Generate Palette Extension

OlibiaGenerate Palette Extension


Inkscape extension to generate color palettes from selected objects' color properties. Usage Create objects with color properties set, can be fill and/or stroke color. Select them and from the Extensions menu choose Palette and Generate. Provide a name and select the color property to grab colors from. You can also include Inkscape's default black to white colors or replace an existing palette. New options Sort colors by xY or Yx position when objects are placed in a grid layout Sort colors by X or Y position Sort colors by selection order, HSL values or RGB values Notes Inkscape needs to be restarted for the extension to appear. Inkscape must be restarted for a new palette to appear. Generated palettes are located at ~/.config/inkscape/palettes or ~\AppData\Roaming\inkscape\palettes on Windows. Older Inkscape versions Latest version for Inkscape < 1.0: --- Reviewed by Martin Owens on May 12 2021 2:30 PM pytest coverage: 0% pylint score: -7.5/10 tested in Inkscape 1.1 Marked as UNSAFE, modified home directory files, should be changed to use new Inkscape variable which will tell it where to save the palette file it generates.

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Ink/Stitch Embroidery Extension

KaalleenInk/Stitch Embroidery Extension


Inkscape extension for generating embroidery stitch files. Usage: Select objects that you want to apply embroidery properties and using the extension, set the parameters for the desired object(s). Once all desired objects have embroidery properties, use the extension to generate the necessary stitch file. A variety of raw stitch files are supported. Note: Follow the link to the Ink/Stitch website. There you can find download links, installation instructions and in depth-documentation.

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Scientific Inkscape

burghoffScientific Inkscape


A set of extensions for efficiently importing, editing, and resizing scientific figures. 1. Scale Plots: Changes the size or aspect ratio of a plot without modifying its text and ticks. Especially useful for assembling multi-panel figures. 2. Flattener: A utility that eliminates much of the structure generated by common plot generation programs and PDF imports. For most imported plots, this should be the first thing you run. 3. Homogenizer: Sets uniform fonts, font sizes, and stroke widths in a selection. 4. Auto-Exporter: Automatically exports SVG files in a directory and keeps them updated. 5. Gallery Viewer: Provides a way to view and edit the SVG contents of files or folders. 6. Text Ghoster: Adds a semi-transparent background to text so that it can be overlaid with data. 7. Combine by Color: An extension that fuses paths of the same color and style together into a single path. 8. Favorite Markers: Lets you designate certain markers as favorites so that they can be conveniently accessed. --- Curated by Martin Owens on April 22 2022 9:10 AM

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Gradient Saver

Rania AminaGradient Saver

Rania Amina

Gradient Saver: Inkscape Gradient Manager for Your Next Project! An extension that will help you to organize your gradient on Inkscape. By using Gradient Saver you have ability to save your favorite gradient and reuse it on your next project. Hope it will help much Inkscpae user out there. For dependencies & installation info, please refer to README or this page: We've update this extension for Inkscape Ver. 1.0, hope you enjoy it. Quick demo/overview:

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Styles To Layers

Mario VoigtStyles To Layers

Mario Voigt

This extension will re-layer your selected items or the whole document according to their color (stroke or fill). Each style will be put onto it's own layer. This way you can devide elements by their colors with ease. It does some basic-only handling of gradient styles. See also for useful cleaning extension. Notes: - includes "Apply Transformations" extension

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Imagetracer.js for Inkscape

Mario VoigtImagetracer.js for Inkscape

Mario Voigt

This extension is an InkScape wrapper for It utilized a standalone node.js executable to run the JavaScript code. It will be fed with embedded or linked images within InkScape. The big difference between this tracer and all other tracers in recent InkScape is the fact that it is capable of splitting an image into it's "isles". The regular tracers separate by colors but not by objects. That makes it hard to work with sometimes. Imagetracer.js will vectorize your beautiful image into a more beautiful SVG trace with separated infills (break apart into single surfaces like a puzzle), that means you get a lot of single areas. works for Linux and Windows

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RealScale (resize by line of known length)

Maren HachmannRealScale (resize by line of known length)

Maren Hachmann

Quickly resize (architectural) drawings by indicating a line and its length in real world units. Optionally scale the drawing with a specific scale factor and draw a scale rule. Version 1.2, Inkscape extension for Inkscape 1.2 and higher. Download most current version from here: Installation: Copy the files and realscale.inx into the directory indicated in Edit -> Preferences -> System: User extensions Usage: • Import an architectural drawing / floor plan / map /... into Inkscape or open a file containing one. Make sure it is a single object (group it, if necessary). • Draw a straight line that connects two points in that drawing of which you know the distance in real life (for example, if you know how long a wall of your house in the drawing is, draw the line from one end of the wall to the other). • Select the line, then add the drawing to the selection. • Open the extension dialog: Extensions -> Scaling -> RealScale... • Enter the length of the line you just drew, as it is in the real world (for example, if your house wall is 10.5 m long, enter 10.50. • Select the unit you used (for your 10.50 m house, select m; for your 10 cm cardboard box, select cm) • If you intend to print the drawing, and the original object is bigger than the sheet, consider using a scale factor. • To do so, first select if you want to use a metric scale factor (based on mulitples of 5) or an imperial one (based on multiples of 2) or if you would like to enter your own scale factor. • Then, in the corresponding dropdown, or in the number entry field, select or enter the scale you would like to use. The dropdowns only offer scale factors for downscaling. In the 'Custom' field, however, you can also enter values smaller than 1 to upscale a drawing. • If you would like the scale rule to be drawn on the page, check the option 'Generate Scale Rule'. • Now choose the number of units the scale rule will comprise. Those will be doubled in the generated scale rule - e.g. it will show 10 cm to the left of the scale rule center (labelled 0) and 10 cm to its right. • Apply!

