharing. Live Design Seminar: Filament Spool Holder:
Penrose triangle created in Inkscape --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on November 21 2022 2:20 AM
This image shows several paths with their corresponding tool name in Spanish
Snapping since Inkscape 0.91 explained.
Similar to my low poly portrait tutorial, only using a quicker method more suitable for this sort of design. This will also be an introduction for the Mesh Gradient tool. This tutorial is for Inkscape version 0.92 and is intended to teach beginners how to use the software. Inkscape is a great free alternative to Illustrator and Corel Draw. Need a logo made? Request a design at: Ready to monetize your design skills? Check out my free guide on landing freelancing gigs: If you feel compelled to support my work here on Youtube in any way, a one-time purchase of my $17 online course outlining how to design a logo from start to finish would be greatly appreciated, and you may learn a thing or two about logo design as well. You can check it out here: Want to make Inkscape appear dark? Here's how: Facebook: Twitter: @logosbynick Instagram: @itslogosbynick My design setup: Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles, used with written permission
making the Moorish star using the new shape builder tool that's expected to be shipped with the 1.3 version رسم النجمة المورية بواسطة الأدات الجديدة للبرنامج إنكسكيب متوقع ان يتم طرحها مع النسخة القادمة 1.3
in this inkscape 1.0 tutorial i will teach you how to design a celtic knot logo style using inkscape new live path effects quickly.
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Zentangles is a form of abstract art that uses patterns. This is day 6 of a 31 day video series, where I create a Zentangle a day in Inkscape for Inktober. I start with the easiest patterns, so this is a excellent way to learn Inkscape. You should watch Introduction to Inkscape and Zentangles before watching this video.
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In today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how to design a vector drone logo. This tutorial is for Inkscape version 0.92 and is intended to teach beginners how to use the software. Inkscape is a great free alternative to Illustrator and Corel Draw. Need a logo made? Request a design at: Ready to make some money with your design skills? Check out my freelancing guide: Facebook: Twitter: @logosbynick Want to support my channel? I don't accept donations, but if you feel compelled to support my work here on Youtube in any way then a one-time purchase of my $17 online course outlining how to design a logo from start to finish would be greatly appreciated, and you may learn a thing or two about logo design as well. You can check it out here: Want to make Inkscape appear dark? Here's how: Here's all of the software and hardware I use to make these videos: Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles, used with written permission
This svg-file contains the second part of an Inkscape workshop I conducted at the Kieler Open Source und Linux Tage in September 2014. Full tutorial with text, animations and practice file in both languages can be found at my website: Part II: Practice English: German:
In today’s tutorial, I’ll demonstrate how to create a letter-D inspired modern logo with Inkscape 1.1. I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
my second Inkscape 1.3 live text effects tutorial using the filters feature
Tutorial by Alexandre Prokoudine at Libre Graphics World
Sansita One font: This tutorial is for Inkscape version 0.48 and is intended to teach beginners how to use the software. Inkscape is a great free alternative to Illustrator and Corel Draw. Need a logo made? Request a design at: Ready to make some money with your design skills? Check out my freelancing guide: Facebook: Twitter: @logosbynick Want to support my channel? I don't accept donations, but if you feel compelled to support my work here on Youtube in any way then a one-time purchase of my $17 online course outlining how to design a logo from start to finish would be greatly appreciated, and you may learn a thing or two about logo design as well. You can check it out here: Want to make Inkscape appear dark? Here's how: Here's all of the software and hardware I use to make these videos: Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles, used with written permission
Me gusta mucho Inkscape para trabajar, generalmente hago diagramas e imágenes informativas en él. Hoy quiero contribuir con una guía escrita, paso a paso en cada capa explicada para hacer dibujos, no soy diseñador, aunque espero que a alguien le sirva el tutorial y le guste. Nivel: Intermedio. Recursos: Capas, Alfa o transparencia, Trayecto: intersección, unión y diferencia, HSL: luminancia, Degradado, Máscara o marco, Difuminado, Textura y otros.