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Primitive for Inkscape

Mario VoigtPrimitive for Inkscape

Mario Voigt

Primitive - Reproducing images with geometric primitives written in Go. This InkScape extension just wraps into InkScape to quickly get cool traced vector graphics works for Linux and Windows

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Multipage Export Extension

OlibiaMultipage Export Extension


Inkscape extension to export selected objects to various file formats. Usage Select the objects you want to export and from the Extensions menu choose Export and Multipage. Provide a name for the destination folder and select the export format. Available formats are PDF, PNG and SVG. Available exporters are rsvg, and inkscape. You can also name the exported files after the objects' IDs Combine PDFs requires pdftk installed in your system Notes Exported files are located at ~/Documents/Exports. Tested only on Inkscape for Linux. Older Inkscape versions Latest version for Inkscape < 1.0:

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Contour Scanner And Trimmer

Mario VoigtContour Scanner And Trimmer

Mario Voigt

This tool helps you to find nasty contours which might bug you and prevent your work from being ready for production. It will find open contours, closed contours and self-intersecting contours. Self-intersecting contours can be closed or open contours so you can select this option additionally! Bentley-Ottmann algorithm is used to check for those intersections. The algorithm works with the accuracy of the selected paths (epsilons). Self-intersections usually happen if you just have large overlaps where the contour crosses itself like an 'eight' character for example. Using the highlighting it's easy to find contours with unproper path handles. While in a CAD system an area of of a surface can only be calculated if the contour is closed and clean, finding self intersections in InkScape is not required to do so. SVG format allows to calculate areas on open contours and self-twisted curves. This "artwork behaviour" makes it harder for handling machinery-like drawings for laser cutting, vinyl cutting or whatever. That's why we need to have extra sanity checks but we also have the great freedom of Inkscape. Finding self-intersecting contours does only work for curves with straight line segments (polylines) because it just calculates with a set of given XY points. It does not respect bezier curve segments. Bezier curves have no regular points but special handles, which define the slope of the curve per handle side (left and right). To properly handle a bezier curve we need to split the bezier curve in a lot of small linear segments (acting like infinitessimal solution). We can use the tool "Flatten Bezier to do this (will make your curve looking edgy or ugly possible). If you want to leave the shape of the line clean (bezier type, no edgy approximation) we can use Split Bezier (Subdivide) or Add Nodes instead. But remember that your calculated self-intersection points will only be an approximation then. The higher the subdivide count is the higher the precision of the calculated self-intersecting points coordinates will be.

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Conical box generator

thierry7100Conical box generator


This extension will generate a flex structure which could be used to build conical boxes, to be cut with a laser cutting machine.

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Extruder for 3-d Papercraft

Sue ZakarExtruder for 3-d Papercraft

Sue Zakar

This extension creates the pieces needed to construct a 3D extruded papercraft project from a path (composed of straight segments) that defines its shape. Tabs and score lines are included. Both the decorative an the structural pieces are created. When installed, it will be under Extensions -- Papercraft Most recent documentation and code are at the link provided Updated to correct scoring color: 08/19/2022

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Color Label

christophfinkColor Label


adds text labels with the fill colour value of each selected feature

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Customise User Interface

Mr. RavenCustomise User Interface

Mr. Raven

This extension allows you to show or hide menu items and toolbar buttons in Inkscape. The purpose of this is to: - Hide user interface elements you don't want to see. - Make the interface simpler for educational purposes. - Tailor Inkscape towards a specialised working enviroment. I welcome comments, ideas, suggestions, bug reports. If you use it, please write something at the bottom of this page. Installation. Download the .zip file. Installation instructions and a manual are in the file "custui_Readme.html", which is included in the zip file. I will also submit this extension for review so it may become available in the extensions manager. Inkscape 1.0 on Windows misses a "HarfBuzz" library that is needed. If you use Inkscape 1.0 on Windows, you need to install the HarfBuzz library manually. Instructions are in the Readme file. Many thanks for testing and also advice and ideas: @Kirstie, @DoctorMo and @Adam.Belis Changes for version 0.3: - Change the interface too look a bit better - Add function to restore default settings - Make some more items in View menu immutable for Inkscape 1.1

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Inventory Sticker

Mario VoigtInventory Sticker

Mario Voigt

This extension generates inventory stickers for thermo printers (we use Brother QL-720NW) from our Teedy instance. Teedy is an open source software document management system (DMS). This extension is tested in Linux (Ubuntu 20 LTS) and Windows 10. Source code can be found in More details:

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Creative Empty Page

Hervy Qurrotul Ainur RoziCreative Empty Page

Hervy Qurrotul Ainur Rozi

Empty page for Social Media branding and Creative Marketplace. Only support for inkscape 1.0.x # Install ## GNU/Linux - copy file .inx and .py. - paste into ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/ ## Windows - copy file .inx. - paste into C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions\ # How to Use - File > New from new template (Ctrl + Alt + N). - Choose "Branding and Social Media..." or "Creative Marketplace..." *issue:

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Playing Cards

DerElamPlaying Cards


This Inkscape extension creates templates for playing cards. It lets you define: - the width and height of the cards, - an optional bleed for the cards, - an optional horizontal or vertical fold line, - a minimal distance between the cards, - a minimal distance between the cards and the fold line, - distance between cards and crop marks, - an optional page margin and a frame around all cards, and - an optional alignment grid. A short documentation can be found at GitHub:

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Tabgen 3D Papercraft Extension

Sue ZakarTabgen 3D Papercraft Extension

Sue Zakar

Tabgen Papercraft Extension for Inkscape 1.1 by Obzerving Use the tabgen extension to add tabs on pieces for assembling papercraft projects. Please read the important setup info below. After installing, it is available under Extensions->Papercraft->Tabgen Using it is very simple and straightforward. Select the path that you want to put tabs on. Run the extension. It will generate a new piece with tabs along the outside edge, and/or any enclosed path (i.e. along the inside of cutouts.) The tabs have scorelines. The path MUST contain only straight segments, as tabs cannot be generated on curves. Every segment will create a tab, so eliminate stray nodes. New version allows for selective tab placement. Options/Parameters The angle of the tab is the angle used at the edges of the tab. The height of the tab is how far away from the path the tab extends. The length of the dashline is how large any one cuts making up the score line is. Making this number too large may result in missing score marks. If zero is used, the score line will be solid, and will not be part of the path, but will be a separate path grouped with it. The choice for tab placement are outside, inside and both. This affects whether tabs are placed along the outer path, inner paths (holes), or both. Dimension units are the units in which you specify your setting for height and length. Keep this consistent with your document parameters.

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WebP Import

Mario VoigtWebP Import

Mario Voigt

Import *.webp image files using ImageMagick conversion. Routine is webp → png → svg → write into Inkscape canvas. You might need to install ImageMagick. The command "magick" or "convert" needs to be in path variable. See

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Slic3r STL Input

Mario VoigtSlic3r STL Input

Mario Voigt

STL Sliced Import (by Slic3r). Supports OBJ/OFF/PLY/STL as input file formats. How it works: - projects an STL file on the X-Y plane by cutting the objects into "slices" - each "slice" is a group of polygons, with a label indicating its z position - the polygons are converted to paths for better editing in inkscape - use Object → Rows & Columns →  distribute the slices in a grid Warning: Requires Slicer 1.3.1-dev (the really latest build possible) docs: based on stl input extension of Jürgen Weigert. Thanks for your hard work.

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Draw Ratchet

kie27Draw Ratchet


Ratchet maker. - creates a ratchet with variable number of teeth - variable inner and outer diameters and an inner hole if required notes: extension requires perl tested and working on linux should work on other platforms but not tested version 0.1

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Csv Fun

inklineaCsv Fun


csv fun Appears in Extensions>Text Inkscape Extension - ** Requires Inkscape 1.1+ ** Nothing exciting, just very basic csv importing Would recommend quoting all values in the export options of Excel or Libreoffice Calc.

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Stop exporting dozens of PNGs for your Android app -- this extension adds a new save as type for Android vector drawable resources. Once installed, select save as or save a copy, and you should see a type called Android VectorDrawable (*.xml) in the dropdown list. Check the README file (or see the external link) for usage and limitations. 2017-02-14: updated to remove scientific notation for older versions of Android.

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Polygon Side

inklineaPolygon Side


Creates a polygon with a given side length. Should work for user units (mm, in) or pixels. Also creates arc circles with n-nodes Circles with less than 4 nodes will be corrected ! Appears under 'Extensions > Render > Polygon Side' 31.07.22 - Update to correct polygon orientation

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DXF/DWG Importer

Mario VoigtDXF/DWG Importer

Mario Voigt

Import any DWG or DXF file using ODA File Converter, sk1 UniConverter, kabeja, ezdxf and more tools. Made for Linux and Windows Please carefully read the comments in GUI and docs ->

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Mario VoigtPaperfold

Mario Voigt

Paperfold is another flattener for triangle mesh files, heavily based on by Felix Scholz aka felixfeliz. Possible input files are STL, Wavefront OBJ, PLY and OFF. To run this you need to install OpenMesh with python pip. The algorithm of paperfoldmodels consists of three steps: - Find a minimum spanning tree of the dual graph of the mesh. - Unfold the dual graph. - Remove self-intersections by adding additional cuts along edges. Reference: The code is mostly based on the algorithm presented in a by Straub and Prautzsch (

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NextGenerator (Replace & Export)

Maren HachmannNextGenerator (Replace & Export)

Maren Hachmann

Automatically replace values (text, attribute values) in an SVG file and export to various file formats. This extension is useful e.g. for generating images for name badges and other similar items, or for rotating object colors in a semi-automated way. Data must be given as a CSV (comma separated values) file. The extension is compatible with Inkscape starting from version 1.2 and requires Python 3. Visit for downloading the latest version, finding a set of examples, and some additional usage hints and to report bugs.

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GuillocheExtensions for V1.x

DrWigglyGuillocheExtensions for V1.x


The Guilloche extensions for use with Inkscape v1.x. Includes several tests to try out the extensions on your computer.

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Indexed Colour

inklineaIndexed Colour


Indexed Colour - a simple Euclidean colour distance setter Colours can be taken from ▶ Web safe SVG 1.1 palette ▶ .gpl - Gimp palette files ▶ First selected gradient ▶ All gradients contained in document ▶ Colours which appear in bitmap image (via PIL) ▶ Can create square sample swatches for the palette ▶ Euclidean colour distance can be weighted ▶ A bit slow for svgs with large object counts ▶ Does not recolour gradients ▶ Inkscape 1.1+

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Simple Frame

inklineaSimple Frame


Simple Frame - Create frames around selected objects - Inkscape 1.1+ Appears Under Extensions>Render>Simple Frame ▶ User choice of margin units ▶ Style can be copied from last selected object ▶ Inkscape 1.1+

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Mario VoigtDxf2papercraft

Mario Voigt

Unfold and import DXF into InkScape using dxf2papercraft. This is some kind of wrapper extension utilizing kabeja to convert the dxf output from dxf2papercraft into SVG. To make it work you need to install at least java. Works on Windows and Linux. dxf2papercraft itself is a tool to make flattened 2D output from a 3D DXF file. Note that kabeja and dxf2papercraft are really old tools. There might be a lot better solutions out there but this is a good starting point and it basically works :) You might have a look at and too.