More Inkscape UI design tips and tricks. Particularly useful for beginners and UI devs who do design.
Repair/replace symbols. Click on image to view animation.
Tiled clones to make triangular puzzle marks (e.g. golf tee puzzle). Click to see animation.
In today’s tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating how to create Aaron Draplin's most favorite logo of all time - The US 1976 Bicentennial Logo I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
For Stroke font generation, first use to generate stroke version of an existing font. The follow the guide to convert the generated font data to OTF or TTF using Fontforge.
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Inkscape Example File: Live Path Effects: Path along Path, best viewed in Inkscape.
Renaming Swatches demo, and auto palette. Discussion:
Inkscape Example File: Flowed text in a shape, best viewed in Inkscape.
Instructions for installation of development version using a chroot environment to not mess up your own configuration files. Tested on Linux Mint 17.2. Takes up about 650 MB space, and needs to download several hundred MB of data.
my 4th Inkscape 1.3 live text effects tutorial using the filters feature
Inkscape Example File: Live Path Effects: Curvestitch, best viewed in Inkscape.
my first ever video tutorial: i made an inkscape 1.0 tutorial on how to make a logo using a trick similar to shape builder tool in illustrator
Denomstration of text>path>pattern on path lpe. Click image to view animation. @vil_br @oficinacasaemoveis
In today’s tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating how to create the Ubuntu logo with Inkscape 1.1. I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
Nesse video falei sobre o funcionamento da ferramenta gradient do programa inkscape e também mostrei algumas formas de degrade, e tambem criei alguns formatos interessantes de aplicações e mostrei alguns trabalhos feitos com degrades simples.
In today’s tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating how to create Google Chrome logo with Inkscape 1.1. I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
Nesse vídeo você vai aprender como fazer um gradiente infinito usando o inkscape e a ferramenta de malhas.
チラシのレイアウトをする手順をすべて公開しています。 素材集めや利用できるフォント集めなど、具体的な手順を網羅的に記録したので、初心者の方でもすぐに真似してスキルを身につけられます。 ブログでもInkscapeの情報を扱っているので、訪問していただけると嬉しいです。 ▶ I have published all the procedures for laying out flyers. I have comprehensively recorded specific procedures such as collecting materials and collecting usable fonts, so even beginners can quickly imitate and acquire skills. I also have information about Inkscape on my blog, so I would be happy if you could visit it. ▶
Inkscape Example File: A Collection of Markers on Paths, best viewed in Inkscape.
Work Source:
Using combined clones to create a hexmap and using it to cut an image. (The image must be converted to a pattern.) Click image to watch animated gif.
Video tutorial is here:
Using the Number Nodes extension to make lasercut round keytags. Click image to watch animated gif.
Nesse vídeo você vai aprender como configurar e fazer um cartão de visita no Inkscape.
Neste vídeo você vai entender como usar a ferramenta "Editor de Nós" para vetorizar mais rápido no Inkscape.
Just showing the basics, to get a newbie started. (sorry for weird theme color)
Once added the effect parameters appear at the bottom, and the filter chain structure at the top. By default the flood fill is set to solid black. Remember it won't take action unless you tick in the checkbox at the filter list on the left! After applied, a black rectangle should be rendered. It is slightly larger than the object's previous bounding box. For reference, go to the ”Filter General Settings” tab.
Pattern Along Path effect to make cribbage board.
Materiais mencionados no vídeo: 1) Download do GhostScript: 2) Paleta de Cor do Material Design: - Outras paletas:
Fala ai cara, beleza? Neste vídeo vamos ver cinco dicas sobre o Inkscape que você pode aplicar para trabalhar ainda melhor com a ferramenta. As dicas estão usando como base a versão 1.2 do programa. Repositório do manual reescrito do Inkscape:
O Inkscape é um dos editores de gráficos vetoriais do mundo open-source, mas sua história é bastante complexa e difícil de desembolar. Neste vídeo vamos trazer um pouco sobre a história do Inkscape e de seu antecessor, o Sodipodi.