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Clip Out

inklineaClip Out


Clip Out Inkscape Extension to clip a background image by object outlines then export to multiple png. Supports: Exporting individual clipped objects ( normal and inverse ) Export master of all clipped objects ( normal and inverse ) Cropping to resulting image size, or exporting to background image size. Appears under Extensions>Export Requires Inkscape 1.1+ --> The image to be clipped must be the last selected. An easy way to do this, is select all then shift & left click the image twice to make it the last selected. It does require that you have saved our svg file at least once before using ( will not work on an unsaved svg ) ----- 10.03.22 - bug fix ----

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Selection Plus

inklineaSelection Plus


A dbus based inkscape selection passback extension ** Appears Under - Extensions>Arrange>Selection Plus ** Gives a few extra selection options: - Xpath selection - Path lengths / node count / path area - Bounding box ( width / height / diagonal / area / width-height ratio / height-width ratio ) - Some selection order sorting for the above - Colour selection - ( limit / range / distance ) ---------------------- 25.03.23 - Correction for typo in combined paths detection 07.04.23 - Now updated to include a simple visual lasso tool (similar to that in photoshop or gimp). Appears under Extensions>Arrange>Ink Lasso ----------------------------------- 130524 - Should be fixed for Inkscape 1.3 now :)

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Simple Registration

inklineaSimple Registration


Inkscape Extension, simple registration marks across objects. Possibly useful for bitmap scans or printing Inkscape 1.1+ Appears Under 'Extensions>Render>Simple Registration' 08.10.21 - Added correction for existing layer transforms. 09.10.21 - Text label toggle off

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Objects To New Layer

inklineaObjects To New Layer


Objects To New Layer - An Inkscape Extension Inkscape 1.1 + ▶ Creates a new layer and copies or transfers the selected objects to that layer ▶ Appears in 'Extensions>Arrange' ▶ A shortcut can be used to org.inkscape.inklinea.objects_to_new_layer.noprefs ----------------------------- 10.02.22 ----------------------------- Some updates and corrections for preexisting layer transforms. ----------------------------- 06.10.22 ----------------------------- Added z-order pasting sequence support. This allows the objects currently selected to be pasted according to a sequence you choose. For example if you have 3 objects selected: Typing 1,1,1,2,2,3 would paste 3*object 1, 2*object 2 and 1*object 3 in that z-order.

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Reginald WatersParabola

Reginald Waters

Parabola is an Inkscape extension that renders a series of lines in selected shapes to form an optical illusion of a curved line (Parabolic lines) Shapes available are: * Square * Cross * Triangle Output is an object made of a series of editable paths. See the github for documentation and example output: This extension was tested on: MacOS Big Sur running Inkscape version 1.0 Ubuntu Linux running Inkscape version 1.0.1 Windows 10 running Inkscape version 1.0.2 *Updated 2/28/2021* ============================================== Version 1.1.0 changes the border behavior. The border will now only be drawn along the edges of the corners selected to be rendered. Previously it would draw the entire shape border when the border option was selected. ==============================================

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Papercraft Unfold

Mario VoigtPapercraft Unfold

Mario Voigt

This tool converts a STL/OFF/PLY/OBJ into binary STL Format. The STL then gets unfolded (flattened) to make a papercraft model. It utilizes and Documentation:

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Remove Empty Groups

Mario VoigtRemove Empty Groups

Mario Voigt

This extension is totally minimal. It will just clean the whole document from groups without content (dangling groups). That usually happens if you have a group but remove it's paths for example. The group will possibly stay in the XML tree. This also applies for layers because layers are just special types of groups.

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Move Path Node

Mario VoigtMove Path Node

Mario Voigt

Extension to change starting node of a path and visualize it by dots and numbers Notes: Use "Path → Reverse" to change path direction Use extension "Chain Paths" to make closed paths out of segments. Docs:

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Triangle Pattern Mapping

Clara_KangTriangle Pattern Mapping


The extension maps a pattern from a boundary triangle to others using affine mapping

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ImageJ Macro Panel and other Figure extensions

JeromeImageJ Macro Panel and other Figure extensions


A set of Inkscape extensions which uses third party software like ImageJ, R, PyMOL and Processing to generate figure panel images from source code taken from the current rectangle or image object. Installation: Unzip to 'User Extensions' folder. History: 2023-07-28: thanks to Tim-Oliver Buchholz, directly specify panel DPIs for R and Matplotlib 2023-06-16: add matplotlib panels; fix coordinates for panel and lane labels; assessed 1.3beta compatibility. 2022-04-08: upload version compatible with both 1.1 and 1.2beta 2021-07-12: fix file separators on windows for R, PyMOL, Processing; work around call returntype for inkscape 1.2 2021-05-24: fix file separators on windows

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vpypetools - vpype for Inkscape

Mario Voigtvpypetools - vpype for Inkscape

Mario Voigt

vpype is a command processor working with SVG files. It can do a lot of productive steps to optimize files for different purposes like pen plotting, laser cutting or the generation of creative artwork. vpype is really powerful and helps to extend Inkscape feature capability. vpype contains a lot of functionality which is included natively within Inkscape. The extension "vpype for Inkscape" does not deal with all features but with a set of important commands like linemerge, linesort, linesimplify, occult, etc. We can use it to shorten tool path lengths, remove hiddenlines and so on. vpype converts all elements into simple SVG elements like svg:line, svg:polyline and svg:polygon. They can be displayed properly in Inkscape, but they have no knot handles to edit (see We need to convert those elements to svg:path using key combination CTRL + SHIFT + C ("object to path"; do not use "stroke to path" because it will duplicate your outline with inset and outset contours). Our extension allows to do this conversion automatically. Documentation:

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Offset Paths

Mario VoigtOffset Paths

Mario Voigt

Create offset for open or closed paths. Python library "pyclipper" needs to be installed. Use "Flatten Bezier" extension in advance of this plugin. Docs:

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Place randomly

Philipp DoePlace randomly

Philipp Doe

Randomly place an object once or several times along a path. --- Curated by Maren Hachmann on May 20 2018 9:29 PM Added tags

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Book Art

KaalleenBook Art


Create cut and fold book art patterns How To Use The Extension ======================== First import or create your design and scale it to the correct size. Open Extensions > Generate from Path > Book Art ... Set parameters as necessary, here the important ones: * number of pages (start page, end page) * book height * line distance for your convenience * font size * units Click on apply How to cut and fold your book ============================= Print the pattern and prepare your tools: * book and the printed pattern * pencil * ruler or triangle ruler * scissors Now draw two vertical lines on every page of the book: * cut line: to where you cut * fold line: to where you fold Use the pattern to mark the cut points. Cut horizontally from the mark to the cut line. Then fold. You can either fold the pattern to the inside or to the outside to achieve a different effect. Follow the link to see an illustration on how this is done.

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Christian HoffmannPathpoints2dots

Christian Hoffmann

Markiere zwei Objekte. Das zuletzt markierte Objekt wird auf die Punkte des Pfades des ersten Objekts kopiert. Select two objects. The last one represents the symbol for the dot. The symbol will be copied on the path points.

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Ungrouper And Element Migrator/Filter

Mario VoigtUngrouper And Element Migrator/Filter

Mario Voigt

This extension parses the selection and will put all elements into one single group. If you have a cluster with lots of groups and elements you will clean up this way (one top level group, all elements below it). If you select a single element or a set of elements you just wrap it like using CTRL + G (like making a usual group). You can also use this extension to filter out unwanted SVG elements at all. This tool is also able to drop elements with certain SVG tags to perform some kind of cleanup in the selection. You can drop elements like circle,ellipse,image,line,path,polyline,rect,text,tspan and some more. Notes: - includes "Remove Empty Groups" extension - includes "Apply Transformations" extension

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Icon Export

inklineaIcon Export


Icon Export Some Simple Icon Exporting Appears under Extensions>Export>Icon Export ▶ Batch exporting of .ico and .png ▶ Choice of padding / stretching or not ▶ Inkscape 1.2+

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Quick Export

inklineaQuick Export


Quick Export - Quickly export Inkscape svg, plain svg, png, pdf and html5 canvas Inkscape 1.1+ This is not a replacement for saving or Inkscape autosave :) Appears at Extensions>Export ------------------------------------------------------ After setting the options in the main dialogue Assign a shortcut in Inkscape Edit>Preferences>Interface>Keyboard to: org.inkscape.inklinea.quick_export.noprefs For shortcut triggered quick export --- Not 100% sure where the PDF and HTML5 settings are pulled from, presume from last used save settings. ------------------------------------------------------ 21.01.23 - Added `text-to-path` options. Allows for all text objects to be exported as paths.

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Create Links (Breakaway Connectors)

Mario VoigtCreate Links (Breakaway Connectors)

Mario Voigt

To create tabs in Inkscape, we cannot properly use the integrated eraser tool. It will clip only in a cosmetic fashion but we do not get the real paths we need. Creating links (also known as microtabs, tabs, bridges, breakaway connectors, links, perforations) is sometimes required for laser cutting or vinyl cutting. This extension allows to pinch paths to create according segments - no cosmetic one's, but real segments. It will split up open or closed contours with user defined rules. To get best output please try to close open paths before using. Docs:

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Inkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Page Watermark ( Inkscape 1.2+)

inklineaPage Watermark ( Inkscape 1.2+)


Page Watermark - Some simple Page Watermarking An Inkscape 1.2+ extension Appears under Extensions>Pages>Page Watermark ▶ Page Watermark - Some simple Page Watermarking> ▶ Watermarks can be clones or duplicates ▶ Might break with tricky transforms :)

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Spacey - An Inkscape Extension Inkscape 1.1+ ** Appears In Extensions Menu Under 'Arrange' ** Just drop the spacey folder into the Inkscape extensions folder. ( It is not necessary to put individual files in the extension folder root) ▶ Gradients across objects ▶ nth Child Colour ▶ csv Colour list import ( uses only the first column which can be css colour name or #hex value, or rgb(1,2,3) value ) (some samples are included) ▶ csv Horiztontal distribution of object ▶ Labelling of objects ( Numbers, Letters, Custom List) ▶ Can crash to the desktop during live preview sometimes - please be aware ▶ Works on simple objects - rectangle, circle, ellipse, path etc ▶ Does not work on clones, or groups. ▶ For repeated csv distribution, transforms must be applied see:

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Bingo Card Creator

KaalleenBingo Card Creator


Creates bingo cards with various parameters. Can be used with custom templates.

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Extension for drawing Origami diagrams. Helps drawing all Huzita-Hatori-Justin Axioms (1-7), find the Rabbit-Ear complementary crease and does angles and segments N-Sections. Fully internationalized : currently, English (native) and a French translation are available. Need Inkscape0.92 or later. Comes with easy install scripts for Linux (tested on Ubuntu and Mint, Fedora & Suse), Windows (tested on Windows 10 Family) and MacOS (tested on High Sierra with MacPorts Inkscape). Enjoy! New version released on 02/01/2020, version 0.70

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An Inkscape extension: Latex/Tex editor for Inkscape, inspired by textext. This extension uses Inkscape build-in extension system, does not require TK or PyGtk as textext. Live preview feature is supported. You can obtain original TeX source from View Original TeX tab. Check for more detail. Latest version is in

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Bitmap to Gradient

inklineaBitmap to Gradient


Bitmap to Gradient - An Inkscape Extension Inkscape 1.1 + ▶ Creates a simple Linear or Radial Gradient from a bitmap file or existing embedded image ▶ Option to export gradient rgb colour list to .csv ▶ Appears in 'Extensions>Images ▶ Would recommend using this on a blank document and copy / pasting the resulting objects to the document you are working on. --- 07.03.22 --- Bug fix.