Neste vídeo, vamos entender como funciona a ferramenta de páginas no Inkscape 1.2 Mais sobre a ferramenta:
In today’s tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating the best way to duplicate objects around a circle with Inkscape 1.1. I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
For the very first filter, let's try out the flood fill, by selecting it from the list. Click the add effect button right after. ”The feFlood filter primitive fills the region with a given color and opacity. It is usually used as an input to other filters to apply color to a graphic.” That equals as a base for bucket filling, with the difference you have to define the filled region's boundaries.
In today’s tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating how I often use the golden ratio in logo design with Inkscape 1.1. I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
In today’s tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating how to create an ABC logotype with Inkscape 1.1. I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
In today’s tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating how to create a sophisticated logo mark with Inkscape 1.1. I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
In this Inkscape Speed Drawing Video, I have shown how I made a Flat Vector Illustration of Office setup.For this I have used Bazier Tool of Inkscape and basic shapes to draw every object and then colored them to get this vector artwork. Hope you like it!! Feel free to ask if you have any doubt regarding any part of this video. Comment Below. Don't forget to check out other Inkscape Drawings and step by step tutorial videos on my channel! Have a nice day!!!
I made a tutorial on how to make wavy lines and use them to make icons, i primarily made them for discord but you can use them for other things, i put the icons i made in the description so you can use them!
In today’s tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating how to create the Adidas logo precisely with Inkscape 1.1. I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
I downloaded scale ruler svg's which are available free at and combined various rulers to arrive at the finished product. I do all my drawing at 0.010000 scale on a legal sized document. I set the scale to 0.010039 prior to printing or exporting. To export pdf's with margins, I put placeholders in the extreme corners of the page.
Instructions on how to install centerline trace extension on Windows.
Animating smiley with inka
Report bugs at: Watch video at:
Work Source:
Work Source:
Demo of PaP effect using a linked path. Click image to view animation. Discussion:
bonjour a vous . j'ai un probleme sur programme inkscape, quand j'ai importe Clip Arte, il me donne que c'est imposible de connexion. Je ne sais pas où est le problème !! aide moi s'il vous plait.
Circular path with a calligraphic effect. Black stroke, no fill. Nib width 25%, angle of 45°.
For Jabier :) - and any new website translators. (follow the link at the right for the mp4 video)
Pie chart from polar grid Pt.1 Click image to view animation. Discussed here:
The most important part of filter editing is connecting the effects into a chain that defines the rendering process. With only a Flood added it's listed at the top row. The current editor lists the filter primitives added one after another. The bottom line of that list will be rendered on screen. Note that just by adding new filter primitives to the list, they won't necessarily create a chain from top to bottom. You need to connect them in a meaningful order.
In today’s tutorial, I’ll be demonstrating how to create a gradient chat icon logo concept in 4 easy steps in Inkscape 1.1. I hope you learn something new and useful during my tutorial. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to comment down below and I’ll reply to you as soon as I can.
Demonstration of split screen when images are in workspace.
Demonstration of clipping a group. Click on image to view animation.
Split screen demo showing vector lines. Click image to view animation. Discussion:
Using clipping to modify an imported map overlay. Click image to view animation. Discussion:
Used in forum reply. Workaround to .92 text formatting bug.
Used in Forum reply. creation of logo using booleans.
Inkscape Example File: Tubulence Filters, best viewed in Inkscape. Author: Niko Kiirala Licence: cc-by-sa-3.0
In this video I show you how to do the low poly effect in Inkscape. Learn about tools and functions while improving your creative abilities.
New option: replicate an object on each node of the selected object with optional scale and optional z-index position based on the y axis coordinate of the node for get a perspective effect More info and download from --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on April 26 2021 2:35 PM
Once you made the filter definition, you can edit it without it being applied to any object. Note that the vacuum defs/cleanup document options remove any unused filters. The ”Add Effect” button can add in the filter primitive which will alter the filtered object's appearance. The dropdown list contains all the primitives in alphabetical order.