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Imaseq Helper

CrobenImaseq Helper


WHAT IS IMASEQ HELPER? Imaseq Helper is a free and open-source extension for Inkscape 1.0, released under the GPL version 3 license. This extension allows you to export PNG images by visibility or layers. You can also choose to make the extension duplicate a layer base on a setting, which is a common task when making a frame by frame animation. FEATURES • Export PNG image(s) to a fixed directory. • Export images using the layer name as a file name. • Batch export of rectangles or layers with incremented naming option. • Duplicate layers with incremented name and opacity of your choice. VIDEO HOW IT WORKS? To make the extension work, you will have to create a layer that has a “rectangle object” in it. And it has to be a rectangle object, not a circle or rectangle path. This rectangle object will serve as a selection export area. Everything visible within the bounds of the rectangle will be exported as a PNG image. INSTALLATION 1. You must have Inkscape 1.0 installed. 2. Close Inkscape if it is open. 3. Copy or move the imaseq_helper.inx and into Inkscape extension folder. • On Mac and Linux it is in ~/.config/inkscape/extensions. • On Windows it is in C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\inkscape\extensions. 4. Launch Inkscape. If you install it correctly, you should see “Imaseq Helper” on “Export” sub-menu under the “Extensions” menu. HOW TO USE? 1. Select an “Export Mode” • None – The extension will not export anything. • Visible – Everything visible within the rectangle object gets exported as a single PNG image. • All Layers – Every layer except for the bounds and sub-layers will get exported individually. 2. Set a “Bounds Layer” • Create a new layer, name it, then type the name on the input field. • Add a “rectangle object” and make sure it’s big enough and position it to capture the target view. 3. Give it a “File Name” • You can choose to input a file name or leave it blank to use the layer name. 4. Choose a “Directory” • Set a folder where exported images will be saved. 5. To “Overwrite” or not • If not checked existing file will not be overwritten unless the “Export Mode” is “All Layers” 6. Set image “DPI” • To determine the desired DPI select the “rectangle object,” open export window (Shift+Ctrl+E), go to the "Selection" tab, in the "Image size" section, you can see the DPI. • If you want to export using the dimensions of the rectangle object, you can set the DPI to a number lower than one like zero. 7. To “Duplicate Layer” or not • On the “Layer Settings” tab, you can set to duplicate the selected layer if the “Export Mode” is “Visible” or “None” 8. Set “Layer Opacity” • This slider will determine the opacity of the duplicated layer. FRIENDLY TIPS 1. Using “Multiple” Rectangle Objects • Will not guarantee correct file name order, because the rectangles may get exported randomly. In this case, consider moving the target images to its own layer and use “All Layers” as the export mode. 2. Setting Export Mode To “All Layers” • This mode produces temporary files equal to or more than the number of layers to be exported. Therefore, you are advised to clean these temporary at your convenience. • Setting a file name will not guarantee correct naming order, because layers may get exported randomly. So it is best to leave the file name blank and use the layer name instead. 3. Fixed Background For All Exports • If you have a background on a separate layer and want it to be visible on every export. You can make the background layer a child of the bounds layer. Just make sure you set the alpha or opacity of the rectangle object to zero. 4. Child Layers Are Not Exported Individually • If you have a group of layers, only the parent layer is exported. But if the child layers are visible, then they too will be captured on the exported image. 5. Export Using The Dimensions Of The Rectangle Object • If you set the DPI to zero, the dimension of the rectangle object will be used as the dimension of the image. But keep in mind that if the dimension in “pixels” is not a “whole number,” it will be rounded to the nearest one. Example 24.1 pixels will be 24 pixels, 99.5 pixels will be 100 pixels, etc. GITHUB PAGE

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Convert To Polylines

Mario VoigtConvert To Polylines

Mario Voigt

This extension takes the points of a path and make a straight polyline out of it. Nothing less, nothing more. You can do the same with default InkScape UI but it might be quicker to use in some use cases. This extension handles duplicate points on a path by removing them.

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Ink dbus

inklineaInk dbus


Ink Dbus ------------------------------------ 21.01.23 update to automatically detect the python path on windows so should work if you have installed Inkscape to non default folder. ------------------------------------ A test of the new dbus features of Inkscape 1.2.1+ This allows an Inkscape session to be controlled from a separate gui. It supports running basic macros. There are 3 branches of dbus actions: Application / Window / Document Choose an action - add a parameter if required, click run to activate the action. Double click the action to add to the macro list. The items in the macro list can be toggled on / off or deleted. The macro list supports drag reordering of items. You can set a number of repeats - for example you could simplify 72 times if you wanted to. For Ubuntu 20+ everything should work. For Windows 10+ The 'Window' branch of dbus does not work. I have raised an issue on Inkscape gitlab for this. Please note: It does help if you have some knowledge of how the command line works. Most of the Application dbus actions mirror the command line and its parameters. Some of the commands act as 'flags' which are set, for example if you set export-area-page to True, then it has to be set to False again before you can use export-area-drawing set to True. As a quirk export-area which takes dimensions, once used you cannot go back to export-area-page etc. for that session. This is a new feature of Inkscape - so be prepared for exciting things to happen unexpectedly.

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Sheet Metal Cone

quirxiSheet Metal Cone


This extensions draws the 2D shape which is required to form a 3D cone (or truncated cone) after it's cut out (of whatever material). It can be used to generate a sheet cutting layout for a (truncated) cone. The extension unfolds a frustum (=truncated cone) or a cone (if cut diameter=0) and generates a sheet cutting layout or flat pattern projection that can be rolled or bend up into a (truncated) cone shape. ## References * * ## Installation Copy the two files 'sheet_metal_conus.inx' and '' into the located in the "src/" folder of the downloadable zip file into inkscape's extensions folder: The exact folder is indicated in: - Edit -> Preferences -> System: User extensions Generally it can be found: -> Linux: ~/.config/inkscape/extensions/ /usr/share/inkscape/extensions/ -> Windows: type the following into the address line on a File Browser window: %appdata%/inkscape/extensions -> Mac OS X: /Applications/ The menu entry for this this extension can be found under: "Extensions->Folded Forms->Sheet Metal Conus..." ## Authors: * quirxi ( * Neon22 (

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Inkscape extension to export SVG layers independently to PDFs

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Inkscape 1.2.1 Windows 64bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2.1 Windows 64bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin

2022-07-15, Commit 9c6d41e4 Package updated on July 19: Extension manager and Clipart Importer work again.