Shapes 1 python inkscape extension includes three new shapes based on the three first nodes coordinates of the selected objects More info and download from
Inkscape Example File: Data URI Author: Jon A. cruz Licence:
Inkscape Example File: Car, best viewed with Inkscape (compressed svg). Author: Konstantin Rotkevich Licence:
Inkscape Example File: Layer Blend Modes, best viewed in Inkscape. Author: Niko Kiirala Licence:
Inkscape Example File: Referenced Text, best viewed in Inkscape.
Inkscape Example File: A Collection of Stars, best viewed in Inkscape (compressed SVG).
Inkscape Example File: Live Path Effects: Gears, best viewed in Inkscape.
Inkscape Example File: Lighting Filters Author: Niko Kiirala Licence:
Inkscape Example File: Replace Hue, best viewed in Inkscape.
Inkscape Example File: Tiger, best viewed in Inkscape (compressed SVG).
Inkscape Example File: Text on Path, best viewed in Inkscape.
Inkscape Example File: Tesselation P3 (Tiled Clones), best viewed in Inkscape.
Inkscape Example File: Traced Car, best viewed in Inkscape (compressed SVG). Author: Michael Grosberg Licence:
Inkscape Example File: Flowed Text, best viewed in Inkscape
Inkscape Example File: Art Nouveau P3 (tiled clones)
Inkscape Example File: Animated Clock, best viewed in a modern browser. Author: Tavmjong Bah Licence:
Would you like to create a smaller or bigger version of a shape to go around your existing one? The Dynamic offset function is made exactly for that.
Preparing an image to be cut out on a Glowforge or other laser cutter, a CNC mill or some other cutting tool. Showing the basics of tracing a bitmap and having a vectorized contour of an image.
This tutorial helps you understanding lines and nodes in Inkscape. I'm not the best of an artist myself, so I used an image of a crafts tutorial I liked. Here's the link if you want to learn how to draw this nice kitten by hand:
In this tutorial we're looking at the different ways Inkscape interacts with bitmaps. We're touching through different ways to import a bitmap, tracing bitmaps, bitmap effects, and clipping bitmaps.and exporting to bitmap. Future episode will go into these topics in more detail.
Through a better understanding of all the features available in Inkscape, you'll create better artwork. In this tutorial we're covering fill and stroke in Inkscape 0.92
I'm showing you the basics of Inkscape: how to use layers and understand what paths and objects are. Once you get these basics, we'll quickly take off to the next level!
This video will show you how to create seamless four pointed geometric Islamic star pattern in Inkscape. #inkscape #islamicpattern
This video will show you how to quickly create a beautiful and colorful geometric eye in Inkscape Free Patterns: #inkscape #geometriceye
This video will show you how to create a seamless interlocking loose woven pattern vector in Inkscape with the pgg symmetry wallpaper group. Free patterns: #inkscape #seamlesspattern #woven
This video will show you how to quickly create a seamless chevron or zigzag pattern vector in Inkscape using the pgg wallpaper symmetry system. Website: #inkscape #seamlesspattern #chevron
This video will show you how to easily create a seamless wave pattern vector in Inkscape with the p4g wallpaper tessellation group. Website: #inkscape #seamlesspattern
This video will show you how to quickly create a seamless fish scale or fan pattern vector in Inkscape. This pattern is also often called mermaid pattern. We used the cm wallpaper group to create this pattern which involves a reflection followed with a glide reflection of the repeating unit. Free pattern: #inkscape #seamlesspattern
Design a vector low poly portrait of yourself (or anyone/thing) use Inkscape. Image: Want to learn more about how Inkscape works? Check out the Inkscape Master Class - a comprehensive series of over 50 videos where I go over every tool, feature and function in Inkscape and explain what it is, how it works, and why it's useful: Need a logo made? Request a design at: Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles, used with written permission
In today's tutorial I'll be demonstrating how to design some vintage style letters and text in vector format using Inkscape. This tutorial emphasises the usefulness of the masking feature, which when used properly, adds a nice aged appearance to the design. Montserrat Ultra Bold font: Masking image: This tutorial is for Inkscape version 0.48 and is intended to teach beginners how to use the software. Inkscape is a great free alternative to Illustrator and Corel Draw. Need a logo made? Request a design at: Ready to make some money with your design skills? Check out my freelancing guide: Facebook: Twitter: @logosbynick Want to support my channel? I don't accept donations, but if you feel compelled to support my work here on Youtube in any way then a one-time purchase of my $17 online course outlining how to design a logo from start to finish would be greatly appreciated, and you may learn a thing or two about logo design as well. You can check it out here: Want to make Inkscape appear dark? Here's how: Here's all of the software and hardware I use to make these videos: Intro song: "In Da Mood" by Combustibles, used with written permission
Serie projeto caixa mdf - Video 1(Vetorização) @oficinacasaemoveis
templates for miniature project found on youtube as a free downloadable
A visual description on how to bisect an angle using inkscape
Primeiro video da planta feita em inkscape. Workshop room plan making on inkscape.
A tutorial for beginners, teaching how to use curves to create a house in the mountains
Tips for UI design using Inkscape. For beginners and particularly useful for UI devs who sometimes have to do design.
Tips for UI design using Inkscape. For beginners and particularly useful for UI devs who sometimes have to do design. I made an animation with Inkscape and other Open source software for the promotion. I also added steps how other can make their Inkscape video.
in this video tutorial, you can learn to draw a heart in inkscape.
This post talks about adding custom palettes to the Inkscape palette list.
Using the gimp team as an example, we create a web popover of their time as LGM. This video shows how to use inkscape to make elements which can appear when you hover over them. As explained in the video, you must EMBED svg files when you want to use css like this. That means the svg tags must appear within the html itself and not as an img tag.
Tech using path effects and filters to create the appearance of pencil drawn lines
graphic design make it easy on inkscape draw freely
Going back to the Flood effect's settings there are two options to alter the output. A slider can set the opacity of the colour between fully transparent and opaque, representing it with a value between 0 and 1. Clicking on the Flood Color it brings up a color picker panel, with multiple inputs. Hex color names and RGB values are of the same as in the fill and stroke panel, however the HSL wheel is not 0-255 based: hue has a 0-360 scale, while the saturation and lightness can be set between 0-100 values. An important feature is that there is also a dropper tool included with the panel which can take any part of the screen as a reference. Let's change the default black to red.
There are many, many shapes you can create using Inkscape, however in this tutorial I am going to show you how to make one of the simplest, quickest ones – a star shape. You can then create a great effect by placing an image inside it. I’m going to create a 5-pointed star and keep it fairly simple. You can of course, create a more complex shape, but sometimes the simpler the shape, the greater the effect. Step 1 Open up Inkscape. If you don’t have Inkscape on your computer, you will need to download it. Step 2 Select the ‘Star’ shape on the Tool bar which you’ll find on the left hand side. Step 3 Make sure that you have the star shape selected in the tool control bar (as opposed to the Polygon icon) and you can adjust the number of points that the star has by adjusting the number of corners. Step 4 If you want to save your star shape to use when you create your "image in a shape’ graphic, then simply: File >> Save >> choose your destination to save the graphic and name it accordingly >> Click Save You have now saved the star in the svg format. This is the Inkscape format and it means that you can come back and change this star however many times you want.
The linked script (see link at the right) allows you to automatically compile, install and update the Inkscape development version (or any other Inkscape branch) on your Ubuntu-based Linux system, in parallel to the stable Inkscape version that you are using for production (from ppa, official repositories of your distro, snap package or whatever). Tested on Linux Mint and Vanilla Ubuntu. Actually, the linked script is MIT licenced, but I cannot select that here. The symbol picture is public domain (I had to upload one to be able to sort this into a gallery of my choice).