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Inkscape 1.2.1 Windows 64bit 7z

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2.1 Windows 64bit 7z

Marc Jeanmougin

2022-07-15, Commit 9c6d41e4 Package updated on July 19: Extension manager and Clipart Importer work again.

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Inkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit 7z archive (ucrt)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit 7z archive (ucrt)

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 07 16 003919af9c X64 Uses a newer ("ucrt") windows runtime that might be compatible with python pip wheels

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Inkscape 1.2.2 2022 12 07 05ea6169e2 X64

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2.2 2022 12 07 05ea6169e2 X64

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.2.2 2022 12 07 05ea6169e2 X64

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2.2 2022 12 07 05ea6169e2 X64

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.2.2 2022 12 07 05ea6169e2 X64

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2.2 2022 12 07 05ea6169e2 X64

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 07 16 003919af9c X64

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Inkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 07 16 003919af9c X64

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Inkscape 1.3 RC Windows 32bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 RC Windows 32bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 07 16 003919af9c X86

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Inkscape 1.3 RC Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 RC Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 07 16 003919af9c X86

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Inkscape 1.3 RC Windows 32bit 7z

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 RC Windows 32bit 7z

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 07 16 003919af9c X86

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Inkscape 1.3 Windows 64bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 Windows 64bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3 Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3 Windows 64bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 Windows 64bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin

signed with inkscape.cer :

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Inkscape 1.3 Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3 Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3 Windows 32bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 Windows 32bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin

signed with inkscape.cer :

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Inkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 07 16 003919af9c X64

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Cut encoding for Shaper Origin

hosliCut encoding for Shaper Origin


The extension sets the line colors and fill colors based on Shaper Origin defaults. the manual cutting depth can also be set. In addition, the extension allows a check for closed paths. Die erweiterung setzt die Linienfarben und Füllfarben anhand der vorgabe von Shaper Origin. es kann auch die manuelle schnitt tiefe eingestellt werden. zusätzlich erlaubt die erweiterung einen check auf geschlossene Pfade.

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Prover iLock attributes

hugo_at_proverProver iLock attributes


This extension opens up a dialog that allows the user to set some Prover iLock specific attributes. The attributes decide how Prover iLock will display the svg file, in particular they are used to associate layers to "visualization features" that are used to dynamically change the drawn symbol based on the current state in the tool.

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Inkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 64bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 64bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 64bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 64bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 11 03 5ab75fa947

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Inkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 11 03 5ab75fa947

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Inkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1rc Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 11 03 5ab75fa947

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Inkscape 1.3.1 Windows 32bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1 Windows 32bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.1 Windows 64bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1 Windows 64bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.1 Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1 Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.1 Windows 64bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1 Windows 64bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.1 Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1 Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.1 Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.1 Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.2 Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.2 Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.2 Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.2 Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.2 Windows 32bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.2 Windows 32bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.2 Windows 64bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.2 Windows 64bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.2 Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.2 Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3.2 Windows 64bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3.2 Windows 64bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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This is a small extension which generates an empty table within Inkscape.

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This script optimizes a drawing for laser cutting: - Removes overlapping lines; - Saves the modified file with a new name; - Applies modifications to the entire document or to the selection; - Optimizes the cutting order.

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Inkscape 1.4 beta2 Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta2 Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta2 Windows 64bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta2 Windows 64bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta2 Windows 32bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta2 Windows 32bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta2 Windows 64bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta2 Windows 64bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta2 Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta2 Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta2 64bit Windows 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta2 64bit Windows 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta Windows 32bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta Windows 64bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta Windows 64bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta Windows 64bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta Windows 64bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta Windows 64bit 7z archive

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta Windows 32bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta Windows 32bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.4 beta Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.4 beta Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit exe (ucrt)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit exe (ucrt)

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 07 16 003919af9c X64 Uses a newer ("ucrt") windows runtime that might be compatible with python pip wheels

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A program which adds a series of circles along a path. This is intended to look like a polymer.

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Inkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 64bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 64bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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'Mathink' Formula Editor

pluvet'Mathink' Formula Editor


Inkscape math symbols / formula editor with latex/tex syntax. Latex Env not required. Usage Download from Release. Unzip files to extensions folder for Inkscape, for me it is C:\Program Files\Inkscape\share\extensions. After doing so, will be in the same directory level of other inx files. Relaunch Inkscape. On Inkscape started, click menu item Extra->Mathink... For the first time to click Apply, the main window of Mathink will appear. Now type some formula expressions in the first textbox, and click Apply again, you will see the formula is appened to current layer of Inkscape. Click on it, drag it with Alt pressed, move it to anywhere you like. Release Goto:

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Inkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 64bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 64bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 64bit 7z

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 64bit 7z

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.0.2 2021 01 15 E86c870879 X64

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.0.2 2021 01 15 E86c870879 X64

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.0.2 2021 01 15 E86c870879 X86

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.0.2 2021 01 15 E86c870879 X86

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.0.2 X64 7z

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.0.2 X64 7z

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape 1.0.2 X86 7z

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.0.2 X86 7z

Marc Jeanmougin


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Inkscape Portable 1.0.2 Rev 2

Gord CaswellInkscape Portable 1.0.2 Rev 2

Gord Caswell


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-beta1-x64.msi

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-beta1-x86.msi

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-beta1-x64.exe

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-beta1-x86.exe

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-beta1-x64.7z

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-beta1-x86.7z

Patrick Storz


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Inkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit msi (ucrt)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 RC Windows 64bit msi (ucrt)

Marc Jeanmougin

2023 07 16 003919af9c X64 Uses a newer ("ucrt") windows runtime that might be compatible with python pip wheels

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Animate Order

Mario VoigtAnimate Order

Mario Voigt

Create animated SVG preview file and show it in browser. Helps to quickly evaluate line order for cutting processes. Details: Please also check out Maren's extension:

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Cleanup Styles

Mario VoigtCleanup Styles

Mario Voigt

This plugin is a bit similar to Blueprint Maker but has a more special use case and a lot of options! It is useful for adjusting the stroke width and opacity of large groups. Usually for good laser cutting the line width has to match a maximum width to be recognized as a hairline. Additionally often opacity issues cause that lines are missed by laser cutter. Docs:

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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x86.exe

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x64.exe

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x86.7z

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x64.7z

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-rc-x64.msi

Patrick Storz


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Horizontal Lines Effect (hlines)

Sue ZakarHorizontal Lines Effect (hlines)

Sue Zakar

Inkscape extension for "unwinding" paths For each selected path element consisting of straight segments, this extension creates an additional path element consisting of horizontal line segments which are the same size as the original line segments. Installing: Copy hlines.inx and into your Inkscape user extensions directory. Where is that? Open Inkscape and go to the System section of the Preferences menu (Edit --> Preferences --> System). You will find a User extensions item containing the path to your user extensions directory. NOTE: As of this time, this extension works under Inkscape 1.0, but not the 1.1 release candidate. However, it will work on 1.1 (and above) by commenting out line 45 of and uncommenting line 46. Update: 06/24/2021 new version handles transforms better

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Unwind Paths

Mario VoigtUnwind Paths

Mario Voigt

An extension to wrap off paths to receive horizontal lines or extruded bands. Can be used for paper crafting, analysis and other works. You can also just use it to colorize path segments. Docs: Note: Unwind Paths is similar to, but it is more andvanced as it supports bezier curves and allows to create extruded bands, style config, etc.

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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x64.7z

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x64.msi

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x86.msi

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x86.exe

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x86.7z

Patrick Storz


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Patrick Storzinkscape-1.1-x64.exe

Patrick Storz


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Inkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 32bit 7z

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 32bit 7z

Marc Jeanmougin


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Split And Break Bezier At T

Mario VoigtSplit And Break Bezier At T

Mario Voigt

Splits a path at value t=0..1 (t=0.5 means 50%) Applies independently for each sub path in selection. Docs:

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Inkscape 1.1.1 2021 09 20 3bf5ae0d25 X64

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.1 2021 09 20 3bf5ae0d25 X64

Marc Jeanmougin


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Grey To Mono Alpha

inklineaGrey To Mono Alpha


Grey To MonoAlpha - An Inkscape Extension Inkscape 1.1 + ▶ Appears under Extensions>Colour ▶ Converts a Greyscale Image to Monochrome with variable Opacity. ▶ Threshold setting to avoid solid colour ▶ Can be applied to stroke / fill or both

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Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 64bit 7z

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 64bit 7z

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 64bit 7z (2022-02-05, 0bd5040e63)

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Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 32bit 7z

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 32bit 7z

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 32bit 7z (2022-02-05, 0bd5040e63)

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Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit 7z (broken pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit 7z (broken pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit 7z (broken pdf export, 2022-02-04, 0a00cf5339)

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Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit 7z (broken pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit 7z (broken pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit 7z (2022-02-04, 0a00cf5339, pdf export broken)

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Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit msi (broken pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit msi (broken pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 64bit Windows msi file (broken pdf export, 0a00cf5339)

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Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit msi (fixed pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit msi (fixed pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit msi (fixed pdf)

Comment here...
Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit exe (fixed pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit exe (fixed pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape Windows 1.1.2 32bit exe (fixed pdf)

Comment here...
Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 7z 32bit (fixed pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 7z 32bit (fixed pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 7z 32bit (fixed pdf)

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Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit msi (fixed pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit msi (fixed pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit msi (fixed pdf)

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Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit exe (fixed pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit exe (fixed pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit exe (fixed pdf)

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Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit 7z (fixed pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit 7z (fixed pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit 7z (fixed pdf)

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Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit exe (broken pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit exe (broken pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit exe (broken pdf export, 2022-02-04, 0a00cf5339)

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Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit msi (broken pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit msi (broken pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 32bit msi (2022-02-04, 0a00cf5339, pdf export broken)

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Inkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit exe (broken pdf)

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.1.2 Windows 64bit exe (broken pdf)

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.1.2 64bit Windows exe file (0a00cf5339, broken pdf export)

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Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 32bit exe (2022-02-05, 0bd5040e63)

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Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 32bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 32bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 Windows 32bit msi (2022-02-05, 0bd5040e63)

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Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 64bit Windows exe file

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2 alpha0 64bit Windows exe file

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 64bit Windows exe file (0bd5040e63)

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Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 64bit Windows msi file

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2 alpha0 64bit Windows msi file

Marc Jeanmougin

Inkscape 1.2 alpha0 64bit Windows msi file (0bd5040e63)

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Inkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 32bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.3 beta0 Windows 32bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin


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Random Number text replace

louieaRandom Number text replace


This extension will change numbers in text to random numbers in a range specified by the user. It is intended to be used to generate arithmetic worksheets, and serves as a tutorial for using the inkex api.

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Inkscape 1.2.1 Windows 32bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2.1 Windows 32bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin

2022-07-15, Commit 9c6d41e4 Package updated on July 19: Extension manager and Clipart Importer work again.

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Inkscape 1.2.1 Windows 32bit 7z

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2.1 Windows 32bit 7z

Marc Jeanmougin

2022-07-15, Commit 9c6d41e4 Package updated on July 19: Extension manager and Clipart Importer work again.

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Inkscape 1.2.1 Windows 32bit exe

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2.1 Windows 32bit exe

Marc Jeanmougin

2022-07-15, Commit 9c6d41e4 Package updated on July 19: Extension manager and Clipart Importer work again.

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Inkscape 1.2.1 Windows 64bit msi

Marc JeanmouginInkscape 1.2.1 Windows 64bit msi

Marc Jeanmougin

2022-07-15, Commit 9c6d41e4 Package updated on July 19: Extension manager and Clipart Importer work again.

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